Dragon Ball Super: Exposed! I'm a super saiyan

Chapter 121 Kill Frieza instantly! vs saru

call out!

A burst of breaking sound came, and then, five figures appeared directly in front of Luya, but they did not attack Luya first, but fell to the ground one after another, assuming a weird posture!

What the hell? Luya frowned slightly, then reached out and fired an energy bomb directly!

What?! The leader Ginyu's face suddenly changed. He was a little confused. Shouldn't they communicate? Why do you take action when you disagree?

And more importantly, they haven’t introduced themselves yet!


Under the explosion, Team Ginyu screamed and turned into flying ashes!

Luya was speechless: System, isn't this a bit simple?

System: This is a task triggered by the host using time travel. The difficulty is random.

Luya sighed. If he hadn't completed the mission, he wouldn't have wanted to come and travel through time. If Weiss and the others discovered this, it might cause a series of troubles.

Thinking of this, Luya's eyes suddenly lit up. He was wondering if he could explode the entire Namek planet together. Anyway, it would explode in the end!

However, this idea was quickly suppressed. Vegeta and the others were still here. If they were killed together, then there would be nothing to play with!

Thinking of this, Luya pointed to his eyebrows, and then he quickly felt Frieza's aura and disappeared in an instant!

At the same time, in a tribe, Frieza was a little bored. The Dragon Ball was stolen and there was no news from his men. This made him very impatient.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in the field, it was Luya.

Oh? Who are you? Frieza looked at Lua, a little surprised.

Luya smiled slightly: Frieza, we meet again!

What? Have you seen me? Frieza asked curiously. He had never seen the other party before, but he was only surprised by the other party's sudden appearance because he was very confident in his own power!

Who else in the entire universe is his rival, Emperor Frieza?

I've seen it before, but you still deserve a beating! Luya smiled and then loosened his tail from around his waist.

Tail? Could it be that you are... a Saiyan?! Frieza was startled, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of ambiguity.

Yes, I am a Saiyan. I came here this time to get rid of you. Luya smiled slightly and spoke in a relaxed tone, as if he didn't take Frieza seriously.

Hoo ho ho, deal with me? I have to say that your tone is not ordinary. In this case... Frieza smiled evilly, and then suddenly took action!

call out!

A red light shoots out directly and can penetrate everything!

However, Luya didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, and let the attack hit him, but it didn't matter to him!

??? Frieza frowned, that shouldn't be the case.

It's useless, your attack is just like tickling! It's better to transform into the final form. Luya said jokingly.

It's interesting. You also know my final form. It's really interesting. Frieza smiled, and then he jumped off the throne and landed on the ground, his height instantly reduced.

Now that you know, I won't pretend anymore. It's an incredible honor for you to die under my power! Frieza said sarcastically. The next moment, he exploded, and for a moment, there was an extremely powerful wave. Powerful power burst out from his body! And Frieza's appearance also changed into another one.

Luya raised his eyebrows. Under the system's detection, the opponent's combat power reached 1.2 million, and as he continued to transform, his combat power continued to skyrocket!

At the same time, the entire Planet Namek was suddenly affected by Frieza's aura and began to tremble.

Luya was speechless. Is this planet so weak? Can he destroy this place by just stamping his feet?

Frieza transforms again, Frieza Level 3! The combat effectiveness reached 2.2 million! And it’s not over yet!

Finally, Frieza breaks through to his final form! The combat power has reached 60 million!

All life on Planet Namek feels this unrivaled power!

How's it going? This is my final form. Does it make you desperate? Frieza said with a joking smile.

Luya was speechless: Do you think I look desperate?

Bang! Frieza's face darkened. Could this guy who suddenly appeared be a Super Saiyan?

Luya hooked his hand and said, Come on, let me see!

Frieza looked hard and disappeared in the next moment, but he had already appeared behind Luya!

Just as he punched Lua, Lua suddenly hit him with an elbow, giving Frieza a critical hit!

Ouch!! Frieza's eyes quickly became bloodshot, and he suddenly couldn't believe it: How is that possible?!

Luya smiled jokingly, then suddenly swung his hand upwards, and immediately hit Frieza in the face with the back of his fist, causing the latter to fly backwards and crash into the hill.

Boom boom boom!

The next second, Frieza soared into the sky in rage. He looked at Lua, with disbelief in his eyes: How is it possible? You are just a monkey. How could you hurt me?

Luya shook his head: You are worse than an ant, and you still call Saiyans monkeys and frogs in the well!

Drink! Frieza was immediately furious. For a moment, he transformed again. His muscles exploded and his aura was more than twice as powerful!

