Chapter 360 Slaying the Ancient River!

Ning Luo’s eyes were calm, he looked up at the Furukawa that had flew more than ten meters upside down, but smiled slightly.

After the previous confrontation, he has found that Furukawa’s strength should be around the three-star Dou Huang, perhaps because of the purple fire, his combat power is comparable to the four- or five-star Dou Huang.

Furukawa’s voice has not been concealed. Therefore, for a time, the entire venue’s faces became a little more exciting, and some people even laughed out loud. This guy, as expected, is just an arrogant and arrogant hair with a little strength. Kid.

Hearing the whispers that sounded, Ning Luo glanced at Furukawa’s sneer face, and when he moved his hand, he put the sword away and said with a faint smile.

Ning Luo smiled, his internal fighting energy rolled like a mountain torrent, and waves of vigorous power filled every corner of his body. This state almost made Ning Luo burst out extremely terrifying power between his moves.

On the stage, Yunshan sat in the first seat safely, his dry fingers tapped the back of the chair lightly, and his slightly narrowed eyes locked the two people in the sky.

Ning Luo slowly opened his slightly closed eyes, looked at the Furukawa who had been waiting not far away, smiled faintly, and a layer of bright silver light suddenly appeared on the soles of his feet.

With the emergence of the silver light, Ning Luo’s figure trembled abruptly after an instant, even in the midst of a deep thunder, the strangeness disappeared!

Three thousand thunder!

The white robe appeared, but a strange handprint formed on his hands, and a coldness flashed across Ning Luo’s eyes, and immediately a raging vigorous anger burst out.

When the purple flames in the palm of Furukawa condensed and formed, Ning Luo’s final blow was also quickly completed. The white flames wrapped around his body, blazing on his fists, and the power of the different fires completely emerged at this moment!

“Purple Eagle Burn!”

It seemed that he felt the horror of the energy condensed on Ningluo’s fist. Furukawa took the lead with a stern scream. The purple eagle on his claws swelled in an instant. Under the claws that danced fiercely, they tore away at Ning Luo.

Ning Luo smiled slightly, above both fists, the colorful flames suddenly began to compress rapidly, wrapping Ning Luo’s fists.

Looking up at the huge purple eagle that was already close at hand, Ning Luo smiled at the cold-faced Furukawa within the fire eagle, and then clenched his five fingers and lifted it suddenly, even if it was not fancy. That huge purple eagle, smash it!

There is no half-point technique to speak of this punch. Under the gaze of countless people below, it is like Ning Luo raising his fist and colliding head-on with the giant purple eagle that Furukawa has transformed in an attitude of fearless death. generally.


There was a loud noise.

Under the gaze of all the eyes of the surrounding world, Ning Luo’s not-so-strong fist finally collided with the giant eagle transformed by Furukawa. At that moment, the entire sky was quiet!

“The last resort!”

At the moment of the exchange of fists, Furukawa saw Ning Luo’s closed mouth and a slight sneer at the corners of his mouth. Vaguely, he also heard the words from the other party’s mouth.

After the words fell, Furukawa hadn’t had time to react, a horrible energy that made his souls mad, suddenly from Ningluo’s fist in front of him, it burst out like a flood!

The terrible power of this force, even with the power of Furukawa, is suddenly shrinking!


The earth-shattering explosion sounded like thunder, resounding across the sky, even if it was hundreds of miles away, it was still clearly audible…

A loud thunder sound rang through the sky, and on the square, countless people looked up in amazement, only to see the white flame above the sky trembling suddenly, and then a violent flame storm surged out of it.

Suddenly, I saw endless white flames burst out.

It turned into a huge Phoenix.

Phoenix fell from the sky and swallowed all the purple flames of Furukawa.

And Ningluo’s endless power poured directly onto Furukawa’s body like a tide. At the moment, a mouthful of red blood spewed out under the gaze of countless people. The body was like a bird with broken wings. Falling weakly from the sky.

When he fell to the ground, Furukawa’s complexion was already pale, the corners of his mouth were covered with bloodstains, and his eyes were also a little bit despondent. He knew clearly that he had no possibility of the next thing that Ning Luo had burst out before.

Even while the latter’s vigor was exhaling, he also noticed that Ning Luo had subdued his vigor in secret, otherwise, even if he could save his life today, he was afraid that at least he would end up with a serious injury.The surrounding eyes looked at the pale Furukawa, and they were silent for a while. Everyone looked at each other, and the horror remaining in their eyes made them still a little hard to accept this reality.

A junior who was only about 20 years old, he was able to defeat a real fighting emperor within ten short strokes. This terrifying strength really makes people feel a little too dreamy…

Stunned and dull gazes stayed on Furukawa for a while, even if Xuan turned to the sky by coincidence, at this moment, the white flames in the sky had completely dissipated.

A young man dressed in white, standing in the air, the gorgeous white fire wings behind it slowly vibrated, and that strong demeanor was also beginning to take shape.

On the square, the pale Furukawa slowly recovered his look after a moment of loss of consciousness. He looked up at the young man in white clothes on the sky and smiled bitterly.

“you win!”

After hearing Furukawa surrender himself, the square was also silent. They could imagine how this failure would be a blow to Furukawa.

“Oh, is it so?”

“Then, let’s talk about the punishment of the loser!” Ning Luo said while looking at Furukawa.

“What do you want to do?” Furukawa looked at Ning Luo in shock.

Ning Luo’s eyes were cold, “With your strength, you dare to hit my Master’s idea? If you lose, there is only one end, and that is death!”

Ning Luo said coldly.

Suddenly, the long sword gathered in Ningluo’s hands.

“You…you want to kill me?” Furukawa was extremely shocked.

Ning Luo nodded.

The long sword in the hand is condensed.

Suddenly, I saw a white flame attached to the long sword.

Three thousand thunderbolts were launched instantly.

Ning Luo’s figure disappeared instantly.

Yunshan’s eyelids twitched, his expression gloomy, and he immediately stood up.

“Ning Luo, dare you?”

Yunshan shouted immediately.

Ning Luo smiled lightly, “Kill Gu He, why dare you!”

Ning Luo came to Furukawa in an instant, and the long sword wrapped in white flame slashed out.

Ning Luo’s figure passed through Furukawa in an instant.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Luo on the stage in shock.

Ning Luo’s eyes were cold, and he gently put away the long sword.

On Furukawa’s neck, a blood line suddenly appeared.


Blood spurted out instantly and splashed on Ning Luo’s white clothes.

Kang Dang——

A head fell to the ground.

At this moment, the audience was silent!

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