Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 122 Death of Shahru! rewrite history


Cell's anger has reached an astonishing level. It has to be said that at this stage, Super Saiyans have just begun to be put on the stage. Of course, this is just the beginning, and the enemies behind will only become more and more abnormal.

Luya raised his fingers towards Shalu, which was full of provocation.

Damn it! Shalu's face suddenly turned ugly, as if he had been provoked. He immediately rushed towards Luya!

Rushing in front of Luya, Shalu directly used all his strength to hit a set of shadowless punches, while Luya blocked and did not fight back!


After a critical punch, Sharu punched Luya back!

Hmph! What's wrong? Is that all your strength? I haven't exerted enough force yet! Sharu looked at Luya mockingly and said.

Luya glanced at his hand, then looked at Shalu: Didn't you eat?

What?! Shalu was startled, then gritted his teeth and looked at Luya.

impossible! He had clearly used his strength just now, so there was absolutely no way such a thing could exist!

Luya showed a disappointed expression: To be honest, your power makes me a little disappointed, but that's normal. After all, I am already stronger than you imagine!

That guy, are you kidding me? Klin said with shame.

Who knows? But there is a strange aura about this person. I can't sense the depth of the other person's aura at all! Piccolo said seriously.

That's awesome! Wukong would probably be very happy if he saw him! Tianjin Fan sighed.

Speaking of Wukong, everyone was a little disappointed. Originally, Wukong would not die.

Gohan was also silent. Without his promiscuous attitude, his father would not have died!

Thinking of this, he looked at Shalu with eyes full of murderous intent.

Impossible! You must be faking! I am the strongest complete body! How could I be defeated by you! Shalu roared, and then he suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly a circular light sheet condensed, and getting bigger.

Is this Frieza's trick? Luya saw this scene and grinned: Come on!

Go to hell!! Shalu roared, and then directly threw a move like Qi Yuan Slash at Luya.

The latter didn't want to dodge, and suddenly struck down with a knife from his hand!


Suddenly, the round chop was split in half by Luya! Broken directly!

!!! Saru and the others were shocked. They didn't expect that the other party could crush Saru's killing move so easily!

That guy faced Cell, just like Gohan faced Cell before. It was so easy! Who is he? Tianjin Fan couldn't help but said in shock.

No matter what, the earth can be saved. Klin breathed a sigh of relief.

Hey! Damn it!! Vegeta's face was extremely ugly at this time. Others didn't notice, but he noticed that this boy who suddenly appeared had a tail!


He directly confirmed that the other party was a Saiyan!

Damn it! Besides Kakarot, there are actually Saiyans who are more powerful than him! He doesn't accept it!

Hahaha! It seems that you do have two brushes, but my strength is not what it used to be, so I will definitely get rid of you! Shalu said with a ferocious expression.

Really? Then let's try it! Luya smiled slightly.

Turtle... Pie...

Suddenly, Cell suddenly took off into the air, and then he gathered his strongest strength and prepared to open up.

No! At that position, the full-power Turtle Style Qigong can destroy the earth! Piccolo's face turned green in shock.

Everyone was also preparing to take action.

Lu Ya raised his lips and said immediately: Do you want to directly use this turtle style Qigong, or do you want to use teleportation to deal with me?

What?! How do you know?! Shalu was shocked when he heard this, because he really thought of using the second method, so he used all his strength to condense the turtle qigong.

Luya shook his head and smiled: What you have is what I left behind, but I can reveal a secret to you before you die.

What? Shalu felt inexplicably uneasy.

Luya chuckled, then let out a low drink, exploding his energy. In an instant, golden light immediately enveloped him, turning him into a Super Saiyan!

How can it be?!


Seeing this scene, Shalu and everyone were shocked!

I didn’t expect Lua to be a Saiyan! You can also transform into a Super Saiyan!

And this kind of power!

A drop of cold sweat fell down Gohan's face. He was the strongest at the scene. Naturally, he really felt the power of Luya. Even if he surpassed the limit of Super Saiyan, he could not defeat the opponent!

How could... Shalu trembled all over, almost interrupting the concentration of Turtle School Qigong.

Luya moved his tail and said, How is it? Are you surprised?

Damn! Go to hell! Drink!!!

Shahlu didn't want Luya to be proud anymore, and he also felt the pressure from the opponent's aura, so this time, he didn't hesitate and directly chose to use the strongest turtle style Qigong!

