Chapter 374: The Man in Black!

After that, Medusa and Ziyan slowly followed, the former’s eyes kept sweeping around. For some reason, it always made her feel a little bit wrong.

After walking in the valley for about ten minutes, the three of Ning Luo also entered the deep valley. When they swept their sights, they saw the thatched hut located in it. For several years, it did not seem to have caused any damage to it.

Ning Luo calmed down his heart and walked slowly towards the small hut. As he approached, roars of roar again sounded from the valley. Then, the magical beasts flashed over, and finally the small hut Tuantuan surrounded them, grinning and roaring at Ning Luo.

“Could it be that this place has been discovered by others?” A thought flashed in his mind, and Ning Luo frowned.

“These little guys are really annoying, let me come!” Zi Yan wrinkled his face and looked at the Magical Beasts who were constantly making threatening roars. He gave a cold snort, strode out, and the purple light in the gemstone eyes was full of strange power. Suddenly spread out!

This coercion is not the same as the coercion that Medusa exudes by relying on strength. On the contrary, it is more like a surge of blood and soul.

Ning Luo and Medusa felt the pressure emanating from Zi Yan’s body, their eyes flickered, and they looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

Under the coercion of blood and soul emanating from the Purple Research Institute, those Magical Beasts whose eyes were full of fierce brilliance suddenly whimpered, with their tails clamped like a mouse when they met a cat. Four without hesitation Fleeing away, never dared to stay at all.

Upon seeing this, Zi Yan immediately raised a small face at Ning Luo proudly.

This little girl is really a little tyrannosaurus!

Ning Luo smiled, staring at the thatched hut, and slowly approached.

“Be careful.” Medusa whispered behind him.

Ning Luo nodded slightly, and walked towards the hut step by step. After a while, before he walked to the hut without change, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

As soon as the palm of her hand was about to push the door, Medusa’s face changed slightly behind her, she flashed forward and grabbed her palm.

Ning Luo was taken aback, tilted his head to look at Medusa with a slightly cold face.

“There is poison on the door…” Medusa’s narrow and beautiful eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc. As Medusa, she is good at poison attacks. Therefore, she feels more sensitive to these things than Ningluo. Much.

Although it is impossible for Ning Luo to be poisoned to death now.

But seeing Medusa like this, I was still a little touched.

Ning Luo’s face was gloomy, and when his sleeves moved, a violent wind leaned out, slamming the door of the room open.

The door shook open, Ning Luo’s gaze swept away, but the small hut was empty and there was no half figure.

Ning Luo nodded slightly, his eyes swept around, and after a while, he suddenly sneered: “If you don’t show up again, I will destroy this valley now!”

The sneer slowly fell, but the expected figure did not appear, Ning Luo’s face was gloomy, and the green flame suddenly appeared in his palm.

At the moment when the flames emerged, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded abruptly in the valley.

“Destroy this place, today the three of you will stay here forever…”The pupils shrank slightly, Ning Luo and Medusa turned abruptly, looking at the distant mountain wall, where a figure with a black cloak all over it appeared strangely.

On the overgrown mountain wall, a dark shadow appeared strangely, and its whole body was wrapped in a black cloak.

“Stay? But no one is qualified to say this to this king!”

Medusa also quickly recovered, and a sneer appeared on her cheeks, and murderous intent was brewing in her eyes. After a while, her jade finger suddenly flicked, and a ray of colorful energy burst out from her fingertips. Strike the Shattering Void like lightning and shoot straight at the shadows.

Under the cloak, with an indifferent gaze, he glanced at the colorful pike trainers that swept over, and his robe had no wind, and a thick gray smoke gushed out of his body.

And with the emergence of this gray smoke, the weeds around the black shadow man actually began to wither and fall down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant they completely withered and lost their vitality.

With the annihilation of the colorful energy, a touch of surprise flashed across Medusa’s eyes, and immediately heard the voice of black shadows, her face became more cold, and the majestic aura slowly poured out of her body.

“Whether you leave or stay today, this king will decide this fate!” Medusa said with a sneer.

“Death!” When Medusa saw this, cold light appeared in Medusa’s eyes, and when her figure moved, she suddenly appeared in the air. With her jade hand, the colorful energy snake sword appeared, and the tip of her toes turned into one. Thin lines, direct shots at the shadow people.

The black-clothed man’s sleeves suddenly moved, and a pair of extremely pale, but slightly slender palms appeared, and gray smoke rolled rapidly in the palms.

In the end, it quickly condensed, and in the blink of an eye, the dark gray turned into a gray-purple color, and a strange fishy smell emanated from it.

The gray-purple mist emerged, and the shadow man flicked his fingers, and the mist rushed out towards Medusa silently.

“Good poison…” The narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and Medusa’s glamorous face also slowly revealed a touch of solemnity.

She had never met the person who caused the poison, but it was the first time she met someone who could use the poison so outstandingly.

With a heart move, a layer of colorful energy membrane slowly permeated from Medusa’s body, and finally wrapped up all the body, and the figure flashed immediately.

When he reappeared, he appeared directly on the mountain wall, with a sneer, the snake sword in his hand brought a fierce wind, and it shot the black shadow directly.

Facing Medusa’s fierce attack, the dark shadow also moved, with a strange step, but it happened to dodge Medusa’s sword power.

While evading, he held his palm, and the gray mist condensed in his palm, and finally turned into a gray long sword. On the long sword, there was a faint fishy smell. Obviously, it was also highly poisonous.

Cang! Cang!

The two swords interlaced with lightning, and the silhouette flew vaguely. The gravel above the mountain wall flew horizontally, and a series of small cracks quickly spread from the mountain wall as sparks burst.

“Zi Yan, stay here and don’t move!”

Ning Luo looked up at the battle in the sky, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he tilted his head to exhort Zi Yan. The fire wing slowly stretched out from behind, and finally slammed suddenly, and his figure suddenly swept over the sky and rushed straight towards That battlefield.

The two swords fought again, sparks shot violently, Medusa and the Sombra just about to retreat, a figure suddenly flashed from below, and immediately smashed against the Sombra with fists of hot wind. past.

The sudden gust of wind didn’t make the black shadow man panic. His body twisted strangely, and Ning Luo’s fist was pierced through with his robe.

With a fist to no avail, Ning Luo also retreated with lightning. After an instant, he appeared beside Medusa, staring at the dark shadow in front of him with a slightly gloomy look, and slowly said, “Who is your Excellency?”

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