"But... you damn brat!"

After No. 17 was knocked back by Sun Wuhan's punch, he looked at Sun Wuhan with eyes like fire. He was really horrified in his heart. He didn't expect that there could be a guy on par with him in this world.

No, that guy Some even surpassed him!

Aha... After the brief shock, No. 17 directly closed his palms, and terrifying energy was born from his palms.

With a direct push, he hit Sun Wuhan


Sun Wuhan also clasped his palms together and placed them on the right side of his waist. With a faint roar, blue energy light balls condensed directly from the palms of his hands.


When the deep voice fell, two terrifying energy balls collided directly.


In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, thick fog filled the sky, and huge mushroom clouds rose into the sky. The terrifying explosion made 28 Sun Wuhan and No. 17 subconsciously cover their eyes with their arms..

When the dense fog gradually dissipated, an unfathomable huge pit appeared in the middle of Sun Wuhan and No. 17, filled with mist.

Obviously, neither of them took advantage of each other in the fight just now!


On the other side, after Sun Wukong transformed into a Super Saiyan with full power, No. 16 was obviously no longer a match for Sun Wukong!


No. 16's endless energy balls blasted towards Sun Wukong.

At this time, Sun Wukong could easily fly all the energy balls with just his hands.

The speed is so fast that it's a bit dazzling.

There was also some turmoil in No. 16's calm expression.

According to the data entered by Dr. Gero, Sun Wukong's strength simply cannot be that strong!

And judging from the current situation, Sun Wukong's energy is much greater than his own!

"I don’t want to play with you anymore, Number 16!"

Sun Wukong raised the corner of his mouth. After catching most of the energy bombs, his body suddenly flashed and shot directly towards No. 16.

He completely ignored the energy balls blasted by No. 16.

Bang bang bang......

Energy balls hit Sun Wukong one after another, but they didn't even have the effect of stopping his speed.


It was so late, but so fast, Sun Wukong's speed appeared at sixteen almost in an instant. In front of No. 16, he punched No. 16 hard in the chest, sending No. 16 flying away.

Sun Wukong aimed his palm at No. 16, who was flying backwards, and a Qigong wave hit No. 10. No. 6's body was smashed directly into the mountain in the distance.

"But... you damn bastard, even No. 16 is not his opponent."

Gros gritted his teeth and said in horror as Sun Wukong punched No. 16 away.

No. 16 has the strongest artificial energy among them. Yes, if he is defeated, then No. 17 and No. 18 will be even less likely to be their opponents.

But fortunately, even No. 16 lost, and he still has a secret weapon!


On the other side of Piccolo and No. 18, Piccolo was completely in a very passive situation from the beginning of the battle.

There is a huge difference in strength between No. 18 and No. 18!

And it was obvious that No. 18 had no intention of killing Piccolo, otherwise she could definitely kill Piccolo easily and wouldn't have taken so long!


No. 18 kicked Piccolo hard in the face again.

Piccolo flew out in response and fell heavily into the mountain in the distance.

The breath is already very wilted, and it is impossible to fight anymore! snort!

No. 18 hummed, and an energy ball came out from the palm of his hand, aiming at Piccolo.

Just when he was about to blast out.


There was a slight sound breaking through the air, and the figure of Sun Wukong suddenly appeared in front of No. 18.

With a faint smile on his lips, he looked at No. 18 and said with a half smile:"It's not good for a girl to be so vicious.……"

Then, his right hand reached out and grabbed No. 18's delicate hand.

Soft as gel, smooth as silk!

That feeling is so heart-wrenching!

The energy ball in the palm of No. 18 also disappeared instantly!

"If you touch a girl's hand casually, you will have to pay a price."

No. 18 quickly withdrew his jade hand and looked at Sun Wukong angrily.

Almost as soon as the voice fell, he kicked out at Sun Wukong.

The location of the kick was exactly Sun Wukong's crotch.

What a kick. Remembering that his descendants would be defeated, Sun Wukong was so frightened that he staggered and quickly took two steps back.

"This girl is a bit ruthless!"

Sun Wukong looked at his crotch with some fear.

But the wilder he was, the more he aroused his desire to conquer.

Seeing that No. 18 missed a hit, he dodged his body and rushed towards Sun Wukong again.

"Slow... wait, pause!"

Sun Wukong looked at No. 18, who was approaching in a flash, and suddenly made a pause gesture.

When things got even worse, No. 18 actually stopped the car. Even she herself didn't know why she was so obedient just now!

"What the hell are you trying to do!"

No. 18 frowned slightly, looking at Sun Wukong with a bit of expectation!

"You said it's pointless for us to fight like this. I 083 want to make a bet with you. Do you dare?"

Looking at No. 18, the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth curled up with an evil smile, and a cunning look surged in his eyes. He looked like a weirdo...

Looking at Sun Wukong's appearance, No. 18 knew that it was definitely not a good thing. But with her arrogance, she will naturally not be afraid of Sun Wukong!

"Tsk, if you have anything you don’t dare to say, just say it! How to bet?"

No. 18 tied the hair behind his ears and said in a faint voice.

Anyway, it is idle. Gambling and other things sound quite interesting, just for passing the time!

No matter what the Monkey King in front of him does, She's not afraid


Sun Wukong rubbed his chin, pretending to think for a while, and then said:"Just bet me standing here, if you can make me move half a step, I lose; otherwise, you lose!"


No. 18 couldn't hold it back and laughed. Could this guy have flour and water mixed in his head?

How dare you make such a bet with yourself!

"What if you lose?"

No. 18 raised his chin and asked confidently.

"Kill, behead or be strong, it's up to you!"

Sun Wukong spread his hands and showed an evil smile as if his evil plan was successful._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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