Chapter 368 Gentle Township!

What happened in the Yunlan Sect, in just a few days, it spread to every corner of the Jiama Empire. After a while, the entire empire caused an uproar.

Almost everyone knows how tyrannical and terrifying the Yunlan Sect is in the Jiama Empire. The presence of Yunshan in the past few years has greatly boosted the Yunlan Sect’s momentum.

However, now, it is the shocking news that Sect is about to be disbanded by the Cloud Lanzong, which is undoubtedly a big and earth-shattering event for the people of the Gama Empire.

And when this kind of thing was going viral, as the protagonist of the incident, Ningluo was also completely known by everyone in the Jiama Empire. For the latter name, some people were a little strange and at a loss, but some with a better memory were Can still vaguely remember the rookie who rose like a comet in the empire three years ago…

However, Ningluo at that time was only quite outstanding among the younger generation. In just three years, he returned strongly. Such rapid progress made people really have to be amazed.

The entire empire was shocked by this matter, and naturally it inevitably caused countless consternations.

The name of Ningluo has also begun to spread to countless people, because as long as they are not too stupid, they will understand that in the future, this Gama Empire, this young man, will probably become the future Sect Leader of Yunlanzong and become the empire’s grudge. One overlord in the cultivation world!

Although Yunshan is dead, Ningluo will surely replace Yunshan.

The Cloud Lanzong will become the largest sect in the Jiama Empire.

And Ning Luo.

These days have been entangled in the gentle township.

Master Yunyun.

Junior sister Nalan Yanran.

There is also Queen Medusa.

No matter which woman it is, she is definitely the best among the best.

It’s very beautiful.

Ning Luo also liked them very much.

In the room.

I saw Ning Luo and Yun Yun in the room.

Yun Yun looked at that delicate young face from close range, and a touch of tenderness appeared in her bright eyes. Compared with three years ago, she was less immature and more mature.

“Little guy, you’re really grown up.” The jade hand slowly stretched out, gently touching Ning Luo’s face, Yun Yun said softly.

Feeling the soft touch on his face, Ning Luo’s complexion gradually softened. He couldn’t have no feeling for the woman in front of him.

“Little guy, what do you want to do?” Yun Yun suddenly chuckled while staring at Ning Luo.

With gleaming light in his eyes, Ning Luo suddenly stretched out his arms, wrapped his arms around the slender willow waist, tightly looped into his arms, and whispered: “Of course I want to honor you, Master!”

Being forcibly hugged by Ning Luo, a faint blush appeared on Yun Yun’s snow-white cheeks, struggling lightly, but Ning Luo’s hug was even tighter.

After struggling to no avail, Yun Yun had to give up, flipping the jade hand, and a set of dark blue inner armor appeared in her hand, gently leaning the inner armor against Ning Luo’s chest, she said softly: “Remember this inner armor. ?”

Staring at the inner armour on his chest, the past was like a tide. Scenes flashed in Ning Luo’s mind, his eyes drooping slightly, looking at the tenderness contained in the beautiful eyes.

There was an impulse in his heart, and he forcibly held the latter’s slightly thin white chin, and then, in the shock of the opponent’s gaze, his mouth was printed against his delicate red lips.

After being raided by Ning Luo, Yun Yun only had time to make a low whine, and then she was stopped by all means. She knocked on the front of the chest with her slender hand, but she was weak and weak, without the slightest strength.

“No matter, I’m going to leave anyway, just rely on this little guy once…” With a soft sigh in his heart, Yun Yun slowly closed her eyes, and her closed shell teeth opened and closed slightly.

In the room, the men and women hugged tightly, releasing the passion in their hearts.

Ning Luo hugged Own Master and released Own’s passion to his heart’s content.A set of plain skirts wraps a plump body, and the blue silk in his hand is turned into a noble Phoenix hair accessory. The beautiful and charming face is calm and tranquil, but it reveals a touch of grace and nobility that plain clothes can hardly conceal.

Three thousand green silks were pulled into the shape of Phoenix’s long scream.

That stunning face is like a flower fairy in the mountains who doesn’t ask about common things, full of moving ethereal color, and his eyes are flowing, and what he has in his eyes is just the kind of light that penetrates the bone.

The two were in the room, kissing.

Ning Luo gently pushed Master Yun Yun onto the bed.


the next day.

Nalan Yanran found Ning Luo.

The two came to Nalan Yanran’s room.

Nalan Yanran glared at Ning Luo.

“Brother, you have been there for so long, you don’t know how much Yanran misses you!”

The girl’s appearance is cold and beautiful, and her beautiful and charming face can only be compared with Xiao Xun’er, who is like a green lotus. She is dressed in a moon-white dress and robe, and her exquisite body is full of bumps.

There is a green jade pendant hanging from the delicate earlobe, and when it shakes slightly, it makes a crisp jade sound, showing a sudden touch of delicateness.

Ning Luo hugged Nalan Yanran’s thin waist, smiled and said, “Brother miss you too!”

“Hmph, you and Master are so hot, but you leave me in the cold, brother, you are so cruel!” Nalan Yanran leaned against Ning Luo’s chest.

His hands circled Ning Luo’s chest.

Ning Luo hugged Nalan Yanran and placed her hand on the willow waist that Nalan Yanran held in Yingying. She was tied with a light silver belt, just to show the slender waist perfectly.

Occasionally, the graceful curve underneath is highlighted. In the comparison of the figure, she seems to be no less inferior to the concubine.

The jade hands are like catkins, the skin is like fat, the eyebrows are crooked, and there is a faint hint of dust and grace between the clever smiles, and it is indifferent from thousands of miles. Between her delicate earlobes, a pair of green jade pendants hung, and the jade pendant made a slight ding-dong sound as the jade pendant shook, as if a mountain spring and a reef played a moving movement.

In the past three years, she has transformed from that savage girl into a mature woman with a refined temperament.

Looking at such a mature Nalan Yanran, Ning Luo couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

The plump figure is very exciting, three thousand green silk is randomly tied by a strand of cyan silk, and finally hangs down to the delicate buttocks.

Today’s Nalan Yanran no longer has the sentimentality of the past, and her gestures are exuding a charming mature temptation. The savage girl of the year is now truly out of the country.

Ning Luo gently pushed Nalan Yanran to her, and then kissed her red lips.

“Then, if we don’t sleep together in the future, no one will be left out.”

Ning Luo joined in Nalan Yanran’s ear and said softly.

This statement came out.

Nalan Yanran flushed immediately.

“One…one…to sleep together?”

“Brother, are you talking about me and Master, and you?”

Ning Luo looked at Nalan Yanran, who was flushed, very interesting, and continued to tease: “It’s all right, plus other women of the senior brother, it’s all right!”

At this moment, I saw Nalan Yanran like a steam stove.

Ning Luo hugged Nalan Yanran and looked at Nalan Yanran’s eyes and said: “However, at this moment, the brother pet you alone!”

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