Chapter 373 The former hut!

Ka Gang, whose eyes were full of awe at first, heard Ning Luo’s words, and he was taken aback, and then he carefully looked at the latter’s face, but in his heart he mumbled when he became strong like this?

When Kagang was puzzled, Ling’er beside him stared closely at the familiar face. After a while, he suddenly muttered in a low voice: “Uncle Kagang, he seems to have been wiped out a few years ago. Ningluo from the Wolfhead Mercenary Group is a bit similar…”

Hearing Ling’er’s words, Ka Gang’s body shook sharply. He looked at Ningluo inconceivably. The memories buried under the years also quickly opened up. Finally, the tender face of the young man who had a relationship with him back then, slowly Slowly overlapped with Ning Luo in front of him.

“Little brother Ningluo… is it really you?” The shock in his eyes grew stronger, and Ka Gang lost his voice. Ning Luo was just a fighting master.

But now, with this gesture, more than a dozen fighters and one master are wiped out in ashes. How can such a strong man be comparable to that immature boy back then?

Ning Luo smiled and nodded.

Looking at Ning Luo nodded, Na Kagang’s expression was instantly full of surprises, and he hesitated a little, clenched his teeth, and knelt down, begging: “Brother Ningluo, the bloody mercenary group has suffered a catastrophe, please do Come to the rescue, afterwards, Ka Gang is willing to be a bull and a horse!”

Behind Kagang, Na Ling’er was also looking at Ningluo in front of her with her teeth biting her red lips, her heart tumbling, who could have imagined that she was so young that she was so young that she was so young that she was so ridiculous that she was so horrified. strength.

The thoughts in her heart rolled, Ling’er also knelt down in a hurry, wanting to save the bloody mercenary group, only the youth in front of him could do it.

“However, his name is the same as the leader of the “Luomeng” who has been going viral recently, but I heard that the leader of the “Luomeng” has the strength to fight against the legendary Douzong powerhouse. It seems that he should just have the same name. …”

Ling’er’s eyes flickered, and she whispered in her heart, the name Ningluo, the big Jiama Empire, not a thousand but hundreds, and the lord of the Luo League is too dazzling, even she is not Dare to think about it here, except that the name is the same.

Ning Luo waved his sleeves, a soft force carried the two up, and said softly: “Is it the Snake Nest Mercenary Group? How strong is their group?”

Hearing this, Ka Gang nodded quickly, and hurriedly said: “Their leader is a six-star fighting spirit, with extremely strong strength. In this Qingshan Town, no one can match it. I don’t know if the little brother Ningluo… .”

“Six-Star Dou Ling…” Ning Luo groaned slightly, and then said with a faint smile: “Uncle Kagang, I still have important things to enter the Magical Beasts mountain range during my trip. Maybe I can’t stay here for too long…”

Hearing Ning Luo’s words, Ka Gang’s eyes darkened immediately, and his body was as if all his strength had been removed. Ling’er behind him was clenched with jade hands and laughed at himself miserably. It was indeed not enough to offend a strong fighting spirit for them.

“You put these five bottles away, and when you meet the leader of the snake’s nest mercenary group, you urge it with a grudge, and then cast one out. The danger will be solved by yourself. In addition, this jade medal can contact me once. Big things can be crushed and I will show up to help.”

With a flick of Ning Luo’s finger, five small jade bottles and one jade medal floated towards Kagang. In the jade bottles, each contained a tiny fire lotus.

After receiving the jade bottle in a daze, Ka Gang was a little stunned. With these small jade bottles, he could kill the leader of the Snake Nest Mercenary Group?

“There is still something to do today, so let’s say goodbye. If there is a chance in the future, I should be able to see you again.” Ning Luo smiled slightly, before Ka Gang returned to his senses, his figure trembled, and the strangeness disappeared in the horrified eyes of the surrounding.

Looking at Ning Luo, Ka Gang rolled his throat, looked down at the jade bottle in his hand, knelt on his knees, and slammed three heads at the place where Ning Luo disappeared.Then he pulled up Ling’er, and rushed towards the direction of the blood war mercenary group, telling him intuitively that as long as Ning Luo’s words were followed, the crisis would be resolved!


Ning Luo and the others left.

His gaze slowly swept across the dense forest below. After a while, Ning Luo’s eyes lit up, and the fire wing behind his back fluttered, and he flew violently towards a zone between several mountain peaks. Then, Mei After Du Sha and Zi Yan looked around, they followed closely.

“The smell of medicine here is stronger than it was in the past. It seems to be a treasure place…” Ning Luo eyes reveal gazed at the valley with joy, tilted his head and waved at the two Medusas, and then vibrated the fire wings. Facing the valley down.

The figure slowly fell on the cliffs on the four sides of the valley, Ning Luo just about to descend, but a fishy wind was mixed with a sharp wind, and suddenly burst out.

Brows frowned slightly, Ning Luo, flicked his fingers, once the vigorous green fighting spirit rushed out of the fingertips, and finally collided heavily with the shadow.


When the two collided, the black shadow uttered a screaming cry, and then hurriedly backed away. Ning Luo fixed a glance, and it turned out that it was a magical beasts with black wings and wings on its back.

Although Magical Beasts was repulsed by Ning Luo, they were unwilling to retreat. Instead, they hovered in the sky and made sharp screams full of threats at Ning Luo.

Ning Luo released a flame.

That Magical Beasts was wiped out in an instant.

“Unexpectedly, Tier 4 Magical Beasts appeared here. Could it be that they were attracted by these rare medicinal materials in the valley?”

Ning Luo moved violently towards the valley.

“Hey, this is a great place. I didn’t expect such a small place to have so many Heavenly and Mortal Treasures… and the energy intensity here is much stronger than outside.”

Ziyan’s jewel-like eyes glanced around, and immediately smiled with coveted expressions. She has a special sensitivity to these rare medicinal materials with powerful energy, which even Ning Luo does not possess.

Medusa faintly scanned the surroundings, and immediately stopped on the surrounding wind leopard beasts, her eyebrows frowned, and she said coldly: “Go away!”

There was a cold shout, mixed with a strange pressure spreading out, and any wind leopard beast that was affected would have a little fear in the scarlet eyes.

After a while, after struggling for a while, he let out a low roar, glanced at a few people again, and walked away slowly.

“There used to be no half Magical Beasts here. I didn’t expect it to be here for a few years, but it has become a fierce place.” Ning Luo smiled, looked around, Xuan even raised his leg to face the depths of the valley. Go, in the memory of Zai, there is a small hut from that year.

He still remembers that he once took away the first night of Xiaoyixian in this small house.

I don’t know where Xiaoyixian is now.

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