"I...the hope of all of us is pinned on Mr. Satan. Has he lost like this? Is our earth really going to... be destroyed?"

The referee took the microphone and said in a trembling voice.

In various cities, a pot of porridge had been cooked indiscriminately, and everyone was wailing.

The sound of horror could not be heard!

"No...impossible, how could Mr. Satan lose?"

"Are those strange guys also going to deal with Shalu? Even Mr. Satan was defeated by Cell, how could they win over Cell!"

Some people seem to have lost hope. After all, Mr. Satan is recognized as the strongest person on earth.

Even he can't deal with his opponents. Who else can stop him?"

"That's not necessarily true. Those people who suddenly appeared, and the young man standing at the front, I think I have seen him at the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament a few years ago!"

The person who spoke was an old man in his 60s. When the camera turned to Sun Wukong, he could see that he was somewhat familiar with 28. He frowned and said!

Especially that hairstyle, it seemed that it had never changed!

Then , everyone turned their surprised eyes to the sixty-year-old old man.


In the palace, the same scene was playing out. The guard standing behind the king frowned and stared at the TV series in front of him and said,"Even Mr. Satan lost. Is our earth really going to end?"

Hearing this, As the guard said, the king said calmly:"No, maybe on the contrary, that boy is exactly the same as the Sun Wukong who defeated the Big Devil Piccolo many years ago. If it is really him, maybe our earth can be safe during this crisis. Spend it!"

The king's eyes were extremely clear!

The guard looked at the king with firm eyes, but he was disapproving in his heart, although he very much hoped that what the king said was true.

But how could anyone in this world be stronger than Mr. Satan?


Under the ring, Satan, his two apprentices and an assistant limped again on the edge of the ring.

His head was bruised and bleeding, and his face was filled with pain!

"Satan...Mr. Satan, are you okay?"

The referee looked at the rustic and embarrassed Satan, frowned, and asked.

At this time, it was clear to him that Satan was not from the same world as Sharu and the others.

Now it seems that the only way to save the earth is to All hopes were placed on the group of strange guys who had just appeared.

On the stage, Cell looked at Vegeta with disdain and said calmly:"Vegeta, get down! You are no match for me."

Then he looked away from Vegeta, looked at Sun Wukong and said:"Hey Sun Wukong, I've been waiting for so long, but just to fight you happily, I was hiding behind Vegeta. ,Not so good!"

Hearing Cell's provocative words, Sun Wukong just shrugged. It means you agreed to Vegeta first.

"But... you damn bastard, how dare you look at me!"

Seeing that Cell directly ignored him and went to talk to Kakarot, which was the most important thing to him, Vegeta was instantly furious.

A ferocious look appeared on his face!

Then he raised one hand and aimed After hitting Cell, a terrifying energy ball condensed directly from the palm of his hand and blasted towards Cell.


The energy ball exploded from Cell's feet and a big pit suddenly appeared in the arena.

The terrifying shock wave spread around the ring like a wave, directly blowing away Satan, the referee and others on the edge of the ring.

"Satan...Mr. Satan, what happened just now?"

The referee's expression was completely dull at this time.

He asked Satan in a stunned tone.

Because the guy just raised his hand, and a blue thing appeared in his hand, which was a terrifying explosion.

That kind of explosion , completely beyond his understanding, so he needs the well-informed Mr. Mist Satan to explain what happened just now!

"Mr. Mister Satan, do you know what just happened?"

Looking at Satan next to him who also had a dull look on his face, the referee asked again.

When he heard that someone was attacking him, Satan quickly recovered from the shock.

"Hahaha... These guys just like to do such boring tricks!"

Satan laughed loudly and said

"Ah? Boring trick?"

At this moment, the other four people also looked at Satan expectantly, wanting to know what the explosion just happened!

"Humph, it’s just a low-level deception! However, I have already seen through it!"

Satan once again put his hands on his hips, with an all-seeing expression on his face, and said,"I don't want it!

Looking at Satan's shameless guy, Vegeta really wants to know how to go out!

But after thinking about it, he still endured it, what he really wants to deal with now, But Cell.

After the explosion, Cell appeared in mid-air, looking at Vegeta in disbelief!

In his memory, Vegeta should be very weak, and he was only half a month old. When he was fighting the androids before, Vegeta was definitely not as strong as 083 now!

But his casual attack just now was so powerful that he was surprised. What happened to this guy?

Cell's surprised expression and Vegeta's fragile and proud heart were comforted together. He raised the corner of his mouth and said arrogantly:"What's wrong Cell, are you scared like this? I haven’t done my best yet!"

Vegita smiled arrogantly, and then shook his arms violently, turning directly into the full-power Super Saiyan form.

The golden tower spire stood high.

The arrogant look on the horns became more intense, and he seemed to be arrogant. I don't take Sharu seriously at all.

"oh? It turns out that your strength has indeed improved a lot, no wonder you are so arrogant, but with your little strength, I still don’t take it seriously! Cell smiled coldly, with the same arrogance.

As long as Vegeta does not reach the state of Super Saiyan 2, then he���In front of myself, it's not worth mentioning.

Even Super Saiyan 2 Son Goku is not afraid at all!

Because now he has that capital

"Is it? You won’t say that after a while!"

Vegeta smiled evilly, and his body burst out in an instant.

Looking at Vegeta who took the lead, Cell also rushed out and met Vegeta._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation,

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