Chapter 364 Kill Yunshan!

The explosion resounded across the sky, an extremely terrifying energy storm, and in an instant, it swept from the place where the wind whirlpool and the fire lotus collided, and immediately filled a radius of 100 meters!

Under this terrifying energy storm, the people present were shocked, eyes reveal suddenly turned their heads in horror and shock…

“Unexpectedly, the Buddha’s Fury Lotus, which is a fusion of four different fires, is so terrifying…Oh my God! What a terrible fighting skill this little guy has created?!”

Everyone looked at Ning Luo’s fighting skills in shock.

This kind of fighting skills, I’m afraid it is already comparable to the heavenly fighting skills.

Although Ning Luo signed for Cultivation Technique, he has not signed for a Heaven-level Fighting Technique.

Therefore, for the current Ning Luo, these four-colored Buddha’s anger lotus is indeed one of his strongest methods.

Even his thunder and lightning techniques and swordsmanship are incomparable.


Thunder-like explosions resounded across the sky, the overwhelming four-color fire waves and the strong dark blue vindictiveness mixed in the sky, and finally, like the waves of the sea, swept away in all directions.

The terrifying fire waves swept all around, and even the chaotic battlefield in the distant sky was also affected. Some quick-reacted ones escaped, while some slightly slower were hit by the fire waves head-on.

Immediately, like a heavy hammer hit his chest, a mouthful of red blood mixed with a burst of fiery heat spewed out, and immediately evaporated under the high-temperature fire wave.

The sunlight pouring down from the sky is also slowly dissipating at this moment. The fire waves of four colors shroud like layers of dark clouds over Yunlan Mountain. Even the sunlight can hardly penetrate this thick layer of fire clouds.

The fire wave mixed with terrifying energy swept across the sky, except for a few people, all the other strong men hurriedly fell into shape, for fear of being contaminated by the fire wave, and ended in a miserable end.


The flaming clouds hovered around the sky, reflecting a dark red light, imprinting on the jaw-dropping faces in the square.

After a while, the voice of swallowing and saliva rang out one after another. Some people trembled their palms and wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads. In the face of such terrible energy that is almost comparable to nature, even if they are the king of fighting. The strong man also has a feeling of extreme insignificance and fragility.

This kind of power is far beyond their ability to contend!

Familiar Firewing, Lima exposed the identity of the figure, and immediately, shouts of horror and surprise suddenly sounded in the square.

As soon as the green fire wing appeared behind him, Ning Luo swooped down at the constantly falling Yunshan Mountain, and the fighting energy in his body was drawn out at this moment.

Wrapped with his fist, he slammed it at Yunshan. He clearly knew that although the Buddha’s Fury Lotus, which was a fusion of four different types of fire, was extremely powerful, he wanted to kill a Douzong strong in one blow. It also has a lot of difficulty.

Therefore, he must grasp the moment of weakness in Yunshan’s body, and beat the falling water dog, otherwise, once Yunshan recovers a little bit and closes his eyes and waits for death, he should be replaced by Ningluo!

Ning Luo’s actions once again caused countless people on the square to utter horror. No one could see that Yunshan at this moment was the time when the defense was at its lowest. Once a heavy blow is taken at this moment, it is definitely not dead or maimed!

Under the gaze of countless horror and ecstasy, Ning Luo quickly flashed in front of Yunshan. At this moment, the latter was able to open his eyes and was conscious.

Therefore, when he saw the grinning and killing intent that emerged on Ning Luo’s face, a panic of fear finally couldn’t help spreading from his heart. He could feel that if Ning Luo was really a killer at this moment, then , His fate…

Looking at the horror and fear emerging from Yunshan’s face, the grinning smile at the corner of Ning Luo’s mouth widened, and a faint voice came into Yunshan’s ears.

“Yunshan, I originally respected you as my master, but you have to fight against me, then, die!”

Ning Luo laughed loudly on her face, and immediately fists in his body followed the Meridians crazily, and finally hit Yunshan’s heart and smashed it, and just when her fist was about to hit the target, a woman screamed , But suddenly sounded from the square below.

Falling softly, Ning Luo’s eyes suddenly sharpened, and the fist that had previously been stagnated by Yun Yun’s screams trembled suddenly, and immediately, among countless horrified and ecstatic gazes, the last force in his body was mixed, fiercely. The blow hit Yunshan’s chest in the heart!

There was a bang!The moment the fist touched, a low muffled sound rang in the sky, causing countless people’s hearts to beat fiercely.

The fist was placed on Yunshan’s chest full of fear, and immediately, a mighty force surged out like a tide!

Click! Click!

There was a deep sound, a sound of broken bones, which sounded immediately, but this time, it did not sound from Yunshan’s body, but from the fist of Ningluo, who had a grim complexion and crazy eyes, this strike, because of power Too big, the counter-shock force also caused some fractures in the bones of Ningluo’s fist!

Yunshan’s chest was visibly sunken, and his face flushed with flushing, and a large mouthful of blood mixed with pieces of internal organs spouted out wildly.

Another heavy fist slammed Yunshan’s already hollow chest.

Ning Luo’s body also shook for a while, the green fire wing behind his back faded away, his right fist drooped, bent into a weird arc, and he smashed down like crazy.


There was a loud noise.

Ning Luo punched directly through Yunshan’s chest.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

Can’t believe everything in front of me.

Yunshan’s face was covered with blood, and the pair of eyes full of fear and unwillingness slowly closed. When he was at his weakest, he was attacked so madly by Ning Luo. Even if he was a strong man in the fighting sect, he would still die. undoubtedly!

Suddenly, Yunshan’s body fell downward.

In Ning Luo’s hand, the long sword appeared again.

Thousands of thunder and lightning in hand.


In an instant, lightning fell.

It hit Yunshan severely.


I saw Yunshan’s body burst into pieces under Ning Luo’s attack.

At this moment, no matter who it is.

They all showed a shocked look.

No one can believe what he sees before his eyes.

A fighting sect powerhouse.

Just like this, he was killed by a Douhuang.

This Ningluo is really too strong.

At this moment, the audience was shocked.

Yun Yun looked at Ning Luo in shock, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.

She didn’t expect to see her in three years, the own disciple, is already so powerful.

Although Yunshan was a teacher of own, from the moment he wanted to capture Ningluo, their fate for master and apprentice was exhausted.

“Master, I won!” Ning Luo looked at Yun Yun and said.

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