Chapter 376 Cocoon!

“That guy is so toxic that I’m a little afraid, let alone Zi Yan? What should I do now?” Medusa said with an ugly expression.

Ning Luo hesitated for a while, flipped his palm, and the jade bottle that was thrown by the little doctor immortal appeared in his hand.

Ning Luo stuffed the Medicine Pill into Zi Yan’s mouth, and the latter swallowed it obediently, but it seemed that the Medicine Pill didn’t taste very good, so her face was wrinkled.

Although Medicine Pill was unpalatable, it was obviously effective. Just after entering the body, the purple-red color on Ziyan’s face dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it disappeared completely in just a moment.

Seeing this scene, Ning Luo and Medusa both breathed a sigh of relief. The former wiped off cold sweat and smiled wryly. They didn’t expect that with the level of his own medicine refining skills, he would not be able to get a little poisonous gas by the little doctor. Although the methods are different from each other, no matter what, poison and Medicine Pill have something to think about, so Ning Luo is naturally a little helpless.

“Hey, I really don’t know what she has experienced over the years. Not only has her strength soared to the point that even Medusa has to treat it seriously, but this poison technique has also become so strange and unpredictable…”

With a light sigh in his heart, Ning Luo cast his eyes on the small hut.

However, compared with Xiaoyixian’s strength and the surge in poison, what disturbed Ningluo most was the indifferent or even numb gaze. It is hard to imagine that this kind of gaze would appear in the gentle and kind-hearted girl back then. Body.

Shaking his head vigorously, putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Ning Luo slowly walked towards the small hut, anyway, no matter what, he had to break through his own strength to the emperor’s rank.

As for the little doctor immortal, Ning Luo had a hunch in his heart, maybe in the future, I can see again… but I just don’t know what kind of scene will be when we meet.

With the departure of Little Doctor Immortal, the poisonous hidden everywhere in the small valley quickly dissipated as if commanded. This made Ning Luo secretly relieved, who wanted to be in Closed Door Training.

Ningluo also carefully explored this small valley. The valley area is not large, but various rare medicinal materials grow in it.

Even today, he was slightly moved. He didn’t expect that this small valley had grown so many rare medicinal materials. If this news spreads out, I am afraid I don’t know how many alchemists’ red eyes will be drawn.

After all, to the pharmacist, the attractiveness of rare medicinal materials is not much weaker than the prescription or the medicine pot.

As for the Magical Beasts in the valley, Ning Luo originally intended to clear them out, but Zi Yan quickly blocked them. She knew that Ning Luo was going to conduct Closed Door Training, and these Magical Beasts might be hers during this time. playmate.

After settling down in the valley, Ningluo opened a cave with a large area in the depths of the valley. Then, after collecting medicinal materials for nearly three days, he finally entered the cave with the heavy Na Jie. Of course, he is naturally not Closed Door Training at this moment, but refining Medicine Pill.

Before entering the cave, Ning Luo also instructed Ziyan and Medusa to go out as little as possible.

Regarding Ning Luo’s instructions, the two women, the older and the younger, naturally responded, but it was not clear what they thought of Ning Luo.

In the valley, after Ningluo entered the cave, Ziyan and Medusa seldom bothered to enter it.

However, with the passage of Ningluo pill refining, the restless Zi Yan was a little unable to sit down, especially after training the Magical Beasts in the valley to be obedient like pets, it became extremely boring. stand up.One day, Medusa was finally encouraged to succeed, and then the two sneaked out of the valley secretly, so the Magical Beasts mountain range suddenly became turbulent for it.

With the passage of time, more and more Heavenly and Mortal Treasures fell into Ziyan’s hands, and the things in his hands were eaten directly as candies by him without exception.

And when this predatory behavior lasted for nearly half a month, most of the powerful Magical Beasts in this Magical Beasts mountain range were patronized by Ziyan Medusa.

And such looting is naturally extremely easy to arouse public anger, so an unusually huge lineup quietly formed in the Magical Beasts mountain range.

This large number of Magical Beasts lineup, on the second day, met with Ziyan and Medusa who shot again, and suddenly, the surging anger suddenly broke out!

And when Ziyan and Medusa looked at the countless Magical Beasts that came like a tide carrying the roar of the sky, even with the strength of Medusa, they couldn’t help but feel some scalp tingling. Living in Ziyan, he flees quickly.

This chase and escape almost affected the entire Magical Beasts mountain range. Ziyan and Medusa were okay. Those mercenaries who hunted Magical Beasts in the mountain range were unlucky. Looking at it like that The beast tide came like a tide, and everyone was cold…

The crazy counterattack of the beast tide caused the Magical Beasts mountain range to become extremely boiling, but fortunately, Medusa cautiously did not fly directly back to the valley, but took Ziyan around the mountain in a big circle, sure. After getting rid of all the Magical Beasts, the two hurried back to the valley.

Medusa sat on a boulder, glanced at the cave under the mountain wall with a rich dan fragrance, and shook his head helplessly. Ning Luo entered the cave to refine Medicine Pill. It has been a month since then. In this way, it seems that there is still no sign of the end.

And Ziyan Cocoon is constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth every day, but it itself has not changed at all. Looking at this situation, it seems that the time it takes for Ziyan to advance to the ranks, I am afraid it will not be less. .

One person pill refining, one person turns into a cocoon to advance, so that in this valley, there is only one person guarding Medusa, so she is naturally a little boring.

And this kind of boring protection, after continuing for about five days, was finally broken by the abnormal movement that came from the cave.

Today, when Medusa is still closing her eyes for cultivation and cultivation, she naturally has a trace of her mind on the cocoon. It is also at this moment that she has been trapped in the quiet cave, but there is a sudden sound. With the earth-shattering explosion, the entire valley trembled under the explosion.

Opening her eyes in astonishment, Medusa looked at the cave, but she was looking at the thick smoke that continued to emerge from it, and immediately, a slightly embarrassed figure walked slowly through it.

Ning Luo’s gaze swept across the valley, and then he stopped in amazement on the huge purple light cocoon that was the most eye-catching. After a while, he turned his gaze to Medusa on the side and asked, “Is this? ”

Seeing Ningluo’s embarrassed appearance, Medusa was also startled, and immediately smiled, and said softly: “This is the Ziyan Institute.”

Hearing this, Ning Luo was stunned, and a moment later he was pleasantly surprised: “She is going to be promoted?”

“It should be, but she has been in the cocoon for several days, and she hasn’t changed a bit until now. It seems that the promotion time is not short.” Medusa nodded and said.

Ning Luo smiled, but he was not surprised. Most of the time required for Magical Beasts to advance to the ranks is not short, not to mention that Ziyan’s body is not a mortal thing, and evolution is naturally more difficult.

“Your Medicine Pill was successfully refined?” Meimu swept across Ningluo, and Medusa asked.

“Yeah.” Ning Luo nodded,

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