A voice as cold as ten thousand years of ice came out of No. 17's throat.

Dr. Gero instantly felt as if he had been summoned by death!

A strong aura of death rushed towards his face...

Almost at the same time as the voice fell, No. 17's body burst out and punched Dr. Gero's mouth.

The speed is beyond what Dr. Gro can match.


No. 17's fist penetrated Dr. Gro's vagina directly.

"you you……"

Dr. Gero held No. 17's arm tightly with both hands and looked at No. 17 unwillingly. He did not expect that in the end, he would really die in the hands of the artificial man he made.

He once had such an intuition, as if everything was moving in the designated direction!

At this moment, No. 17 could see no emotion in his eyes, only a gaze that was mingled with coldness and murderous intent...

Immediately, No. 17 withdrew his arm, raised his toes, jumped up high, and kicked. On Dr. Gero's neck.

Dr. Gero's head was kicked out.

There was still a deep sense of unwillingness in his eyes.

No. 17 walked over and trampled the head to pieces.

But even if 083 is like this, there is no way to make up for the harm he has caused to his two siblings!

Sun Wuhan also looked at what just happened with a confused expression.

Aren't they all artificial humans? How could they kill each other?

And Dad said that Android No. 20 is Dr. Gero himself, since Androids No. 17 and 18 were transformed by Dr. Gero himself.

He can be considered their maker...

He actually killed his biological father!

After destroying the remote control and getting rid of Dr. Gro, No. 17 winked at No. 18.

Then the two of them flashed and flew in the same direction at the same time.

In the current situation, they knew very well that there was no way they could kill Sun Wukong.

Moreover, although they were created with the purpose of killing Sun Wukong, they have now killed the person who set the purpose!

How could they carry out their orders?

"I lost the bet and wanted to leave without leaving the bet. It was too disrespectful to me!"

Sun Wukong looked at the two light spots disappearing in the sky. After handing the fairy beans in his hand to Sun Wuhan, he flashed his body and followed the direction of No. 17 and No. 18 Fei (cibd). passed


And at this moment, there is a secret laboratory under the mountain where Dr. Groh built the laboratory.

There is a pure glass tank inside, filled with green liquid.

In the center, there is a small green thing, like an insect.

And not far away, there is a computer, there is a computer.

At this time, there were densely packed small blue lightnings flashing on top of the computer.


Outside, after Androids No. 17 and No. 18 flew away, Son Gohan came to Piccolo.

After Piccolo ate a fairy bean, his injury healed

"That guy hasn't been solved yet……"

Piccolo looked at the seriously injured No. 16 with a gloomy look and said.

Although this guy is no match for Sun Wukong, his strength cannot be underestimated and he must not stay!

"He... He seemed to have been seriously injured by his father, and he seemed to have lost the ability to fight."

Sun Wuhan looked at No. 16 embedded in the mountain not far away.

The chest cavity was somewhat collapsed. It seemed that there was some problem with the internal components of the body.

"Gohan, kill him! Piccolo clenched his fist and said.

These artificial people are too powerful, and he doesn't know if these people have any other purpose besides killing Sun Wukong!

If so, it would be too dangerous to stay on the earth.

"Uncle Piccolo, forget it, he seems different from the two androids, he doesn't look that bad."

Looking at No. 16, who still looked calm after being injured, Sun Wuhan shook his head and said.

Although the android in front of him was very strong, it did not give him that dangerous feeling. Instead, it made him like him inexplicably. After hearing what

Sun Wuhan said, Piccolo pondered for a few seconds and nodded.

This guy has temporarily lost his fighting ability. Since Sun Wuhan said so, let's just keep him for now! If Sun Wukong doesn’t leave the earth, he won’t be able to make big waves with his words.


After a minute, Sun Wukong had already caught up with No. 17 and No. 18.

With a faint smile on his face, he stood in front of the two of them.

"On the 18th, it seems that you lost the bet we made just now. It doesn’t seem right to just walk away like this!"

Sun Wukong looked sideways, looked at No. 18 with a harmless look on his face, and said

"what do you want?"

No. 18 looked at Sun Wukong warily. This guy is really too strong. He is so strong that even if someone hits him, he can't hurt him.

And he did lose the bet just now. This is a fact.

"Simple, be my woman!"

Sun Wukong snapped his fingers and said without any shame.


A look of horror flashed across No. 18's face. Apparently, he didn't expect that Sun Wukong would let her be his woman.

You must know that she is an artificial human. And she was an artificial human created with the purpose of killing him.

It seems... this is the first time someone has said such a thing to her!

"On the 18th, come together and kill this guy."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of No. 17 on the side, and almost at the same time as the voice fell, his body shot towards Sun Wukong instantly.

He knew that although Sun Wukong was very strong, it was stronger than either of them!

But as long as they do it together, It's not certain that he can defeat this guy, or even kill him.

However, No. 18 seems to be in a state of confusion, unable to keep up with No. 17's speed!

"Didn't you see that your sister and I are discussing important matters? roll……"

Sun Wukong looked at No. 17 rushing towards him and shouted loudly.

The body disappeared from the spot like a ghost, leaving No. 17's fist empty.

Then No. 17 felt a huge force coming from behind, and his body flew out directly, hitting the ground heavily.

"But... what a disgusting bastard! To say such shameless words……"

Only then did No. 18 react. He bit his silver teeth and rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Seeing No. 18 coming with a punch, Sun Wukong easily dodged No. 18's fist on one side of his body.

Due to inertia, No. 18's body only pounced on Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong put his right hand around No. 18's slender waist. The softness in his palm made Sun Wukong fascinated for a while.

Holding No. 18 in his arms, Sun Wukong looked down at the beautiful face in his arms and said with a smile:"I say no, but my body is very honest!" ps: Please give me flowers, please vote for me, please. Subscribe and beg in all kinds of ways! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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