No! Gohan suddenly burst out of anger and was about to stop him.

Lu Ya sneered: You can do whatever you want! Take advantage of my tricks!

Swish, swish, swish!


The position where Luya was standing cracked open, and the next moment he directly used Turtle Style Qigong! Suddenly, the two forces collided directly!

But it is obvious that Luya's power is better than Cell's power!

Impossible! I am the ultimate perfection! The strongest existence in the universe! How could I lose here!!! Shahru's face became ferocious, but he became increasingly powerless.

Your journey ends here, Shalu, sleep on the earth forever! Luya shouted, no longer holding back, and directly raised the Qigong wave to a higher level!


Cell could no longer resist, and was directly washed away by this blow. Even his powerful ultimate complete body gradually dissipated at this moment! Not even the toughest brains are immune!

Shalu's anger disappeared!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Luya took back his strength and then breathed a sigh of relief.

【drop! Congratulations to the host for defeating Cell! Mission completed 2/5. 】

Um, can I ask, who are you? Klin asked boldly at this time.

Huh? Luya looked at them and then smiled: I am a Saiyan.

Impossible! All Saiyans should have been eliminated by Frieza! Apart from the Saiyans on Earth, there will be no other Saiyans! Vegeta said coldly, obviously not believing it.

Luya looked at him: How do you know? Were you there when Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta?

... Vegeta choked, not knowing how to answer.

It has a tail and can transform into a Super Saiyan. It should be a Saiyan. It can't be an android like Cell, right? Yamcha muttered.

Then tell me, what is the name of the planet where the Saiyans were born? Vegeta still didn't believe it and asked tentatively.

Planet Sarada! Luya said calmly.

Vegeta was startled and then fell silent.

Everyone thinks that Planet Vegeta is the origin of the Saiyans, but there is a very complicated story. Planet Vegeta is just a planet they stole.

Very few people know this! The guy in front of me actually knew that it was not simple!

Luya spread his hands: Okay, I originally thought I could meet a strong opponent here, but I didn't expect something like this. Now that my goal has been achieved, I should go back!

What, for something like this... that's too casual! Klin said with some dissatisfaction.

Luya smiled, then looked at Gohan and said: Congratulations on reaching the second level of Super Saiyan. I hope you can continue to practice and don't bury this talent. Don't feel guilty about your father. He will be resurrected. Yes, don’t worry.”

Huh? Gohan was stunned, unable to turn around.

Super Saiyan Level 2, what do you mean? Is this what Gohan's new transformation looks like? Piccolo asked.

Luya smiled slightly, and then said: Okay, I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving first!

After saying that, Luya's body flashed and disappeared.

What a strange person! He seems to know our situation very well! Tianjin Fan said with a frown.

Could he be from the future like Trunks? Krillin suddenly thought.

Everyone was silent, this was not impossible.


On the other side, Luya appeared on a cliff. He was a little bored: System, can I go back?

Host, you haven't completed the mission yet. It is recommended to complete the mission first. Otherwise, the more times you use time travel, you will be noticed by the gods of other universes. So it is better to complete the mission at once and go back. System prompted.

If I had known this, you shouldn't have rewarded me with time travel. What's the use of this thing? Luya complained.

Sorry host, this system cannot control the reward, so you just got it through good luck! the system said calmly.

You're still lucky if you step on shit! Lu Ya curled his lips, and then had no choice but to use time and space to travel.

Of course, he can decide which time period he wants to travel to. The reason for this is that he just wants to see what the strongest villains have achieved!

I have to say that Luya has also started to wave.

When Luya disappeared in this time and space, a bloody light suddenly appeared in a dark space during this time period.

After a long time, a voice came out:

It's strange, how could someone travel through time and space? Is it the god who is following me? No, that plan has to avoid being tracked by those boring gods!


At the same time, Luya appeared in a desert.

Luya felt a strong energy as soon as he appeared, which shocked him a little.

This breath is Buu's breath!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing into Majin Buu Battlefield! Please host to start the task! 】

Hearing this, Luya understood, and immediately felt the opponent's energy, and disappeared directly using teleportation.

PS: Please remind me if there are typos. Sometimes I don’t often read paragraph reviews. Please remind me of chapter reviews. Thank you!

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