Chapter 375 How Many Harems Do You Have?

The black figure floated slightly behind, and the indifferent gaze under the cloak looked at Ning Luo not far away, and when his gaze scanned the young face, his eyes were slightly startled, but then they appeared. A struggling color, after a while, his eyes became cold again.

“Leave here!”

“This friend, in Xia Ningluo, where a good friend and I found it back then, this host’s house is not you!” Ning Luo sneered.

“Ning Luo…friend…” The eyes under the cloak flickered again, but the gray smoke that filled the body was slightly weakened.

“Talking nonsense to him, although this poison is weird, it is not difficult for this king to kill him!” Medusa said coldly, with a strong killing intent in her eyes.

Ning Luo remained unmoved, frowned slightly and looked at the black shadow man who suddenly became a little strange, cupped hands again, and his voice was a little more polite: “I don’t know your name? Maybe Ning Luo has heard of it. ”

The gaze under the cloak was just looking straight at Ning Luo’s face. After a while, his eyes slowly closed, but his figure actually slowly receded back.

Ning Luo frowned and looked at the dark shadow man who suddenly became inexplicable, but he was secretly wary.

When the Sombra gradually withdrew from the valley, his figure suddenly stopped, his palm raised, and everything flew over.

Upon seeing this, Ning Luo’s face changed slightly, and his figure hurriedly backed out. He struck out with a gentle force, wrapped the flying object, and fixed his eyes to see that it turned out to be a jade bottle.

“You two are powerful and might not have poisonous mist, but the little girl below can’t. This is an antidote. It can detoxify the poison in her body…” After throwing out the jade bottle, under the black cloak, An unusually hoarse voice came out slowly.

Hearing this, Ning Luo was taken aback, glanced at Medusa, and sucked the jade bottle in the air, but didn’t touch it with his hands.

“This place turned out to be what you and your friends were looking for, so return it to you…” The black shadow slowly turned around, his figure flashed, and he flashed away towards the mountains.

Looking at the black shadow man who was leaving here in astonishment, Ning Luo was a little stunned. His brows were furrowed and his eyes flickered. After an instant, his heart flashed, and he suddenly raised his head and shouted at the black shadow that was about to disappear. Sin? Is it you?!”

“You two are powerful and might not have poisonous mist, but the little girl below can’t. This is an antidote. It can detoxify the poison in her body…” After throwing out the jade bottle, under the black cloak, An unusually hoarse voice came out slowly.

Hearing this, Ning Luo was taken aback, glanced at Medusa, and sucked the jade bottle in the air, but didn’t touch it with his hands.

“This place turned out to be what you and your friends were looking for, so return it to you…” The black shadow slowly turned around, his figure flashed, and he flashed away towards the mountains.

Looking at the black shadow man who was leaving here in astonishment, Ning Luo was a little stunned. His brows were furrowed and his eyes flickered. After an instant, his heart flashed, and he suddenly raised his head and shouted at the black shadow that was about to disappear. Sin? Is it you?!”

Ning Luo’s shout resounded like thunder in the mountains, and the black shadow that was about to disappear also paused slightly because of this.

Ning Luo’s figure crossed the sky, and when he chased him, the shadow had disappeared without a trace. He had to strain his face, clenched his fists, and cursed in a low voice: “This guy… why dare not to see? I?”Behind Ning Luo, Medusa swiftly followed, gazes cautiously across the sky, and then frowned slightly, saying, “Do you know the previous person?”

“If the guess is true, it should be a friend of mine many years ago, but…” Ning Luo laughed bitterly and thought for a while, but didn’t tell the thing about Xiaoyi Xian’s Na’er refractory body.

“Is it just a friend?” Medusa asked coldly.

“Yes… confidante!” Ning Luo smiled honestly.

“Ning Luo, you…”

“How many harems are you planning to take?” Medusa said angrily.

Ning Luo smiled, hugged Medusa and smiled: “Cailin, no matter how many harems I take, I have you in my heart.”

“Hmph, go back, Zi Yan is still in the valley.” Medusa said.

Ning Luo gave a bitter smile, and had to turn around and flew away in the valley facing Medusa.

On a mountain peak lined with strange stones, a black shadow stared at the turned figure from a distance. His pale palm was tightly grasped on the side of the boulder, and with the grasp of his palm, the boulder was suddenly seen. White mist came out, and the sound of scoffing was endless.

Watching Ning Luo return to the valley, the shadow slowly released his palm, and there was already an inch-deep black palm print on the huge rock.

Under the black cloak, that indifferent gaze appeared a little dazed. After a while, the scenes buried deep in the memory quietly rose, and the young man named Ning Luo also emerged.

“Ning Luo…” Under the cloak, a crisp woman’s voice with long memories came out. This voice was completely different from the awful hoarse voice before. It was obvious that she did it deliberately to conceal her identity.

“I didn’t expect to meet you again…I will come here for half a month every year, but since you have appeared, I will never come again…” The pale palms slowly lifted the cloak at the beginning, suddenly, The pale and snowy hair poured down like a waterfall, and a pale and slightly thin cheek was revealed in the air.

The gray-purple eyes looked at the small valley in the distance, and the memories of that year turned to her mind, making her cheeks that had remained indifferent for several years.

Slowly raised a gentle smile. In this smile, you can still vaguely see the little doctor who was regarded as Fairy in the heart by countless mercenaries in Qingshan Town back then…

The smile was like a flash in the pan, and it lasted for a short time before it dissipated. She slowly closed her eyes, and when she opened them again after a while, the previous indifference was restored in her eyes again, and she looked at the valley for the last time, and immediately put on her cloak. , No more nostalgia, his body turned into a gray smoke, quietly dissipating…

In the small valley, when the two of Ning Luo came back, they saw Zi Yan whose little face turned a little purple. At the moment, both of them were in a hurry. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yixian’s poison was so terrifying. If you can’t inhale a little, you will have such symptoms. Poison master is indeed a terrifying and boring profession.

Although Zi Yan’s face was purplish red, it seemed that Divine Sense was still clear. Seeing the two came back, he hurriedly greeted him, but listening to his breathing, it was obviously heavier than before.

Grabbing Zi Yan’s arm, Ning Luo drew a trace of fighting energy into his body, looking for a circle, but did not find the slightest trace of poisonous gas. When the color underneath was slightly sinking, he did not expect that the detoxification pellet he refined would actually be against the poisonous gas. Not much effect…

“How is it?” Medusa asked hurriedly when she saw Ning Luo’s behavior.

“I can’t find what’s wrong, it seems that the poisonous gas is extremely hidden, but I don’t know how poisonous it is…” Ning Luo shook his head and said.

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