He saw the gap between himself and the opponent, and immediately stopped holding back. The opponent might be the legendary Super Saiyan!

120 million? Still so weak! Luya whispered, and then condensed a white energy bomb in his hand, preparing to end the battle!

Frieza pointed one finger in the sky, and then, a ball of red energy expanded directly!

Zoom in!

Hoo ho ho! If I do this, the entire Planet Namek will be buried with me! You have to be sure! Frieza said treacherously.

Luya smiled and then said: Actually, you are indeed a genius. If you can practice a little bit, your strength will definitely reach a terrifying level, and you can even turn into Golden Frieza.

Golden Frieza? What do you mean? Frieza was stunned and confused.

You don't need to know this. Go to hell and repent! The energy bomb in Luya's hand suddenly shone brightly and was fully charged!

Damn it! Go to hell!! Frieza was furious, and then he threw the huge energy ball down!

Luya stretched out his hand and fired an energy bomb directly. In a moment, his energy bomb directly penetrated Frieza's energy ball! At the same time, it shoots out towards the opponent!


Under a huge explosion, accompanied by Frieza's scream, his body was suddenly swallowed up by white light, and finally turned into flying ash and dissipated.

【drop! Congratulations to the host for defeating Frieza! Mission completed 1/5, host please keep up the good work. 】

Solved, Luya shrugged, then he looked around, but still gave up the plan to do something. What he did now has had an impact on this time and space. At this moment, he is like Trank in the future. Like this, it has rewritten the development route of the world.

After a while, Luya used time and space travel and disappeared immediately.

When the lure reappeared, he appeared in a ring.

【drop! Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in to the battlefield against Cell! 】

【drop! Rewards the host with +5% proficiency in traveling through time and space]


Luya suddenly felt something. He suddenly turned around and met Shalu's eyes!

What's going on? Who is he? At this time, the Z warriors were also curious about the sudden appearance of Luya.

Luya looked away and noticed the situation in the field.

At this time, Yamcha, Krillin Tianjinfan and others gathered around a young man who had lost his breath, and that young man was none other than Trunks!

At the same time, Gohan, who had transformed into Super Saiyan II, was seriously injured at the moment, while Vegeta fell to the ground in a state of complete tragedy.

So, Luya understood that not long after Goku died, Cell was resurrected with the help of his immortal brain, and his strength increased greatly, approaching the stage of Super Saiyan 2!

What's wrong? Are there any people who are not afraid of death? By the way, who are you? Shalu looked at Luya arrogantly.

Now he is invincible! Even Sun Wuhan is disabled, and no one can fight with him anymore!

Luya looked at Shalu, then smiled and said: You are very arrogant!

Hmph! Shalu snorted coldly, and then let out a low drink. The terrifying and swollen power burst out directly, and then, the powerful golden Qi enveloped him, and the breath was amazing!

Luya raised his eyebrows. Although Cell was indeed powerful, he was not on the same timeline after all. The opponent's power was still incomparable with the Super Saiyans in his world!

But Shalu didn't think so. He was very indifferent to this guy who suddenly appeared. According to his own memory, he had exactly the same impression of Luya.

Let’s get rid of this guy first!

As soon as the idea came to his mind, Cell moved instantly and disappeared!

After Sun Wukong died, because his power was transformed again, he could also teleport with Sun Wukong!

But for Luya, it doesn’t matter whether it works or not!


Shalu suddenly appeared above Lu Ya's head, moved his toes, and kicked directly towards Lu Ya!

Luya dodged and appeared directly in front of Shalu in the next moment. He also kicked out and hit the opponent in the face, knocking him away and smashing through mountains!


The sudden scene shocked all the friends. They didn't expect that the opponent's power was so powerful! Cell was instantly knocked away!

On one side, Gohan's face was extremely solemn. It was true that not long ago, he already thought that he was the number one in the universe, but now when he saw this stranger who suddenly appeared, he actually felt like he was facing a huge mountain!

Luya glanced at everyone, then looked at Klin: Let them eat fairy beans when they are injured.

Klin reacted and immediately responded: Oh!


At this time, a powerful force suddenly burst out, and then, gravel flew everywhere, and Shahru's body appeared in everyone's sight.

At this time, there was no anger on Shahru's face, but excitement, as if he had met a powerful opponent: Very good! Very good! I thought I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself after evolving again, but I didn't expect that a master like you would appear. ! It really makes me excited!”

Luya glanced at him, then grinned: Really? But it's a pity that you will lose your excitement soon.

PS: After thinking about it, it is indeed a bit inappropriate. Let’s finish the main storyline before we finish the super plot, otherwise there will be too many scenes. After writing this, it will be time for the Tournament of Power!

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