After Sun Wukong came to the Tianshen Temple, Daodao and BoBo had remade the model of the dragon. As long as the previous dragon balls were found, the dragon balls would be able to function again.

Of course, this kind of thing is really a very simple thing for the current Sun Wukong.

In just over half an hour, Sun Wukong returned to the Temple of Heaven with the invalidated Dragon Ball.

Under Dandy's superpower, Longzhu gained divine power again.

At the same time, the transformed Shenlong was also summoned for the first time.

"Mr. Wukong, I have transformed the dragon on the earth. Now you can make wishes like the dragon, and you can make two wishes."

He said worriedly and excitedly. After all, resurrecting the Dragon Ball cost a lot of his brain cells.

"Well, thank you Dandy!"

Sun Wukong rubbed Dandy's head and said.

He had already known that the re-created Dragon Ball could grant two wishes!

So he was not too surprised. He just looked up at the dragon above his head.

"Those who summoned me, tell me your wish! I can make any wish come true!"

Shenlong's big mouth opened and closed, and a strong voice came out.

"Mr. Wukong, you can make a wish now!"

Dandy stepped forward and reminded


Sun Wukong nodded, then walked forward and said to Shenlong:"Shenlong, please restore all the people killed by the androids and the cities that were destroyed to their original state!"

The reason why Sun Wukong didn't talk about Cell, but about artificial humans, is because Androids No. 19 and 20 also killed many people!

More importantly, although Cell is a biochemical creature, it is still artificial after all. Human beings.

Since the wish was made by everyone killed by the artificial man, it also includes those killed by Cell!


I saw a scarlet light appear in Shenlong's eyes, and then he said. :"Okay, your first wish has been fulfilled. The humans killed by the androids have been resurrected. Now let's talk about your second wish!"

"The second wish?

Sun Wukong straightened his face and said seriously:"Please let No. 18 and No. 17 return to normal people!""

No. 18 and No. 17 were originally normal human beings, but they were captured and transformed into artificial humans by the evil Dr. Cibd.

Speaking of which, it is also very tragic!

Killed from No. 17 Dr. Gero can see their hatred for Dr. Gero, so they must also want to become ordinary humans again and enjoy the lives of ordinary people... After Sun Wukong finished speaking, Shenlong's eyes appeared again.

There was a flash of red light, and then he continued to say:

"Okay, your second wish has been fulfilled, so goodbye!"

After Shenlong finished speaking, he instantly turned into beads and shot them out in seven different directions.

And the original night turned into day again.

"Thanks Dandy, I'll take Gohan to play with you when I have time."

Sun Wukong waved his hand to Dandi, flashed his body, and disappeared into the Temple of Heaven.


Time passed quickly, and three days flew by.

In these three days, one name caused a sensation all over the world.

That is - Mr. Mist Satan!

The superhero who defeated Cell and saved all mankind.

The strongest fighter in the universe - is Satan's new label.

And Satan obviously enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by people and being treated like a god.

In just three days, the name of Satan has already spread to men, women, old and young, omniscient, and posters of Satan are everywhere on the streets.

On the TV, there was an exaggerated three-day interview with Satan!


"Tsk, it’s really annoying to see this shameless guy every time!"

Bulma threw the remote control to the ground.

It used to be a good time to follow an idol drama, but now it's better. Every channel and every time slot is occupied by an interview with that guy from Satan!

This makes him extremely depressed!

Moreover, it was obviously his husband who killed Shahru, so why did he turn off that ugly guy on TV?

"Yo! What's the matter? Who made Bulma angry again?"

Sun Wukong walked out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel. He looked at the remote control that fell on the ground and Bulma who looked angry, and said with a smile.

Of course, Sun Wukong knew what was going on.

Let When people stare at Satan's shoehorned face, he does not look very happy.

"It was obviously you who killed Shahru, but that guy shamelessly took the credit from you, and he didn't feel any shame at all!

Bulma still spoke angrily, pouting her little mouth, looking like a little girl having a bad temper, which was very cute.

Sun Wukong pinched Bulma's face and said,"How dare you mess with my Bulma?" Happy, I will punish him now."

After saying that, he pounced on Bulma again like a hungry wolf.

Bulma screamed again and again!


By this time, Mr. Satan had already become famous and his name was known to the whole world.

In the office on the top floor of the 30th floor, he held a cigar in his left hand and swayed a glass of red wine in his right hand.

Enjoying the brisk music, I live a very happy and unrestrained life.

Dong Dong Dong...

But at this time, a sudden knock on the door interrupted Satan who was enjoying it, and Satan slowly opened his eyes.

Yaxing was disturbed, and a black line flashed across his forehead. He was obviously not happy?

I don’t know which guy with no eyesight is here to sabotage me at this time, maybe it’s those boring reporters and media

"come in!"

Satan finally said coldly. If there is nothing important that disturbs his interest, he must scold this blind guy!

"Mr. Satan is so elegant!"

There was a hint of playfulness in the voice. Satan felt that the voice was very familiar.

The moment he turned around and saw that face, the cigar and red wine glass in his hands fell directly to the ground.

A look on his face A look of horror!

"You, you, you...why are you here!"

Satan's eyes were wide open, and his surprised mouth was enough to stuff a duck egg.

Because the guy who appeared in front of him was very familiar, and he had left an indelible impression on him three days ago.

This person is none other than Sun Wukong!

"Mr. Satan, you stole the fruits of my labor and didn't even leave me a bite of the soup. Your approach... is very unkind!"

Sun Wukong slowly walked to the sofa opposite Satan, sat down, and spoke in a cold tone.

And Sun Wukong's words frightened Satan so much that his face turned pale instantly!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel A

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