Chapter 365 One day, flatten the soul palace!

“Jiejie, Ning Luo!” Ning Luo just moved, a black shadow pierced the sky like lightning, and it was the guardian.

“What is this?” Black mist emerged in the sky, and the disciples of the Yunlan Sect below suddenly became a little commotion. Their eyes were full of surprises. They didn’t even notice when such weird people were hidden in the sect.

At Xitai, Yun Yun also looked at the black mist with a pretty face in shock, and as her thoughts turned, she felt a little uneasy. This mysterious force named “Soul Palace” was here to catch Ning Luo.

“Xiao Luo, be careful!”

Yun Yun shouted immediately.

The sudden change also made the originally happy Hai Bodong and the others look slightly ugly, and they could faintly feel the extraordinary black mist.

“Who is this guy?” A palm shook the Yunlanzong Douhuang strong in front of him back and forth again and again, and Jia Xingtian solemnly shouted at Hai Bodong not far away.

“I don’t know.” Haibodong shook his head.

Hearing that, Jia Xing Tian, ​​Fa Yu and others also focused on their heads, and in such an emergency, they did not dare to keep their hands anymore, exerting their vigorous vindictiveness to the extreme, facing the opponent in front of them.

Launched a fierce offensive, and under the aggressive offensive of everyone, those Yunlanzong Elders suddenly fell into a disadvantage, steadily retreating. During this period, there were some weak people who were the first to be killed on the spot, but before they died, they too The opponent was given a mortal blow, which also caused a lot of damage.

For a time, this chaotic battlefield became extremely hot and fierce.

For everyone’s thoughts, the black fog was naturally not taken into account, the black fog lingered, and the strange laughter of obscure speculation came out, echoing in the sky like a crow.

“Jiejie, Ningluo, my task is to catch you. As for the death of Yunshan Mountain, it has nothing to do with our Soul Palace.”

“It turns out that everything is caused by you!” Ning Luo stared indifferently at the black fog known as the guardian of the scorpion, and his voice was full of anger and killing intent.

“Yes, the Soul Palace needs your body and soul, so please come with us!” The black mist shrank and fluctuated, and finally, under the gaze of everyone, slowly condensed into a body shrouded in deep black smoke. The figure, faintly, has a pair of slightly red eyes, which are exposed from the deep darkness.

Looking at the guardian guardian in this form, Ning Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the white flames in the palm of his palm fluttered slightly, and said to Xiao Yan, “You mean you are going to do something to me?”

“You and Yunshan have already consumed a lot of strength, right? Why, do you still have the strength to fight me?” the law protector asked.

“You can come and try it!” Ning Luo’s face suddenly sank when he saw the actions of Guardian Ku, and he shouted sharply.

“Jie Jie, then I will come to fight you!” Guardian Ku gave a weird smile, and the black mist surged in his palm.

Amidst the horrified eyes of the audience, Yunshan’s soul was forcibly pulled out, and the guardian sneered with a sneer, and then his hands suddenly changed into a series of weird and cumbersome handprints. After an instant, a sharp shout suddenly resounded across the sky!


The black chain suddenly penetrated the space like a poisonous snake, and immediately turned into a fuzzy black line, shooting away at Ning Luo not far in front of him.The tip of the chain is extremely sharp, and the tip part is also full of mysterious rune. The spiral pattern is wrapped around the tip of the lock. Under the energy of the guardian, there is a faint Killing intent. Obviously, this The dark chain is not an ordinary iron chain.

Ning Luo didn’t dare to neglect the chain that pierced through the space, this soul palace was extremely mysterious.

The white flames in the palms of the forest tossed up and down, and then suddenly turned into a rocket rushing out, and finally violently collided with the black chain chain.


When the two collided, a deep voice sounded, but there was no too violent energy explosion. There was only a circle of black and white with the color of vigor ripples, quietly spreading out, and the vigor spreading. There was a little tremor in even the space.

The black chain collided with the rocket, and it was similar to the imaginary blow of the guardian. There was a huge gap. Even, faintly, the strange temperature of ice cold and hot superimposed on the chain quickly sent him inside. There was a wave of vindictiveness.

The chain retreated with a single blow, and finally hovered beside the guardian Yu, the pair of flushed eyes staring at Ning Luo who was opposite, a little surprised.

Looking indifferently at the guardian of the black mist on his body.

Ning Luo held his palm slowly, and the white flames quickly condensed in his hands, but it gave people a visual coldness, but if anyone is really contaminated by this seemingly cold flame, I am afraid they will melt at this moment. As a pile of ashes.

“Soul Palace, are you sure you want to be an enemy of me?” Ning Luo slowly said when the long sword pointed at the guardian.

“This is an order from the lord of the palace!” Hearing this, the guardian Yu also gave a sneer, and immediately shook his arm, and three black shadows rushed out from behind with the sound of clattering, and finally resembled three poisonous snakes on top of his head. Circling endlessly.

“Three-stage soul lock!”

The black misty palm came out, and immediately his handprint changed. The three chains hovering on the top of the guardian’s head suddenly shot out with a whistling and breaking wind.

The three chains turned into black lines, violently looting and crossing, just to seal all the retreats of Ningluo as quickly as possible. Obviously, this guardian has reached a level of proficiency with such a strange weapon as the chain.

Staring coldly at the three black lines that were rapidly expanding in the pupils, Ning Luo waved his sleeves and flicked his five fingers continuously. Even the white flames of the five forests quickly condensed and formed, hovering around him like a long snake, and finally shot suddenly. Going out, colliding with the three chains head-on.

Cang! Cang!

The chain collided with the white flames of the forest, but there were bursts of brittle noises like gold and iron, and even sparks burst, but no matter how unpredictable the chain offensive was.

The five flame serpents commanded by Ning Luo were all able to seal them all, and that old combat experience was evident.

“As the attacks on both sides intensified, the guardian’s heart became more dignified. The strength of Ningluo’s soul and the intractability of that bone spirit far exceeded his expectations.

“Jiu Sen Hundred Soul Eaters!”

The screams and shouts fell, and a strange black mist suddenly surged from the body of the guardian, enveloping the soul of Yunshan, and immediately, the sound of chewing, the creeps slowly spread from the black mist. out.

Ning Luo looked at the weird black fog and coldly said, “Well, since you are going to be my enemy, Ning Luo, then don’t blame me for being polite. I thought I would just cultivate and cultivate in the Douqi Continent without wanting to make enemies.

Since you are looking for death, then, one day, I will flatten the soul palace! ”

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