Chapter 369 Something Interesting!

I saw Nalan Yanran’s eyes were watery, but with the coldness of talking, she seemed to be able to see through everything, her fingers were slender, her skin was like fat, and the snow was white with pink.

She seemed to be able to squeeze out the water, a pair of vermilion lips, with a smile that seemed to be dancing, her long hair hanging straight down her ankles, she untied her hair, and the blue silk was dancing with the wind.

It emits a delicate fragrance, slender waist, slender limbs, and Fairy-like refined temperament, dressed in white clothes on the ground, rusty butterfly dark patterns, and a green silk is lightly raised with butterfly tassels.

A butterfly carved from a pearl in the forehead radiates a faint light, and the eyebrows are lightly swept, and there is no powder on the face, but it still can’t hide the stunning face, and a crystal necklace between the necks makes the collarbone more and more clear.

The white jade bracelet on the wrist lined the skin like snow, and the gilt shoes on the feet were decorated with precious stones. The beautiful eyes flowed, as if the pale butterfly lost its breath in the darkness.

The expression is indifferent, like a Fairy who cannibalize fireworks, and a smile is raised at the corner of his mouth, which is as ethereal and gorgeous as fireworks.

Ye Chen hugged Nalan Yanran.

Kissing her red lips.

“Yan Ran, let Senior Brother take good care of you, okay?”

Ning Luo looked at Nalan Yanran and said.

Nalan Yanran nodded.

She winked and looked at Ning Luo.

Zhu lips touched the senior brother’s lips lightly.

The two embraced each other.

Enthusiasm is like fire.

Ning Luo hugged Nalan Yanran’s thin waist.

The belt was untied gently.

Nalan Yanran fell in front of Ning Luo like a white rabbit.

The two embraced each other.

Stayed up all night.


the next day.

Ning Luo got up.

At this time, I saw Medusa pulling Zi Yan, looking at Ning Luo angrily.


“What’s wrong?”

“Why are you constipated?”

Cailin’s eyes were cold, and she looked at Ning Luo and said, “You are constipated!”

“Ning Luo, where did you go last night and the night before? Did you go to accompany your Master?” Cai Lin asked immediately.

Ning Luo looked at Cailin.

This jealous woman is really fierce.

At this time, Ningluo pulled Cailin’s hand.

Whispered softly: “Okay, Cailin, I’ll be with you tonight, okay!”

“Ningluo Big Brother, what do you want to accompany Cailin Big sis?” Zi Yan asked inexplicably.

“Of course it is to do interesting things!”

At this time, Zi Yan’s eyes shined brightly.

“What’s interesting?””Can Ningluo Big Brother do it with me?”

Ning Luo touched Zi Yan’s head and smiled: “Haha…little guy, you are too young, wait for you to grow up!”

“Hmph, don’t do it if you don’t do it!”

Zi Yan went out.


Ning Luo and Queen Medusa were in bed.

Queen Medusa’s red body, under the slender jade neck, the crisp breasts are like white jade, half-covered, the waist is a bunch, not a full grip, a pair of even jade-like legs are exposed, even beautiful The petite lotus feet were also silently enchanting, sending out alluring invitations.

This woman’s costume is undoubtedly extremely criminal, but compared with her demeanor, this costume seems to be much inferior. Her big eyes were smiling and pretty and demon, the water covered the mist and the ground was rippling with intrigue.

The corners of her small mouth are slightly raised, her red lips are slightly open, she wants to attract someone to Fengze. This is a woman who exudes alluring and seductive from her bones. She seems to be seducing men all the time, affecting men’s nerves.

But they don’t know.

At this time, a pair of small eyes were looking at them outside the window.

“Well, Ningluo Big Brother and Cailin Big sis are entangled. Isn’t this kind of fun?”

There was a big doubt in the small head.


After this war.

Yunlanzong should have become the number one sect in the entire Gama Empire.

On individual strength.

I am afraid that no one can compare to Ningluo in the Jiama Empire.

Regarding the strength of Sect, the development of Yun Lanzong over the years is not comparable to any Sect.

Therefore, Yun Lanzong’s strength gradually became ascension.

However, Ningluo’s request was more than that simple.

What he had to do was to make them Yun Lanzong unshakable.

When the warm sun gradually shrouded the entire imperial capital, the Yunlanzong gate located in the center of the imperial capital gradually ushered in the strongest forces in the empire, and many people looked at it from a distance. The badges of the forces docked at the gate all felt like, this Gama Empire seemed to be about to happen again.

The entire Yunlan Sect is extremely tightly defended today. Any non-ethnic personnel walking in it will immediately attract dozens of eyes from the dark. Attracted many attacks.

At the center of Yunlanzong, a large-scale discussion hall towered. Within a hundred meters of the hall, there were many guards standing up and down, constantly scanning back and forth with cold eyes.

In the chamber, the atmosphere is not as solemn as imagined. There are not many people who can enter here, only a few people, but they are equivalent to the most powerful parties in the Gama Empire. power.

In the hall, above the first, the white-clothed youth sits with a smile.

Yun Yun Ye Nalan Yanran sat on Ning Luo’s right.

On its left side, sitting with a pretty indifferent Medusa and Xiao Ziyan who are constantly looking around, and some of the eyes in the hall occasionally vaguely scan the two people, the eyes are full of fear.

After talking with Hai Bodong for a short while, most of the personnel reached it, Ning Luo just stopped talking, and his eyes slowly swept across the audience. He immediately paused on the old man and the woman at the round table, and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect Jia Lao and Princess Yaoye is here today too, she is really a distinguished guest.”

Hearing this, Jiaxingtian smiled and said: “This is such a big event, my royal family will naturally come to join in the fun, and see how the second generation of “Yunlanzong” of the Jiama Empire will be established in the future.”

Ning Luo smiled, stood up slowly, and stared at the audience. Under his gaze, the whispers in the hall quietly weakened, and his eyes gathered on the former.

“Since everyone is here, let’s start talking about business.”

After hearing this, everyone was rushing to concentrate.

Ning Luo let out a sigh of relief, without talking nonsense, and said in a deep voice straight to the subject: “You should also know that the status of my Jiama Empire in the northwestern region of this continent is not much higher. Now the status of the Jiama Empire, In the northwest region, there will be a serious decline. As the Gama Empire, you must not be happy to comment on this situation, right?”

“Presumably you should also know some of my Ningluo’s plans. The powerful forces in the empire will also make Ascension of the country in which it is located. Now that the Yunlan Sect is disbanded, then I Ningluo, but I want to build a more than that. For a powerful force!”

Ning Luo’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said solemnly: “And if you find you today, it is hope that you can also join this alliance. In the future, your status and gains will be far from what you are now!

Ning Luo’s voice fell, and there was a little silence in the hall. After a while, Mu Chen coughed lightly and took the lead: “Mr. Ning Luo meant to integrate our big families into a single force?”

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