Chapter 370: Create an Alliance!

As soon as Mu Chen’s words fell, except for Hai Bodong and Ya Fei, the members of the other big families nodded slightly.

“Haha, let me say this. Ning Luo meant to invite everyone to join and form an alliance. This alliance has the full power to protect its members.

To put it bluntly, the three major families of the empire do have some power in this Gama Empire, but in this northwest region, there is no power of words at all.

After the formation of this alliance, your three major families will inevitably be stronger than ever before. Ning Luo’s proposal is not to benefit one person. You can also get things you could not get from it. Yun Yun smiled slightly, but said softly.

After hearing Yun Yun’s words, everyone’s complexion was a little slow, and they nodded slightly. If this is the case, joining this so-called alliance would not hurt.

“Hehe, I don’t know what we need to pay if we join the alliance?” Nalanjie smiled, and then asked quite politely.

“Anyone who joins an alliance will not be able to claim to be a family in the future, but must treat the alliance as a family and safeguard all its interests.” Yun Yun said indifferently. His words are simple, but if you want to do it, you need to pay. Very much.

“Everyone, the alliance is not unique to anyone. The alliance will have the Elder House. As the highest decision of the alliance, even the leader can only obey. There is a place, but in the future, it will never be so easy.” Yun Yun smiled.

Hearing this, Nalanjie and the others only reduced their hesitation, when it was still difficult to make a decision at the moment. After all, the whole family had to pay.

“Hehe, my Mittel family has no opinion. The so-called first veteran of the Elder House should be the old man.” When everyone hesitated in the hall, Haibodong laughed loudly.

With a secret sigh, Mu Chen gave a wry smile and looked up: “Since Elder Hai agrees, then my Mu family agrees to join the alliance. I hope Mr. Ning Luo can treat my Mu family kindly in the future.”

“Joining the alliance is a member of the family. Whoever dares to move the Mu family the slightest bit must first ask Ning Luo if he agrees or not.” Ning Luo said solemnly.

Seeing that two of the three major families chose to join, Nalanjie also gave a wry smile. If he disagrees at this time, I am afraid that he will not end well in the future. Originally, Ningluo didn’t catch a cold with them. If he was offending him ,I am afraid…

“In that case, my Nalan family agree to join…”

Seeing the agreement of the three major families, Yun Yun and Ning Luo also breathed a sigh of relief in secret.

Ning Luo turned his gaze away from Nalanjie and the others, and turned to the silent president of Falun since the beginning of the discussion. He smiled lightly: “President Falun, I don’t know what your opinion is?”

Hearing Ning Luo’s words, Fa Ma felt bitter in his heart. It was his turn. Sure enough, he still couldn’t escape…

“Little friend Ningluo, our pharmacist guild is different from the family. The guild is not too restrictive. Many pharmacists have a free body. The pharmacist guild does not represent their choice, so…” Ma sighed.

Ning Luo narrowed his eyes and looked directly at Famu. Even though he knew that the latter’s statement was not false, he did not intend to give up the Alchemist Guild, because this force was what he valued most.

Therefore, in any case, he must incorporate the Alchemist Guild into the alliance. With these alchemists, the strength of the alliance will soar rapidly in the future!Apothecary, no matter how you say it, is the most important and rare profession on the Dou Qi continent!

Therefore, the pharmacist guild, can’t let it go!

Fa Ma’s face became more helpless, but he did not speak.

As the president of the Alchemist Guild, Fajun’s reputation is slightly inferior to that of the Gama Empire, even King Pill Furukawa, and many empire powerhouses have something to do with him after so many years of communication.

Therefore, what I want him to do for no reason is to join the alliance established by Ning Luo. There is no benefit that can make him agree, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to nod and agree.

“President Famu, once the pharmacist guild joins the alliance, the consumption of all pharmacists in the guild will be supported by the alliance, which is of great benefit to their Ascension pharmacist level.

As for the majority of the pharmacists in the guild that you mentioned are free, there is no need to worry about it. As long as the president of Falun agrees, Ning Luo believes that most of them will feel relieved to join the alliance. “The tense atmosphere was finally broken by Ning Luo after a long while.

Fa Yu’s eyes flickered, and a moment later, he shook his head with a wry smile again, and sighed: “I’m the master of this matter. I have to go back and discuss with some Elders before I can make a decision.”

“President Fa Mu, don’t know how many fifth rank pharmacists currently have in the pharmacist guild?” Ning Luo smiled faintly, but suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Fa Yu was startled, and immediately said with some doubts: “No more than five, but the old man has been at the top of the fifth rank for many years. I have felt a little in recent years and may soon reach the sixth rank!”

Seeing Fa Ma’s slightly flickering eyes when he was speaking, Ning Luo smiled and said softly, “Is President Fa Ma really confident of reaching the sixth rank?”

“As long as the president of Falun agrees to join the alliance, Ning Luo is here to say that within ten years, the number of fifth rank alchemists in the guild will reach ten, and your old man will also enter the sixth rank during this period of time. .” Seeing Fa Ma’s appearance, Ning Luo smiled and slowly dropped an ammunition that was no less than a blockbuster to the former.

As soon as Ning Luo’s voice fell, it was no surprise that it caused a series of air-conditioned voices in the hall. Even Hai Bodong looked at Ning Luo with a look of astonishment and smile.

“I’ve been in Ningluo for seven years, but I’ve reached the seventh-rank level. Based on this, I guess I wouldn’t be regarded as ostentatious, right?” Ning Luo whispered.

The eyes of everyone in the hall shrank slightly, and a touch of horror appeared on the face of the Falun. He always thought that Ning Luo had been exposed to pill refining since childhood, but now listening to what he said…

In seven years, he went from a teenager who didn’t know anything about refining medicine to become a pill refining master of the seventh stage. This kind of speed, if what he said is true, it is really terrible.

The thoughts in his mind flew around. After a long time, Fa Ma took a long breath, looked directly at Ning Luo, and said in a deep voice: “If little friend Ning Luo can really make my pharmacist guild have ten fifth rank pharmacists in ten years. , The old man can respond and incorporate the guild into the alliance!”

Upon hearing this, Ning Luo chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Ning Luo also smiled slightly, glanced at Mu Chen and others, who showed a little envy in his eyes, and smiled lightly: “The three big families only need to do their best for the alliance in the future.

I, Ningluo, also promised you that in ten years, your clan will have three or more Douhuang powerhouses. This, I think, should be easier than cultivating ten fifth rank alchemists. ”

Hearing that, Mu Chen, Nalanjie and others were startled first, and then they were full of ecstasy, and hurriedly got up and cupped hands to thank them.

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