"Let...let me go!"

No. 18 actually felt a numbness all over her body.

But she has no way to deal with Sun Wukong now. Maybe Sun Wukong is too strong and cannot be dealt with by her, or maybe there are other things at play.

Looking at the guy who had taken advantage of him, he actually had no urge to go up and kill him!

Looking at No. 18 who was like a frightened deer, Sun Wukong smiled and felt the remaining warmth in

No. 18's palm. From the figure to the face, he is definitely a first-class existence.

As a time traveler, if you let such a beauty in the world, you will definitely be struck by lightning! I was shocked by his rude behavior, but he didn’t seem to take any drastic actions. It seems that my hope is very high...

However, if you want to chase this iceberg beauty, you must not be in a hurry. You must boil the frog in warm water. Step by step, use the emotional penetration method to impress her little by little, and slowly capture her heart.

"What are you doing on the 18th?"

No. 17 stood up again, appeared behind Sun Wukong, looked at No. 18 with a reddish jade face, and said in a cold voice.

The guy in front of them is the one they want to kill!

By No. 17 With a cold voice , No. 18 straightened his face and looked at Sun Wukong coldly.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

It was the ground, and it seemed that the entire earth was shaking violently.

Feeling this shaking, Sun Wukong's expression suddenly changed, because he did not feel any breath.

"Is it an artificial person?"

Sun Wukong murmured. The only thing that can shake the whole earth without feeling any breath fluctuations is the artificial man.

It can't be Cellul, because that guy Cellul has energy, and he can do this. When there is a big movement, I should be able to feel it!

But... Androids No. 20 and Number 19 have been killed. Are there other Androids besides Number 16, Number 17 and Number 18?

The next moment, Sun Wukong suddenly felt the auras of Sun Wuhan and Piccolo, which surged in an instant.

He felt that the auras of the two people should still be where they were just now.

"On the 18th, don’t hurt people on earth……"

Sun Wukong looked at No. 18 with a serious face and said.

Then he pointed his fingers between his eyebrows, shook his body twice, and then disappeared in front of Hao.

Looking at the ground where Sun Wukong disappeared, No. 18 frowned slightly.

A very low voice muttered:

"Tsk...that hateful bastard!"

"Hey No. 18, don’t you fall in love with that guy?"

Seeing that Sun Wukong had disappeared, No. 17 appeared next to No. 18, jokingly saying

"Tsk...you talk a lot, who would like that kind of bastard!"

No. 18 glared at No. 17 beside him, and said again:"I have been locked up for so long, I want to exercise my body!"

"Sun Wukong doesn't allow you to kill people?"

No. 17 was still teasing No. 18 and continued:"Although I am very unhappy with that guy, but with his strength, he is qualified to be my brother-in-law."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will smash your mouth."

After No. 18 said something coldly, it turned into a white light and disappeared from sight.

No. 17 smiled slightly, shook his head, and followed.

It seemed that his sister was very... We are about to sink into the mud!


And where Dr. Gro's laboratory was just now, a hundred-foot-deep pit appeared.

·········Asking for flowers···

Sun Wuhan and Piccolo were suspended in mid-air at the edge of the giant pit, their breath leaking out, forming aura, surging high!

Frowning tightly, he looked at the guy who suddenly appeared in the explosion.

There were three people in total, and the guy leading them was tall and handsome.

Wearing a peaked cap and dark green trousers, he was dressed in a very fashionable manner, with a warm and harmless smile at the corner of his mouth.

On his right side was a tall man with wide eyes, a straight face, and lavender skin.

A long braid hanging down the back!


The one on the far left is a little dwarf wearing a cuckold. Sorry, I’m not targeting him, but he really wears a big cuckold!

And he was wearing a pair of sunglasses. It seemed that he was very satisfied with his figure and hat.

"Hey... those three guys seem to be artificial humans too. Piccolo gritted his teeth, looked at the three people in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

Because he couldn't feel the breath of those three people at all, but the dangerous feeling could not be calmed down in his heart for a long time.

"Well, the strength of these few should not be weaker than that of No. 17 and No. 18."

Sun Wuhan looked serious and nodded in agreement.

Of course, this is just Sun Wuhan's feeling, because he can't feel the energy of artificial people at all, so naturally he can't feel their strength!

"Is it stronger than those two guys? Piccolo clenched his fists tightly and looked very ugly.

If this was the case, then he couldn't be of any help at all.

But at this time, the handsome man at the head suddenly faced Sun Wuhan and Piccolo. asked:

"Tell me, where is Sun Wukong?" ps: Brothers, please vote for reviews, please give me all kinds of flowers, please ask for a factory!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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