Chapter 366 Soul Confinement Technique!

The two figures in the sky naturally attracted the attention of the audience at once, but the so-called guardian and Ning Luo.

“Boy, you have been fighting for so long, why is your vindictiveness so abundant?” the law protector asked in shock.

Ning Luo’s eyes were calm, and he said lightly: “Hmph, you can ask Lord King Yama!”

With that, I saw endless flames burst out of Ning Luo’s hands in an instant.

The weird black mist covering the body of the guardian Kakuya has disappeared at this moment, the chest is violently ups and downs, and heavy breathing sounds continue to be heard. A large black cloak covers the whole body, and the dark face reveals a pair of dark red rays. .

“Jie Jie, Damn it, kid, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, no wonder Yunshan is not your opponent.” The black cloak trembles slightly, and the guardian laughs strangely, with a little gasping in his voice.

“Don’t want to leave today, stay here.” Ning Luo laughed coldly.

Hearing that, the pair of dark red rays under the black cloak was slightly richer, and a slightly low and dark voice, slowly came out: “Really? You really are so easy to deal with the protection of the law? Today even if you pay for it. With a big price, I will definitely capture you back to the Soul Hall! Jie Jie, the Hall Master is very interested in you.”

Hearing the strange gloom in the words of the protector, Ning Luo couldn’t help narrowing his eyes, and a little anxiety rose in his heart. He knew very little about these monsters in the Soul Palace, and did not know what their final means were. ..

Just as Ning Luo’s thoughts were turning, the thick fire cloud above the sky suddenly fluctuated, and a huge vortex appeared immediately.

As soon as the vortex appeared, it began to rotate, and as its rotation intensified, the diffuse fire cloud also stirred up like a tide.

The black fog fluctuated, and suddenly a weird laughter came out, and then the voice turned and resounded across the sky: “Since Yunshan is dead now, there is no need for support from Yunlanzong. Some things should be taken back. NS!”

Hearing the dark laughter from the black fog, all Elders of Yunlan Sect’s complexion changed drastically, and immediately seemed to understand something, and quickly retreated.

However, just as they were just moving, a strange suction suddenly burst out of the black mist, and this suction swept across the sky.

This suction did no harm to ordinary people, but those Yun Lanzong Elders who turned and fled had their bodies solidified abruptly, and immediately their bodies were still like puppets, and their faces showed painful colors, especially distorted and hideous.

“What are you doing?!” Seeing those Elders of Yunlanzong who are in a terrible pain, Yunyun’s pretty face has also changed drastically. These Elders are the mainstays of Yunlanzong. If something happens to them, this Yunlanzong, can It’s really over.

Ning Luo knew what Elder was doing in this soul palace.

He is absorbing the soul of Elder of Cloud Lanzong.

“Jiejie, they accepted the power of my soul palace. Otherwise, why did your Yunlanzong gain so much strength in just three years? Now that you have benefited, it is naturally time to pay the price.” , A burst of cold laughter came out.

Looking at those Yun Lanzong Elder who lost his vitality momentarily, Yun Yun’s body trembled for a while, and a touch of iron was gradually rising on her pretty face.

After a while, the scream of anger resounded, and a vigorous fighting spirit suddenly burst out of his body!

“Asshole, return their souls!”

Yun Yun’s pretty face was blue, and a pair of cyan vindictive wings quickly appeared behind him. The wings flicked and flashed up to the sky in an instant, and rushed away against the black mist.

“Huh, overweight! Overweight stinky guy.”

Feeling the rushing Yun Yun, the guardian’s sneer sounded from the black mist, and a black arrow was shot out suddenly, the target pointed directly at Yun Yun’s forehead.

Feeling the rapidly spreading black mist, a vigorous vindictive energy quickly emerged from Yun Yun’s body, and then collided with the black mist in various ways.

boom! boom! …

There was a burst of energy, and Yun Yun’s figure slid down into the sky like a heavy blow. The wings behind her vibrated several times before she turned pale and stabilized. With her strength, it was indeed difficult to contend with the guardian.

At this moment, I saw Ning Luo rising up into the sky.He hugged Master Yun Yun’s thin waist.

“Master, leave it to me!” Ning Luo said while looking at Yun Yun.

Yun Yun looked at Ning Luo with surprise in her heart.

“But, you have been fighting for so long!”

Ning Luo turned his head and smiled and said, “Elder, the soul palace in the mere guts, don’t be afraid. Doesn’t the Master still know my combat effectiveness?”

Yun Yun didn’t understand what Ning Luo meant before.

Thought for a while.

Yun Yun understood what Ning Luo was talking about fighting power.

Qiao blushed immediately.

“Xiao Luo, this is the time, you are still kidding!” Yun Yun said immediately.

“Master, you leave first, I will deal with him!”

Ning Luo put the Master on the ground, then rose up into the sky, and killed him again.

The guardian magic reappeared again, a horrible and cold aura that was several times more tyrannical than before, slowly rising out, and finally enveloped the entire Yunlan Mountain. At this moment, the originally clear sky has also become dark. It sinks, and the wind gusts.

Ning Luo rose into the sky.

The Guardian Gu suddenly sneered, but just as he was about to do it, a sharp and powerful sword gang suddenly shot into the sky from the back mountain of Yunlanzong, and the clear scream echoed in everyone’s ears.

At the moment when the sound of the sword sounded, a powerful aura suddenly emerged from the back mountain!

“This breath…” Ning Luo was slightly startled in the sky, and immediately his eyes narrowed suddenly.

“Yan Ran?!”

The clear sword rang across the sky, and immediately a rainbow sword light flashed from the back mountain of the Cloud Lanzong, and after a few breaths, it appeared above this messy square.

The rainbow light dissipated, revealing the figure in it, a mysterious skirt, three thousand green silks smoothly sliding down the incense shoulders, spreading over the waist, and reaching to the delicate buttocks.

The woman’s eyebrows are picturesque, her muscles are like ice and snow, and she has a slightly thin face, but she just happens to be constructed into a perfect outline, which makes people can’t help but give a secret compliment. What a beautiful girl…

“Brother, I’ll help you!” Nalan Yanran said immediately.

Ning Luo looked at Nalan Yanran, smiled and said, “Don’t worry, sister, brother committed suicide!”

The black mist seems to contain extremely strong corrosive power. When it comes into contact with the cloud-colored giant sword, it quickly corrodes the huge energy contained in the latter, and it is corroded by the strange black mist.

Ning Luo rose into the sky and came to Hei Mist’s face.

“Let you try this trick!”

“Spiritual restraint!”

Ning Luo formed a seal on both hands, and instantly cast the soul-holding technique.

The surging and strong power surging out from the body, although it is difficult to see with the naked eye, it can clearly feel the terrifying pressure that fills the sky.

“This…what secret technique is this?”

A look of horror appeared in Elder’s eyes.

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