"You were originally our target to kill... But that's all, I want to see how you can take my attack without automatically taking your position!"

No. 18 smiled, then his face condensed, and his body flashed out again.

"Wait a moment!"

Sun Wukong paused again, and No. 18 suddenly stopped suddenly!

Anger flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she couldn't understand why she had such a good temper?

Sun Wukong didn't even wait for herself.!

"Since it is gambling, there must be stakes. If I lose, you will kill or cut up the cow or make a horse. I have no complaints; but if you lose,……"

Sun Wukong smiled slyly and was about to talk about the bet.

"Luo Liba Suo……"

No. 18 snorted impatiently and attacked Sun Wukong directly.

Bang bang bang...

Although No. 18's strength is far different from that of No. 16, his speed is also extremely fast.

In just a few breaths, he had already launched hundreds of attacks on Sun Wukong.

His fists, feet, elbows and knees were all turned into weapons of attack.

However, although No. 18 was very fast, Sun Wukong caught them all with just his hands.

From the beginning to the end, the curve of Sun Wukong's mouth never disappeared, and he looked like he had a winning chance.

"But... damn, what happened to this bastard?"

The more No. 18 fought, the more frightened he became, because he had tried his best, but he could not even touch the corner of Sun Wukong's clothes.

After one hundred and eighty attacks, Sun Wukong did not move even half a step.

If it is true , It would be too shameless to lose in the hands of this guy!

Thinking of this, No. 18 retreated and stood in the air, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

"I don't believe you dare to receive my energy bombardment!"

As the faint voice fell, No. 18 raised his arms and aimed at Sun Wukong, and the blue energy ball condensed out.

Without any hesitation, the blue energy ball was like a gust of wind and rain. It fell towards the position where Sun Wukong was standing.


In an instant, that area was completely covered by the billowing dust!

Sun Wukong's figure also completely disappeared, and spider web-like cracks spread along the ground. Go.

After a full minute, No. 18 finally stopped the energy bombing with a satisfied smile on his face.

If he accepted such a terrifying energy bombing, he would at least die. Serious injury!

Although I have no interest in letting him do anything, I still feel very good after winning the bet.

When the billowing smoke slowly dissipated, I could see the huge pit in the center. , it seems that there is such a stone pillar towering straight

"How... how is it possible?.?"

On the 18th, suddenly some of her beauty faded.

Because after the smoke completely dissipated, she, Wukong, was still standing there, except for the ground where he was standing, which was almost completely blasted into a deep pit.

Only where he stood, there was nothing happening at all, as if it was protected by an invisible barrier.

Especially Sun Wukong, who was holding his arms in front of his chest, as if he was not affected by the energy explosion just now.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly as he looked at No. 18.

That kind of look, in the eyes of No. 18, was naturally a provocation.

"Damn it, you dare to look down on me!"

Biting his silver teeth angrily, frowning, No. 18 raised his palms again and bombarded Sun Wukong indiscriminately.

However, the result was still the same, except that the bombed hole was a little deeper. Apart from that, it had no impact on Sun Wukong at all.

This made No. 18 understand that the target they wanted to kill was not something they could deal with.

But between Sun Wuhan and Ten. On the side of No. 7...

No. 17 also feels the power of Sun Wukong. He and No. 18 are actually very close in strength. If No. 18 can't do anything to Sun Wukong, then he must have the same result!

This kid is also incredibly strong.

If this continues, they might be killed...

But if he and No. 18 escape, that old Dr. Gero will definitely press the remote control without hesitation.!

Once the bomb in their bodies explodes, both of them will definitely die!

While dealing with Sun Wuhan, No. 17

's mind was thinking about how to deal with it. When Dr. Gro was in the distance, a flash of light suddenly flashed in No. 17's eyes, as if he had thought of something!

But at that moment, Sun Wuhan's fist landed heavily. On the cheek of No. 17.


The terrifying force knocked No. 17 away.


There was a loud noise, and No. 17's body hit Dr. Gero intentionally or unintentionally.!

"Hey, No. 17, are you okay?"

Seeing No. 17 being defeated, Dr. Gero quickly ran over to check on No. 17.

In the current situation, No. 17 and the others are their own life-saving straw. They can't have anything happen to them at this time!

I saw No. 17 The number was lying on its side in the crater made by the smash, motionless.

"Number 17 was killed? How... how is it possible?"

Dr. Gero shook his head gently, with a look of disbelief on his face. Although the kid's attack just now was indeed powerful, there was absolutely no way he could kill No. 17!

Could it be that... there was some malfunction?

I thought. After that, Dr. Gero turned No. 17's body over.

(The money is good) But the next moment, what fell into his sight was an evil face with a faint curve at the corner of his mouth.……

"On the 17th, you……"

Before Dr. Gero had time to be shocked, No. 17 had already taken the lead and snatched the remote control from Dr. Gero's hand.

"Old guy, if I want to deceive you, I really won’t do it!"

No. 17 looked at Dr. Gero jokingly, and then pressed hard with his palm, and the remote control was directly smashed.

"On the 17th, you...what do you want to do?"

Looking at the cold eyes of No. 17, Dr. Gero looked horrified and kept retreating.

He had seen this scene not long ago, and that time, he was almost killed!

"What do you want to do?"

The smile on the corner of No. 17's mouth solidified faintly and disappeared, and finally his face became extremely cold.

It was so cold that it made people shudder.

"I want to kill you!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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