!"You guys had better get out of here quickly, this is not the place you should stay."

Sun Wukong frowned and said to several people.

Then he raised his head and looked at the rapidly descending turtle style Qigong wave.

"Leave...leave? I am the world's number one fighting champion, how could I be scared away by such a small scene? Hahaha……"

Satan's forehead was covered with sweat, and his body couldn't help but move closer to Sun Wuhan's back, but his mouth refused to give in at all.

"Me... me too, I am the bravest reporter on earth, and I cannot leave at this time."

The referee's movements were exactly the same as Satan's!

Boom, boom...

When the Qigong wave was about ten chapters away from the earth, the terrifying pressure made Sun Wuhan and others feel their feet.

The terrifying Qi wave. The waves swept away in all directions, and the hills were completely shattered into rubble.

Krillin and Tianjin Fan subconsciously took a few steps back, and Satan and the others would have been there if it weren't for Sun Wuhan and others in front of them. The two people on the 16th were blocking it, and they might have been blown away!

The Turtle Style Qigong Wave finally fell, and Sun Wukong raised his palms directly against the Qigong Wave.

The next moment, the ground under Sun Wukong's feet suddenly became turtle. It cracked, and its legs were inserted into the ground, but the speed of the energy ball did not slow down at all!

"Hahaha... Sun Wukong, I admit that you are very strong, but now, just accompany the earth to destroy it!"

Seeing the energy ball falling without slowing down at all, Cell, who was sharp in the air, laughed crazily, as if he had seen the scene of Sun Wukong and the earth being blasted into cosmic dust.

And he had Piccolo's powerful regeneration ability. , and using Frieza's cells at the same time, it is a very simple matter to survive in the universe.

At this time, Sun Wukong's figure has completely disappeared from everyone's sight, and the entire arena has also followed Sun Wukong. The figure was swallowed by the Qigong wave




When Piccolo, Son Gohan and Krillin saw this scene, they frowned tightly, and then their bodies flashed and they appeared in front of Cell.

"Roar? Are you ready to go together?"

Shalu smiled evilly. Although he was not Sun Wukong's opponent.

Moreover, he was injured in the battle just now!

But the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, but they were not afraid at all.

And here. At that moment, the qigong wave that had completely submerged into the ground actually stopped completely!


Salu naturally felt this change and was shocked.

Sun Wuhan and others were originally prepared to fight to the death with Saru, but at this moment they quickly turned their attention to the terrifying Qigong wave.

They saw the Qigong wave. After stopping to fall, it then rose up little by little.

After a few breaths, the energy ball was completely off the ground, and only the groove-shaped sinkhole on the ground could be seen, and Sun Wukong's body also appeared again. In the sight of everyone, he held up the terrifying energy ball with one hand, and his body gradually became level with Cell, Sun Wuhan and others.


Sun Wuhan shouted excitedly

"Sun...you guy! Piccolo looked angry and happy at the same time. This guy definitely made them so scared just now on purpose!

Then, several people retreated and returned to their original place.

"Did you feel the joy of victory just now? Shahru……"

Sun Wukong said to Shalu with a provocative smile.

"Buzz... Damn it, damn guy!"

Looking at Sun Wukong's provocative expression, he realized that that guy was just pretending to play with him.

This made him furious, and at the same time he began to worry. He had already tried his best to attack just now, but he was actually attacked. The bastard Sun Wukong took it easily in a playful way!

That meant that he had no way to compete with Sun Wukong.

If this continued, he might be killed.

"As a courtesy, this thing will be returned to you!"

Looking at the gloomy Shahru, Sun Wukong's cold voice fell, and his palms suddenly exerted force.

The energy ball instantly blasted towards Shahru at an extremely fast speed.

Shahru, who was still thinking about how to deal with Sun Wukong, He never expected that Sun Wukong would attack him so quickly!

Moreover, the speed at which the energy ball came was so fast that he was caught off guard and had no way to dodge it.

At this moment, he could only bite the bullet! He raised his hands to meet the Qigong wave, but the moment his palms came into contact with the energy ball, his face suddenly changed with a look of fear!

Like a dead leaf in the turbulence, it was completely helpless. The speed of the Qigong wave showed no tendency to weaken, and it shot out of the earth, and Shalu's figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Solution... solved!"

Klin and Tianjin Fan's faces were filled with joy, and they spoke excitedly.

The Qigong wave that Wukong had just unleashed was not something Cell could stop, and under that kind of Qigong wave, no one would be able to survive!

"No... Sharu is not dead yet! Piccolo stared at the sky and said lightly.

He could still feel Cell's aura, but at this time, Cell's aura was already very weak.

Presumably both Cell and Gohan can easily beat

"Sharu is there……"

After the white light dissipated, Tianjin Fan said in surprise.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by Tianjin Fan and saw Shalu's figure.

But at this time, Shalu was already in a desperate state!

At this time, half of his body was naturally blown away, and purple blood flowed down along with the huge wound.

Shahru's only remaining eye was covered with bloodstains, and anger and fear were intertwined.

"oh? He's not dead yet, his life is pretty tough."

Sun Wukong raised his horns and said calmly.

He originally thought that the Qigong wave just now was enough to kill him completely, but he didn't expect that he escaped.

But it doesn't matter, even at his peak, he You can also kill him!

What's more, the injured Shalu won't be able to make any big waves!

"But... what a disgusting bastard!"

Sharu's eyes were burning with raging anger, and then he shook one hand, and the half of his body that had been bombed swelled up again.

At this moment, he also clearly realized that he could not be Sun Wukong's opponent at all!

Even from the beginning, that This guy is just kidding himself

"Sun Wukong, you forced me to do this……"

A cold light burst out from Shalu's eyes.

It is absolutely unforgivable to push him to this point!

"Since I can't kill you, let's die together!"

Shalu's cold voice came out from his throat.

If he wants to kill Sun Wukong and lets out such a bad breath, there is only one way!


Let Sun Wukong and the entire earth be buried with him!

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