Chapter 361 Bullying the Master and Destroying the Ancestor!

“Stupid people have a body of alchemy…but their brains are so stiff.”

Seeing Furukawa’s death, he murmured in his heart. Yunshan took a slow breath and pressed down his turbulent mood, then stood up from the chair, walked slowly to the edge of the platform, and looked up indifferently. , Looking at the young man in white on the sky.

“Ning Luo, I have to admit that you have become a lot stronger in the past three years…” Yunshan’s voice slowly resounded as the sleeves swung lightly.

In the sky, Ning Luo glanced at Yunshan, and sneered: “I can’t sit still anymore?”

“But if this is what you rely on, then this sect has to regret to tell you that this time, you will never walk down Yunlan Mountain alive!” Shaking his head and smiling, Yunshan’s face suddenly became cold, and his palms suddenly fell. Grip, a majestic and terrifying aura, bursting out of his body!

The terrifying aura spread out, and under that Xitai, many powerful people were breathing stagnant. Even if it was discovered in horror, under this kind of pressure, the vindictive energy in the body was flowed a little stagnant!

Dou Zong powerhouse, is actually the momentum, it is already terrifying!

Feeling the majestic aura gushing from Yunshan’s body, Ning Luo’s complexion also slowly grew longer. This guy is indeed much stronger than three years ago. It seems that this time, it is really a battle of life and death!

“Everyone in Yunlanzong obeyed the orders, and capture Ningluo for me!” With his eyes raised, Yunshan’s cold voice slowly echoed in the sky.

As Yunshan’s cold voice fell, and above Yunlanzong, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the autumn wind blew by, rolling up a few fallen leaves, bringing a chill and killing intent, and people couldn’t help but shrink.

Everywhere in Yunlanzong, those Elders of Yunlanzong who had been waiting seriously, after hearing the cold shout of Yunshan, the wings of grudge behind them also slowly emerged.

As soon as the palm of the hand moved, the sharp weapon glowing with cold light jumped out, with thorn-like gazes, directing towards the crowd in the sky that was also extremely weak.

“Yunshan, since you are unkind, don’t blame me for deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestor!”

Ning Luo said, suddenly, the strength of his body burst out.

“Everyone in Yunlanzong obeys orders and kills!”

When the last word of Yunshan fell, the pervasive tense atmosphere suddenly broke. Seeing the wings of the many Elders of Yunlanzong who were suspended in the air, the wings flicked across the sky, enclosing Jiaxingtian and others in secret. .

“Ningluo, let’s help you, go and kill Yunshan!”

When Elder of the Yunlan Zongzhong made a move, Hai Bodong also screamed, and immediately the ice wing on his back vibrated, and his vigorous fighting spirit rushed out of his body.


The two horrible lineups collided in the sky in the blink of an eye, and immediately, thunder-like energy explosions and ripples of energy were resounding and appearing in the sky…

Stepping on the void, after a while, Yunshan hovered on the ground not far from Ningluo under the gaze of the square.

With the confrontation between the two, both of them were filled with strong killing intent and cold eyes, and they were intertwined, sparks shot and murderous aura overflowed.Yunshan grinned and raised his palm slowly, facing Ning Luo far away, with energy stretched out in his palm, like an energy cannon about to spit out.

Feeling the stronger aura from Yunshan’s body, Ning Luo also slowly formed a few knots in his palm, and immediately snorted.

After the shout fell, the fighting spirit in Ning Luo suddenly rioted, and even with that, its aura suddenly rose at this moment, and after an instant, Jiyu was able to contend with the real fighting sect powerhouse!

Hearing Yunshan’s words filled with killing intent in the cold, Ning Luo’s face gradually became colder, and the vigorous aquamarine vindictive energy curled out of his body like a flame, and immediately wrapped his entire body in.

With a flick of his finger, the huge sword once again appeared in the palm of his hand.

Hearing the fierce energy explosion from not far away, Ning Luo never had the slightest distraction, and his eyes fixed on Yunshan in front of him without blinking.

The toes are slightly curved, like a fierce lion about to rush to eat, under the slightly trembling muscles, there is an explosive power hidden.

Yunshan smiled, his sleeves vibrated lightly, and the soft cloth, under the infusion of vindictive spirit, had the hardness of steel that was not inferior to that of steel.

At the level of Dou Zong’s strength, almost any part of the whole body, even a small hair, can be a killer weapon.

“Come on, let this sect take a look at what point is the genius of the Yunlan Sect once we have reached now!” In the palm of his hand, the dark cyan energy spins like a whirlpool, Yun Shansen smiled coldly.

Ning Luo’s face was expressionless, but there was no reply. On the soles of his feet, a rich silver light quickly emerged, and his figure trembled suddenly…

Slightly squinting at Ning Luo, who was motionless on the opposite side, the fingers in Yunshan’s sleeve robe moved slightly, and then he sneered. With a fierce wave of his sleeve robe, he immediately faced a sharp and terrifying wind behind him. Somewhere the space was slashed fiercely.


The sleeve robe was as hard as steel across the space, and when it was about to reach a certain space, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations, and then a dark shadow appeared strangely, and the long sword mixed with fierce strength was also ruthless and ruthless. Boom away.

The two collided in mid-air, and the dull sound of thunder resounded immediately, and the rippling energy quickly spread out, and under the diffusion of that energy, even the space was slightly shaken.

When the two collided, Yunshan’s shoulders shook, and he removed all the energy, but the dark shadow had retreated a few steps before stabilizing his figure and showing his body. Ningluo who should have been in another position.

Ning Luo faintly glanced at this rather arrogant old guy. There was a low hum from his throat, his handprints suddenly changed, and a burst of purple and black light appeared behind him, a pair of pure purple and black. The wings unexpectedly slowly emerged again.

The pair of purple and black wings stretched out directly along the blue fire wings, and it looked like fire wings wrapped on a layer of black wings.

Holding the long sword tightly in both palms, Ning Luo screamed, the long sword opened the mountain, dashed straight across the sky, and slammed down Yunshan’s head angrily.

Ning Luo’s attack didn’t have the slightest fancy, some were just that surging and terrifying power, and under the oppression of such a power.

All the air within more than half a meter of the sword was compressed and escaped at this moment, causing the long sword to be swung down, which turned out to be a vacuum zone!

Looking at the long sword that was rapidly enlarging in his pupils, Yunshan sneered, clenched his fists, and immediately punched Ning Luo in the air!

As soon as he punched out, a concave arc suddenly appeared in the space in front of him, and the invisible air cannonball formed rapidly, and finally with a sharp sound that resounded through the world, it burst out suddenly and collided with Ningluo’s long sword.

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