Vegeta and Cell didn't hesitate at all. They just went up to each other and exchanged punches.

Bang... there was a muffled sound, and Vegeta took a few steps back. Apparently neither of them made any probing attacks.

"This...why is this guy so powerful!"

Vegeta was knocked back by Cell's punch. He quietly put his right hand behind his back and squeezed it. He was shocked.

Originally, he thought that with his current strength, he should be able to suppress Cell, but after this punch , so he suffered a loss, and he didn't hold back at all with this punch!

"What's wrong? Vegeta, where did your arrogance go?"

Zell looked at the shocked Vegeta, smiled jokingly, and his body exploded out again!

"Damn it, asshole……"

How could Vegeta endure such a provocation from Cell? He didn't give in too much and also faced him.

The two figures disappeared from the ring in an instant, and only booming circles appeared in the air.

It is accompanied by bursts of terrifying wind

"Mr. Satan, what is going on?"

The referees on the side were completely dumbfounded, because Shalu and the guy with yellow hair completely disappeared from their sight!

They could only feel the strong pressure, which spread in waves.

"Huh, this is also a kind of deception. It can't escape my eyes. They just use the visual illusion to hide their bodies in the ring!"

After saying that, Satan shamelessly covered himself with a layer of gray cloth, thinking that he had achieved the effect of invisibility. When the referee and several of his disciples saw Satan's shameless approach, they all covered their foreheads. A cold sweat broke out.

How could a person be so shameless? But even so, they could only pretend that Satan had disappeared!

The eyes are moving left and right up and down quickly

"That guy Vegeta's strength has improved so much.!"

Klin and Tianjin Fan spoke in surprise almost at the same time.

It's only been half a month, and I didn't expect Vegeta's strength to improve so quickly.

The two of them can only see the two afterimages colliding, but they can't see the actual attacks of Vegeta and Cell at all!

"But he is still no match for Shahru!"

Sun Wukong stared at the battle between the two and said calmly.

Vegeta had stayed in the Spiritual Time Room for two days, and he expected that he could reach this level.

But what surprised Sun Wukong was that that guy Cell His strength is so powerful.

It seems to be much stronger than the complete Cell in Dragon Ball.

You must know that in Dragon Ball, Sun Wukong can at least compete with Cell for a long time. Gita and Cell are indistinguishable, but Sun Wukong knows that Cell is not using his full strength at all, and Vegeta is already at a disadvantage!

Sooner or later,

Sun Wukong will be able to feel this. Naturally, it can be felt that Cell's strength has not weakened at all due to the increase in fighting time, and it is even increasing, which makes Vegeta more and more difficult.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this guy!"

Vegeta cursed in his heart.

But at this moment, Vegeta showed his flaw.

Of course, he didn't show the flaw intentionally, but his speed has now been completely surpassed by Cell.


Cell kicked him It hit Vegeta hard on the face, and Vegeta's body collapsed directly.


The body fell heavily on the ring, and a big hole was made on the edge of the ring. The blood on the corner of his mouth was gone.

Vegeta's eyes were already red.

He originally thought that after becoming a Super Saiyan at full power, no one would be his opponent except Kakarot.

I didn’t expect that a mere man-made biochemical monster would be stronger than me.

"Absolutely...absolutely unforgivable!"

A gloomy voice came out of his throat, and Vegeta's body shot towards Cell again like a cannonball.

Looking at the furious Vegeta, Cell didn't panic at all, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Seeing that his hands were in the shape of five fingers, pointing directly to the center of his eyebrows

"sun punch……"

When the sound fell, it seemed that the entire sky turned into a vast expanse.

The dazzling white light caused everyone to be temporarily blinded, especially Vegeta, who was hit by the Sun Fist in front of him. He subconsciously blocked his eyes with his hands and his body stagnated in mid-air!

"Vegeta... is going to lose!"

At this time, Sun Wukong had slowly opened his eyes, and a faint voice fell.

At the same time as Sun Wukong's voice fell, Cell's body shot out, and a terrifying golden light shone above his fist..

Punch directly at Vegeta!

At this time, before Vegeta could recover from the brief blindness, he was punched directly in the chest by Cell... with a low sound. With a muffled sound, Vegeta's front battle suit was directly shattered, and the terrifying force directly sent Vegeta flying out.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, drawing a brilliant arc in the sky, and it was hit hard. On top of a giant peak outside the ring, the giant peak was directly blasted into rubble, and thick fog filled the air.

According to the rules of the World's No. 1 Budokai, appearing on the stage already meant that Vegeta was defeated!

"Be... Vegeta!"

Everyone looked at the place where Vegeta fell, with a look of horror on their faces.

Vegeta's full-power Super Saiyan form already made them feel that it was impossible. I didn't expect to be defeated by

Cell in such a short period of time!

Is that Cell really that strong?


The next moment, the whole ground was violent. It started to tremble.

The rubble was directly suspended in the air!

Where Vegeta fell, golden light suddenly burst out from the pile of rocks... followed by a loud noise. He jumped out directly from the pile of rocks, the golden aura around him was stirring crazily... He was breathing heavily, his clothes were in tatters, and his breath was very disordered. To the extreme. PS: Please vote for me. Thank you..._ Please download Feilu Novel A to read the underlined version.

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