Chapter 367 Shura Field!

Suddenly, I saw that the soul palace protector was held in his hand by Ning Luo using the soul-holding technique.

The painful color on the face of the illusory human head that had swelled to several feet suddenly solidified, and an unusually strong black glow burst out of its seven orifices. After an instant, under the gaze of countless horrified eyes, it burst suddenly. !


The loud sound shook the world like thunder, and the extremely terrifying black tide disturbed like a flash flooding ship. From the imaginary head of the explosion, the eerie black light spread out in the blink of an eye, and finally enveloped the whole. world.

This time the darkness came extremely thoroughly, and the shining sun above the sky disappeared out of thin air at this moment, and the whole world was suddenly completely filled with darkness.

Darkness enveloped the earth, causing everyone to panic. After a while, various vindictive auras erupted. However, even with the help of the vindictive ray, in this weird dark world, only a few can still be seen. The range within a ruler.


There was a loud noise.

The Soul Palace protector burst into pieces.

Everyone showed a look of horror and looked at Ning Luo in disbelief.

As time passed slowly, above the sky, Ning Luo finally gradually calmed down.

Ning Luo fell from the sky and looked towards Yunlanzong Square below, and Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran…

Yun Yun’s pretty face changed slightly, she pressed her slender hand and looked at Ning Luo.


Ning Luo fell in front of Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran.

“Xiao Luo, are you okay?” Yun Yun asked immediately.

Yun Yun’s unsteady eyes finally stopped on Ning Luo’s unusually indifferent face.

“It’s okay!” Ning Luo looked at own Master with a smile.

At this moment, Yun Yun stood in front of Ning Luo with a red makeup.

“It’s okay.” The plump chest rose and fell slightly, Yun Yun bit her red lips, her face was blushing.

“What’s wrong, shy?” Ning Luo pulled Yun Yun’s hand.

“So many people!” Yun Yun said immediately.

“Ha ha ha ha……”

Ning Luo laughed.

“Master, I said I want to marry you as my wife. So, will you marry me?”

A hint of blush appeared on her pretty face, and Yun Yun’s delicate body trembled slightly.

She didn’t expect Ning Luo to propose to herself in front of so many people.

“Marry him!”

“Marry him, marry him!”

Suddenly, a huge sound rang from the square.

“I…I…I am willing.” Qiao’s face blushed, Yun Yun took a deep breath and said slowly.

Ning Luo looked at Yun Yun, who was slightly trembling with Miaoman’s delicate body, and she was a little bit twisted at this time.

“Xiao Luo, but Master just died, although I have cut off the relationship between master and apprentice with him, but he is my Master after all, I’m afraid now…I can’t marry you yet!” Yun Yun said. .

Ning Luo held Yun Yun’s hand and said, “Master, no matter how long it takes to wait, I am willing!”

Yun Yun nodded.

At this time, Nalan Yanran ran over, and a stubborn stubbornness appeared on her beautiful cheeks: “Huh, brother smelly, you just think about Master, don’t you care about me?”

Ning Luo chuckled lightly, and took Nalan Yanran’s hand.

He whispered softly: “Of course not, you and Master, I will both marry, Junior Sister, are you willing to marry me?”The jade item extended an elegant arc, and Nalan Yanran stood on her toes slightly and kissed Ning Luo’s cheek.

Then, he said shyly: “I… I certainly do.”

At this time, I saw the person next to me cast an enviable look.

They couldn’t figure out why there are so many goddesses around this Ningluo.

And each of them is almost a goddess of the goddess level, and all of them are national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

Watching the reunion of the three masters and apprentices, Medusa stood hanging in the air, gazing faintly at the entangled people below. When she heard the dark conversation between Ning Luo and Yun Yun, Daimei endured Fucked constantly.

There was an emotion that made her a little irritable in her heart, and this irritability directly caused her to pull over the little Ziyan who was looking down at her, and then rubbed her little head. , Causing the latter to grumble with a bitter face.

“Cailin Big sis, what are you doing?” Xiao Ziyan muttered.

“Huh, Damn it’s Ningluo, a big carrot!” Medusa said coldly.

At this time, Ning Luo turned his eyes, looked at Yao Ye, the head of countless troops below, and said faintly: “Princess Yao Ye, withdraw the army.”

Hearing Ningluo’s voice, Yao Ye quickly smiled and nodded, turned around, and issued orderly orders, and under his orders, the black and heavy army immediately retreated like a tide. Finally disappeared on the top of the mountain.

“Thank you for today’s matter.” After repatriating the army, Ning Luo looked at Jiaxingtian and the others again, with a smile on his face.

Hearing that, Jia Xingtian, Fa Yu and others hurriedly waved their hands and laughed politely. Today, Ning Luo is the one who can destroy the Yunlan Sect.

“Are you okay?” Haibodong appeared beside him and asked when he moved his body.

Waved his hand, Ning Luo smiled.

After dismissing everyone, Zi Yan, Medusa and others all stayed in Yunlanzong.

After seeing Medusa, Yun Yun was shocked.


“Humph!” Medusa snorted coldly and turned to leave.

“Cailin, where are you going?” Ningluo immediately grabbed Queen Medusa.

“You are reunited with your Master, and you return to my snake-human clan, can you control it?” Cailin said immediately.

“Are you jealous?” Ning Luo asked with a smile looking at Medusa who was slowly jealous.

“I…I won’t be jealous of you!”

Medusa’s face flushed.

At this time, Yun Yun was also very puzzled.

“Xiao Luo, what the hell is going on, what is the relationship between you and Queen Medusa?” Yun Yun asked when she looked at Ning Luo.

Nalan Yanran also looked at Ning Luo: “Okay brother, it’s not enough for you to have me and Master, you also found this snake girl!”

“Little girl film, who do you say is the snake girl?” Medusa suddenly furious.

The vindictiveness on his body was also released.

Yun Yun saw this, and suddenly, a green vindictiveness appeared on her body.

At this moment, several women broke out in an instant.

Ning Luo stood in the middle and said quickly: “Stop!”

I quickly stopped everyone, this is obviously the rhythm of opening the harem, how can it evolve into a Shura field?

Ning Luo looked at the three women and said, “Okay, can’t everyone get along at all? You are all my wives, and my love for you is the same, so please everyone can get along in harmony in the future!”

Cailin looked at Ning Luo and immediately asked: “Ning Luo, you can honestly say that besides your Master, you also have that concubine, and Xun’er Xiaoyu, besides them, how many confidantes do you have? ”

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran were shocked.

“Okay, brother, you turned my back…you found so many women!”

“Xiao Luo, didn’t you say that you only love being a teacher?”

In an instant, the three united front and faced Ning Luo.

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