Chapter 371 Luo League!

Ning Luo smiled and waved his hand, and said, “Since everyone has joined the alliance, it is naturally their own family. The more powerful, the stronger the alliance is. This is my business.”

Jia Xing Tian and Yao Ye were also shocked by Ning Luo’s promised words. In ten years, they have cultivated powerhouses of the Dou Huang rank. If these words were put in the mouths of others, they would definitely just sneer.

But for the young man in front of him who was able to defeat the strong Dou Zong at the age of twenty, the suspicion in their hearts was suppressed to the lowest level. Perhaps the latter’s endless trump cards were indeed capable of such an ability.

Thinking of this, both of them are faintly envied. They have been trained in the royal family for many years, but there are only a few strong players.

In the order of Emperor Dou, apart from the Yuhaijiao Beast, there is only Jia Xingtian in the entire royal family, and this is where Jia Xingtian is the most anxious. Once he unfortunately falls in the future, he will lose the royal family he guarded. Wouldn’t the deterrent power be greatly reduced?

With a dark sigh in their hearts, Jia Xingtian and Yaoye looked at each other, both frowned slightly and sighed. The former groaned for a moment.

As if a major decision had been made, he stood up abruptly and said to Ningluo’s cupped hands: “Haha, little friend Ningluo, I don’t know if the royal family joins this alliance, will it be able to make me a top ten in the royal family? How many more powerful fighting emperors in the middle of the year?”

Jia Xingtian’s sudden words also shocked everyone in the hall. Does this royal family also want to join this alliance?

Yao Ye was also shocked by Jia Xingtian’s words, and then she was silent, she also knew that the current royal family can stand in the Gama Empire, most of which is the shock of the grandfather.

However, despite the imperial family’s efforts to cultivate, there has never been a new and sufficient amount of fighting emperor to replace it. Therefore, everyone is worried about how the imperial family’s status will be hit once the penalty days pass.

On the Douqi Continent, the real powerhouse is superior to any empire. A Douhuang powerhouse can rival an ordinary army of tens of thousands of people. The powerful destructive power determines their status.

And in a slightly weak empire like Gama, a strong emperor is enough to dominate the outcome of a war.

Ning Luo looked at Jia Xingtian in surprise. The other party’s behavior was also beyond his expectation. He didn’t expect that he would impress this old guy with the three major family heirs. After a moment of surprise, he smiled. Nodded.

Said: “Older has this idea, Ningluo is naturally welcome. As long as the royal family can come up with truly talented people, Ningluo will do everything he can, and in the future, the alliance and the royal family will depend on misfortune and good fortune!”

Hearing that, Xing Tianlang laughed, but he was faintly relieved. Perhaps this would make the royal family’s position more stable…

“Hehe, since this alliance has been established, I wonder if there is a name?”

Yun Yun smiled slightly, looked at Ning Luo, and whispered: “The name of the alliance has only two characters, we call it…”


“Luomeng?”He muttered the name carefully, and Jia Xingtian turned his eyes to Ning Luo who was smiling, and said with a smile: “Good name, I hope that the northwestern region will have a place in the Jiama Empire by then.”

Ning Luo nodded with a smile, and said softly: “Ning Luo will naturally do his best.”

“Hehe, since this alliance has been established, it naturally needs a leader who controls the overall situation…” Fa Ma stood up and smiled: “It seems that this position is none other than Ningluo.”

Hearing Fa Yu’s words, Mu Chen, Nalanjie and others also hurriedly agreed with a smile. Ning Luofei took such a big opportunity to promote the alliance. Naturally, they would not naively think that it is really unselfish. The position of the leader of the alliance is already As it is in the bag, naturally there will be no unsightly people who say other objections on such occasions.

For this, Ning Luo also smiled, but did not pretend to be pretentious, got up and laughed: “Luomeng Fei Ningluo is owned by one person, and future achievements will have to rely on the veterans present!”

Seeing that everything went according to expectations, Yun Yun nodded with a smile, waved, and the maid on the side hurriedly delivered the already prepared drinks to everyone.

“Today’s alliance achievement is a big event, for Luomeng, everyone has a full drink!” Raising the glass, Yun Yun said with a smile.

“Haha, haha, haha, haha, go! Go! Go!”

Amidst a burst of laughter in the hall, the largest alliance power of the Gama Empire finally took shape. Perhaps soon, this new force will be talked about by everyone in the Gama Empire, and many people will know it. This force will be the replacement of Yun Lanzong!

The establishment of the Luo League immediately caused a huge commotion in the Jiama Empire. Countless people were shocked by this powerful alliance. The three major clans of the empire, plus the Apothecary Guild, this lineup, almost Already comparable to the original Yunlanzong, no one thought that Ning Luo could actually complete these things that even Yunlanzong had never done before, quietly and properly.

Many people feel faintly, in the future, this Jiama Empire, I am afraid it will be the “Luomeng” world.

Ning Luo didn’t have the slightest procrastination. Zi Yan was found in the mansion, and then he quietly left with her.

With Zi Yan, he had just left the imperial capital. Ning Luo just wanted to use his fighting spirit wings to drive on his way, but Zi Yan beside him pulled his sleeve, pointed his little finger forward, and said with a clear voice: “Sister Cailin is there. .”

Hearing this, Ningluo was shocked, and quickly projected his gaze straight away. As expected, he saw Medusa’s enchanting shadow, leaning lazily against a tree trunk, staring at both of them with beautiful eyes.

“Why are you here?” Ning Luo said in astonishment.

“Don’t want to take Zi Yan away alone, I don’t worry that she will follow you.” Medusa said lightly, and then walked slowly, ignoring Ning Luo’s stunned gaze, pulling Zi Yan up.

Upon seeing this, Ning Luo shook his head helplessly, and had to say: “Okay, okay, come with you, I am going to Closed Door Training, not to play, but also because she needs to advance to the ranks. Huge energy, and the place I go is very suitable for her.”

As he said this, Ning Luo’s shoulders trembled, and the green fire wing slowly stretched out from behind, and finally turned into a gorgeous fire wing that was nearly ten feet wide.

“You bring Zi Yan to follow up.” Said to Medusa, Ning Luo’s wings shook, his figure was lifted into the sky, and finally flew away towards the direction where the distant Magical Beasts mountain range was.

After that, Medusa looked at Ning Luo’s helpless figure, with an imperceptible faint arc on her cold and pretty face, and immediately pulled Zi Yan, her figure flashed, she appeared in the sky with a little void on her toes. Quickly keep up with Ning Luo who flies by in front of him.

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