Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 124 The unbeatable Majin Buu! Danger! Gotenks is absorbed

Luya directly transformed into a Super Saiyan to fight, knowing that his normal state could not defeat him.

Of course, if you fail to completely eliminate the opponent, no matter how much impact you give, the opponent will recover instantly!

However, his operation shocked Piccolo and others, because they didn't know that Luya could transform into a Super Saiyan! This means that Luya is a Saiyan!

Goku and others who were far away in the Kaiojin Realm were also shocked. The sudden appearance of the Saiyan caught them off guard.

There are new Saiyans!


Luya looked up at Majin Buu and grinned. The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of Buu and punched him directly into the stomach!

Ouch! Buu was caught off guard and screamed, his eyes almost popping out!

So fast! Bick's face turned green with shock. He couldn't see the Luya's movements clearly!

Luya made a slight arc, then turned his fist into his palm and pushed Buu out with an energy bomb. In the process, the opponent's body was directly pierced by the energy bomb!

But soon Buu stabilized his body. He stopped, and his body recovered immediately. He looked at Luya with a gloomy expression. Two red lights suddenly condensed in his hands. In the next second, he directly launched a prince battle towards Luya. Law!

Luya dodges dexterously, and at the same time finds the right opportunity to fire cannonballs, instantly neutralizing the opponent's power!

Ha! Luya shouted, and instantly exerted his strength and rushed directly in front of Majin Buu. With a combination of punches and kicks, the opponent was unable to backhand!


A heavy punch took Buu away! It fell hard and a huge pit appeared!

call out!

Luya didn't intend to hold back, and directly fired a cannonball, and it exploded again!

Luya looked into the smoke, and he didn't think that this attack could kill the opponent.

There is no harm in smoke.

Sure enough, when the smoke dissipated, Majin Buu was standing in the giant pit without any injuries!

It's interesting! Luya smiled slightly.

Buu glanced at the lure, and then showed a slight arc. The next moment, the tentacles on his head appeared and released a bolt of lightning, hitting the lure directly!

Luya's eyes narrowed and his body quickly dodged.

The counter to this move is to be able to turn your opponent into chocolate!

However, Majin Buu did not stop and continued to release light towards the opponent.

While Luya dodges, he uses the prince's tactics towards multiple shots!

Under bursts of explosions, the opponent's attacks were offset.

Majin Buu's eyes narrowed, and he immediately took action.

At this time, his whole body was completely white, and the next second, he suddenly found that his body could not move!

And suddenly, Luya appeared in front of him, with the Turtle School Qigong already condensed in his hands.


With a low shout, Luya fired a Turtle Style Qigong directly at the opponent at close range!

Majin Buu screamed, and his body immediately melted!

With one blow, Luya jumped forward and jumped back.

At this time, Buu's appearance was extremely miserable. The opponent's body was squirming like wax baked by fire. Except for his face, which was still almost intact, nothing else was in good shape!

How tenacious! Luya whispered.

Such an enemy is indeed a bit troublesome and must be killed in one hit. With such power, a Super Saiyan is simply not enough!

Damn it!!! Ahhhhhh!! Buu suddenly roared, and then his body condensed at this time and returned to its true form.

However, his aura has regressed a bit.

Undoubtedly, Luya's attack still had an impact on him.

Buu looked at Luya, and he realized that he was no match for this human being. His eyes suddenly became dark, and he had to find a way to improve his power.

Thinking of this, his dark eyes suddenly turned, and he glanced at Gotenks vaguely.

However, his little move could not escape the lure's capture. He knew what the other party wanted to do, and it was just to devour Gotenks.

But he won't let the other party succeed!

However, what Luya didn't know was that a small piece of Buu's flesh had quietly approached Trunks and the others.

I advise you not to waste your efforts. No matter what, I will make you disappear from this world! Lu Ya said with a faint smile.

Buu glanced at Luya meaningfully, and then shouted angrily, a powerful aura burst out directly, and a terrifying light enveloped him. Obviously, he was planning to use his true skills!

Luya naturally didn't dare to be careless. This guy was quite evil. If he wasn't careful, he wouldn't even know when he would be in the opponent's belly for a day trip!


The two looked at each other, and then moved at the same time. When they collided, a powerful aura was emitted directly, with extraordinary power.

The two staged a high-speed collision, and the powerful force made Piccolo and others break into a cold sweat.

To be able to fight Majin Buu to such an extent just by transforming into a Super Saiyan, this guy is more powerful than Goku! Piccolo couldn't help but sigh.

Goku's transformation into the third level of Super Saiyan is probably nothing more than that, but this guy is too strong!


Luya directly punched Buu face to face, and for a moment, a powerful force emitted.

Buu laughed evilly, and then kicked out fiercely towards Lua!

Luya's expression remained unchanged, he directly grabbed the opponent's foot, swept it hard at the same time, and wanted to throw it out!

