"Want to blow yourself up?"

Looking at Cell's crazy look, Sun Wukong guessed Cell's plan.

After all, judging from the current situation, Cell has no chance of winning at all. The only thing he can do now is to blow them up by self-destructing. Both sides suffer!

But I am not the arrogant and arrogant Son Gohan in the original work after becoming Super Saiyan 2. How could I give him such a chance?

After thinking about it, Son Wukong pointed a finger between his eyebrows and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared

, he was already behind Shalu.

"Get out of here!"

Sun Wukong's cold voice sounded from behind.


Shalu was shocked, but the panic on his face had not disappeared. A huge force came from his back, and his whole body instantly turned into an arrow, shooting to the ground at an extremely fast speed.


With a muffled sound, Shalu directly smashed a sinkhole into the ground.

"But...it's hateful……"

At this time, Shalu was completely crazy, and his whole body was so angry that it seemed like it could explode at any time.

His eyes were completely red!

Sun Wukong, this guy, just wants to defeat himself, but now he can't even think of self-destruction.

After all, I have already completed the complete body, which is simply too much to deceive others!

After Sun Wukong swept Cell away with one kick, his body appeared next to Cell again.

The faint smile at the corner of his mouth made Cellulo even more devastated!


Without any warning, another heavy punch hit Shalu in the stomach.

The look of pain on Shalu's face became even worse, and he knelt down directly on the ground holding his belly.

Light green juice kept flowing out of his mouth, followed by frantic vomiting.


After vomiting for half a minute, Shalu directly vomited out the No. 17 he had absorbed ten days ago.

Looking at No. 17 on the ground, Sun Wukong looked at Shahru who was kneeling on the ground, and said calmly:"Shalu, you can die now..!"

After finishing speaking, a blue energy ball appeared in Sun Wukong's palm, aiming at Cellul's eyebrows.

Feeling the scorching temperature, as if death was coming, made Cell completely panic!

He firmly believed that no matter how powerful his regeneration ability was, he would never be able to survive the energy ball in Sun Wukong's palm!

"Sun...Sun Wukong, you...can't kill me!"

Shalu raised his head slightly, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

I don't know if he was really scared, or if he was pretending to have other plans.

"Why can't I kill you?"

Sun Wukong smiled faintly and asked. As soon as Shahru heard Sun Wukong's words, it seemed that he still had a chance to survive.

He gave up the resistance and prepared to talk.

But just when Shahlu's mouth was about to open, Sun Xin's energy The ball was blasted out, swallowing up Shahru in an instant, almost without letting out a scream. Shahlu had completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

But this time, Shahlu was out of breath. Disappeared, not a trace of it could be felt!

After that, Sun Wukong clapped his hands and turned towards Sun Wuhan and others.

The reason why he acted decisively just now was because this guy had an extremely shrewd mind. I know what that guy will come up with!

If he accidentally blows himself up and capsizes the boat in the gutter, he will really be unable to find a place to cry.……

"Solution... solved, Shahru is really dead this time!"

Sun Wuhan, Krillin and others were all excited and looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Wukong easily eliminated Cell, which also made them all breathe a sigh of relief.

Cell was eliminated. , the earth finally returned to peace again, and the moment when Sun Wukong killed Cell, Vegeta flashed his body and left quietly!

"Wukong, you are so awesome, you make us feel ashamed!"

Klin slapped Sun Wukong's mouth familiarly, the excitement on his face still did not dissipate.

"Sun...what are your plans next! Piccolo clasped his hands in front of his chest, his face restored to its previous proud expression, and he asked lightly.

He knew that Sun Wukong, this guy, could not hold back a peaceful life.

"Let’s go to the Heavenly Temple first. I want to use the dragon to resurrect the people killed by Cell. As for what happens next, let’s talk about it later!"

Sun Wukong smiled slightly and said.

He really didn't think too much about what happened after that.

But he is really not used to a too peaceful life now. Comfort will completely drain a person's fighting spirit.


Seeing Sun Wukong say this, Piccolo didn't ask any more questions. He turned around and flew in a certain direction.

Piccolo's voice did come from a distance.

"Sun... Next time we meet, I will definitely surpass you!"

"Ah! It’s good to be confident, and I’m looking forward to you surpassing me."

Sun Wukong raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said calmly.

He knew that with Piccolo's hearing, he could hear it completely.

Afterwards, Klin and Tianjin Fan went back respectively, and Sun Wufan also went home. After ten days of work, I didn’t do much homework during the whole day. I guess I’ll be punished by my mother again when I go back!

But Sun Wukong flashed his body and appeared in the Temple of Heaven.


The place that was bustling just now suddenly fell silent.

At this time, only Mr. Mister Satan and the referee are left!

"M...Mister Satan, what just happened!"

The referee wiped his glasses, but he still had the dull expression of a country bumpkin.

Satan was similar. Although he was a fighting champion, when had he ever seen such a scene of a fight between gods?

"He...they seemed to have killed Shalu and then flew away!"

The photographer replied straightforwardly.


It took a full minute for everyone to recover from the shock.

"Shalu was killed and stabbed by those yellow-haired guys! After regaining consciousness

, the referee said loudly into the microphone:"To the audience around the world, Sarul has been completely defeated, and the person who defeated Sarul is……"

"Ahhh? Why don't you record?"

Just when the referee was about to passionately announce the winner of Shahlu, he discovered that the photographer did not give him the change.

"What else are you recording? Do you think this is as bad as throwing a hammer?"

The photographer looked at his camera distressedly. It had been damaged by the violent fluctuations just now!

At this time, Satan and the female secretary beside him gave a sly smile.

"God is really helping me……"_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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