"Are those guys also here to challenge Cellul?"

The referee was the first to react and looked at Sun Wukong and others.

The leader looked very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before!

"Humph, they are all a bunch of ignorant guys just joining in the fun. If they knew how scary Shahru was, they would probably not dare to come!"

Satan looked at Sun Wukong and others who suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. He snorted coldly and said proudly.

But he became nervous in his heart. He must defeat Cellulo quickly and let the camera record his heroic moment. At that time, he was the real savior!

He couldn't let those weird guys steal his limelight.

"No, if Shalu is really strong, if he loses, he will be embarrassed in front of the national audience! You absolutely can't do such a thing……""Zero eight-three""

Satan secretly calculated in his heart for a while, then turned to the big fat disciple behind him and said

"Hey, you go up first and deal with Shalu for me!"

"Yes, master!"

The big fat man also seemed very humble, and even a little excited!

I didn't expect that I would be so appreciated in the short time I spent with the master.

If I defeat Shalu directly this time, I will definitely become famous by then.!

Maybe he can be on an equal footing with Satan. What will he be like when the time comes?

After thinking happily for a while, the big fat man walked straight to the ring.

His chance to make a name for himself was finally here!

"Well...Mr. Satan, aren't you going to show up in person?"

The referee looked at Satan's behavior in confusion.

At this time, before Satan could speak, the enchanting female assistant beside Satan directly replied:"Just say you are an amateur! Mr. Satan’s apprentice can handle this kind of guy. If he can’t even defeat Mr. Satan’s apprentice, he has no right to let Mr. Satan take action. 嘤嘤嘤……"

After saying that, the enchanting female assistant burst into laughter.

"oh? Is that what it looks like?"

The referee nodded in understanding. When he was with these people, he always felt like he was in a fog.

Then he looked at Sun Wukong and others.

Those guys seemed to look better than Mr. Satan and the others. Be more reliable!

"Tsk, so boring! Let me go and solve them……"

Vegeta looked at Satan and the others, frowned, and snorted coldly.

These stupid human beings are really ignorant to the extreme and have no idea at all!

If Cell is willing, he can destroy the earth in an instant.

These clowns are obviously wasting their time!

"Vegeta, don't be so impatient! Let Mr. Satan pretend for a while, I think they are quite interesting."

Sun Wukong said with a smile.

He wanted to see how the fool should respond after he failed to pretend in front of the audience?

If unfortunately he was killed by Sharu, he could only be blamed.


After being told by Sun Wukong, Vegeta clasped his hands in front of his chest and looked away, not wanting to continue watching such boring things.

On the ring, the big fat man climbed onto the ring, already out of breath, but the excitement on his face still did not dissipate.

It seems that the longing that I have longed for is waving to me!

"Hehe... Shalu, I'm going to crush you into a ball of meat."

The big fat man smiled slyly, and then rushed towards Shalu with eight-figure steps.

The whole arena was shaking with the big fat man's footsteps, which showed how heavy his tonnage was!

It's just that the big fat man just moved forward automatically. Five or six steps away, when he was still some distance away from Shalu, he couldn't move forward at all, as if he was blocked by an invisible barrier and used all his strength. , still half a step forward in thinking!

"What...what's going on?"

The big fat man was shocked. His body was almost deformed under the pressure, but he still couldn't move forward even half a step.

He was so horrified!

Of course, it was not just the big fat man who was shocked. Satan also had a surprised snot hanging from his nose. Look. Looking at the situation in the ring, although the big fat man is not very flexible and even a bit bulky, his strength cannot be underestimated!

He is obviously exerting all his strength, but his body is almost out of shape! , could it be said that that guy can do sorcery?

"Mr. Satan, what is the situation now...?"

The referee looked at the situation on the ring with a dull expression and asked in shock...........

"A blind trick... it must be a blind trick... Hahaha!"

Hearing the referee's voice, Satan could only smile awkwardly to relieve the embarrassment.

Moreover, he comforted himself in this way. Those guys must have used a blind trick!

Their strength is not worth mentioning at all!

The referee glanced at Satan, his face There was an inexplicable look on his face.

At this time, Shahlu raised his lips slightly and looked at Sun Wukong with a faint smile.

Then he just released a trace of breath, and the big fat man seemed to have been hit hard. , flew out and hit a place ten feet away from the ring.

"What...what's going on? impossible!"

The big fat man actually flew upside down like that, which made the fool completely dumbfounded!

If this is really Shalu's deception, it's too real!

"You are here to challenge too!"

And at this moment, Shalu couldn't wait to fight with Sun Wukong and others.

He didn't want to waste too much time on these clowns!

The moment they were stared at by Shalu, Satan and others instantly felt like the god of death. Coming...

After a moment of panic in my heart, my body subconsciously moved back.




"Satan, please give that ignorant guy Shahru a good beating.……"


In front of each large display screen in City 1.3, there were crowds of people, men, women, old and young, cheering for Satan with all their might!

At this time Satan is their faith and their savior.

However, Sharu would not care about this. In order to fight Sun Wukong and others quickly, he waved his hand. Satan, his disciples, and assistants were directly blown out by a hurricane.

He hit the rock hard and fell hard to the ground. He hit his head and was bleeding!

The photographers and referees on the side were immediately dumbfounded.

The savior of the earth, Mr. Satan, the world fighting champion, was actually knocked out like this.

They didn't even realize what was happening!

At this moment, Vegeta dodged his body and appeared on the ring.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Cell and said arrogantly:" Cell, let me, Prince Vegeta, take care of you!"_

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