But Buu suddenly grabbed the lure, and at the same time his body was elongated due to the impact. After pausing in the air for a moment, he suddenly reflected back and hit the lure directly in the face.

Luya screamed and flew out directly.

It hurts! Luya bared his teeth and covered his face.

Hey! Buu looked at Luya with a playful smile.

Lu Ya felt a little angry in his heart. This guy has no martial ethics at all!

At this time, Buu suddenly took the initiative and rushed towards Luya.

However, Luya's eyes narrowed, and the next moment, time suddenly stopped! Everything stops!

Even Buu stopped. He was shocked. Even he couldn't break away from that force. How could it be possible?

Luya suddenly appeared in front of Buu and punched Buu hard in the stomach. He used all his strength to punch Buu!


An invisible force penetrated directly into Buu's body, and the latter's eyes widened in vain! A look of pain.

Returning to normal, Buu spat out a mouthful of foam, clutched his stomach and collapsed, grinning in pain.

The opponent's attack was not a simple energy bomb, but a real physical attack! Even someone as strong as Buu could hardly withstand that kind of pain!

Luya looked at him expressionlessly. With this punch, he highly imitated Hit's. Buu's ability to catch this punch and still move was enough to prove his power.


Luya stretched out his hand towards Buu and blasted the opponent directly with the powerful aura!

As long as I don't use energy bombs, I can beat you to death! Luya grinned.

The next second, he rushed directly in front of Buu, grabbed his tentacles, punched him directly, and beat him violently!

After beating him, he picked up the opponent and slammed it on the ground, making a big hole in the ground!

Buu stubbornly fired a sneak attack with an energy bomb, but Lua tilted his head and dodged it!

At the same time, he stretched out his palm toward Buu and bombarded him with an energy bomb!


When the smoke dissipated, Buu could not do anything, but there were scars on his body.

Luya controlled his energy to the extent that he could injure the opponent without destroying him!

If you can't kill him, then beat him to death!

Ahhhhh!! Buu couldn't bear the beating and roared suddenly, his huge aura emitted, and even Luya had to retreat!

Buu's body suddenly jumped into the air, raising his hands above his head with a ferocious look on his face. At the same time, an energy ball was condensed and expanded continuously!

Soon, the energy bomb was condensed directly, and Buu threw it down!

Luya's eyes narrowed, his energy suddenly exploded, and then he gathered energy!


After shouting violently, Luya directly used Turtle Style Qigong and crashed into the huge energy bomb!

Buu gritted his teeth and pushed forward to resist the opponent's counterattack!

His move is enough to wipe out everyone in the field!

Luya frowned, and then the energy in his body increased again, and he suddenly transformed into the second level Super Saiyan! Lightning is constantly growing all over his body, and his aura has been raised to a new level!


With a loud shout, Luya suddenly increased his strength, and a terrifying force burst out. The energy of Turtle School Qigong increased sharply! Directly suppressed Buu's attack!

Wow! A look of fear finally appeared in Buu's eyes, but it was too late. He was directly hit by the attack pushed back by Luya. With a huge sound, his figure was suddenly submerged!

So strong! It's not on the same level at all! Feeling this battle, Wukong's eyes suddenly became excited, but it was a pity that he couldn't go.

The thick smoke dissipated, revealing Buu's figure. After receiving such a terrifying attack, Buu's body was in pieces, but he was not dying, but his aura had weakened a lot.

Isn't he dead? Lu Ya lamented that the other party was lucky, just like Xiaoqiang.

On the other side, suddenly, Trunks became excited: Hey Goten! It seems the time has come, let's merge!

Okay! Wutian did not refuse.

After the two little ghosts performed a weird dance, they merged again!

Gotenks appears!

Piccolo's eyelids twitched: What else do you want to join in the fun?

Hey! Majin Buu, we must defeat him! Otherwise, how will we regain our position? Gotenks said proudly.

Piccolo: ...

Just when Gotenks was about to take action, suddenly, a sudden change occurred, and a group of pink objects rushed directly from behind Gotenks, silently.

No! When Piccolo reacted, the meat-like thing completely wrapped Gotenks' body!

Hey? What's going on? What the hell! Gotenks struggled for a while, but it had no effect at all!

After wrapping Gotenks, the mass of flesh was directly compressed, and then rushed towards Buu, directly integrating into Buu's body. The latter's body immediately recovered, and his aura suddenly began to surge!

Oops! Miscalculation! Luya's face darkened.

PS: Thanks to my readers and friends for paying a year to reward me for being certified as a master, and I will provide more updates for the master!

It’s quite a surprise that I can receive certification from a master in my lifetime, so I quickly worked overtime to code a chapter for the master! I asked why I haven’t had the motivation to code these days. Isn’t this the inspiration?

As long as there are rewards, we will be good friends. Isn’t adding more explosive content just like playing?

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