Chapter 362 Fight against Yunshan!

Fight to break the manuscript


Ning Luo didn’t retreat in the slightest, his wings flicked on his back, and it turned into a black line, bullying himself into Yunshan’s side.

The right hand suddenly clenched, and the arm trembled strangely. A strong energy quickly condensed on the fist. After an instant, it was like an inch of strength, directly hitting Yunshan’s chest.

“Opening the mountain seal!”

A low voice came from Ning Luo’s mouth, and the strong wind above his fist suddenly soared. That terrifying force, even with the power of Yunshan, raised his brows slightly.

Although Ningluo’s speed is extremely fast, Yunshan, as a strong Douzong, is naturally not a weak hand. In such an emergency, the palm of his foot is slammed, and the surging fighting energy in his body like the sea suddenly emerges in his chest, blinking time. , Is condensed into a dark cyan energy slime on the body surface.


The fist carrying the terrifying energy slammed into that piece of energy slime. The two collided, only a faint sound was heard. The terrible power on Ning Luo’s fist was as if swallowed. Like, quickly dissipated.

Looking at Ningluo, who was retreating quickly, Yunshan slowly lowered his head and looked at the robe that had burst open on his chest. The robe was torn apart, exposing his chest. At this moment, there was a slightly bright red fist print on it. , Obviously, this is what Ningluo left.

“Haha, good, very good, you are still the first person to leave a fist mark on me since I was promoted to Douzong…” Looking at the fist mark, Yunshan’s face was completely cold. After it came down, a chilling killing intent gradually spread from his body.

“Since you can reach this point, Benzong will let you see today, what is a real Douzong powerhouse!”

As the cold voice of Yunshan slowly fell, Ning Luo could feel that a strange pressure was slowly spreading out of the former’s body, and under this coercive pressure, the vigorous fighting energy flowing in his body was unexpectedly There was also a slight sluggishness.

The dark cyan fighting qi was like liquid, wrapping Yunshan’s body, and the endless fighting qi released a faint brilliance.

The powerful pressure that slowly diffused from Yunshan’s body like tides also attracted the attention of the chaotic battlefield in the sky and the square below. At the moment, a group of surprised and uncertain eyes were projected in the past.


Taking a deep breath, Ning Luo slowly closed his eyes, and the four kinds of different fires quickly shuttled among the Meridians. After an instant, they suddenly burst out of countless pores!

As the four kinds of different fires rushed out, that strange sense of oppression turned out to be slowly diminishing.

Looking at the green flames pervading Ning Luo’s body, Yunshan’s eyes also flashed with surprise, and immediately sneered: “Different fire? You actually have four different fires?”

“Now I finally know why the Soul Palace wants me to arrest you and go back.”

Ning Luo was not slow in his hands, the long sword moved in response to his heart, and with a sneer, he cut through the air and slammed his head against Yunshan in front of him with vigorous vigor.


When the long sword fell, Yunshan did not evade, and with a blank expression of his sleeves, he collided with the long sword head-on, and there was a crisp sound at the moment.After repelling Ningluo, Yunshan did not immediately pursue him, so he took care of his messy robes and sneered at the former, “I said, in front of the fighting sect, all means are useless. .”

With a gloomy expression, Ning Luo’s hand shook, and the huge long sword flashed out, and the fighting spirit inside the body violently rioted, and finally poured into the sword body like a tide.

The long sword suddenly became stronger, and even faintly there were four kinds of flames bursting out.

Holding the trembling long sword tightly in the palm of his hand, he raised his head viciously at the Yunshan that raised his palm, his hands slowly raised his head, and after an instant, he suddenly smashed down!

As the shouts rang across the sky, a huge green sword glow that was ten feet long, suddenly shot out from the tip of the long sword, and finally cut through the space and rushed towards Yunshan.

Looking at the green sword glow that was rapidly enlarging in the pupils of his eyes, Yunshan’s pupils shrank slightly, and then he let out a deep cry.

As Yunshan’s shout fell, the light in his palm suddenly released, and immediately a huge energy hand of several meters appeared strangely, and finally with a fierce wind, it fiercely slapped down the sword light.


The overwhelming energy ripples spread out from the collision. Yunshan narrowed his eyes to look at the space that was somewhat distorted due to the spread of energy ripples. Just about to sense Ningluo’s orientation, his expression suddenly changed.

At the moment Yunshan’s complexion changed, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the energy ripples spreading out, and it appeared in front of the former in an instant, mixed with a fist of mighty power, and slammed straight into his face.

“court death!”

A thought flashed in his mind, Yunshan’s eyes suddenly sharpened, his handprints suddenly changed, and immediately filled with Sen Leng’s murderous intent, resounding across the sky.


When the shout fell, an unusually stern sword sound suddenly sounded in the sky. Everyone looked up in amazement, but they saw the vindictive long sword on the top of Yunshan’s head, and it started to spin frantically, and the weird screaming sounded. It came from here.

“Drink! Drink!” The voice continued…

The fingerprints changed, fingers pointed at Ning Luo far away, and the huge long sword that spun crazily rushed out!

The long sword is so fast that it can even penetrate the obstacles of space, so just a few flashes, it appears only tens of meters away from Ningluo.

Looking at the terrifying blow of Yunshan, in that chaotic battle circle, Haibodong and others’ complexions turned pale in an instant. Even though they were so far apart, they could still feel what was in the long sword. The terrifying energy contained, if it were hit, they expected that even if they were replaced by them, they would at least be seriously injured!

Near the Xitai in the square, Yun Yun’s delicate hand also quietly covered her red lips, that graceful face, pale with traces of paleness, such an attack, even a strong person at the peak of Dou Huang could hardly accept it. Not to mention the current Ningluo…

Under the gaze of countless gazes filled with various emotions, Ning Luo, who was the subject, suddenly closed his eyes slowly at this moment, but when he closed his eyes, the knot in his hand changed suddenly. Immediately, an equally majestic and powerful energy suddenly surged into the sky!

“Opening the mountain seal!”

With a low voice resounding in Ning Luo’s heart, a handprint with a huge energy of several feet suddenly appeared!

And at the moment when the energy handprint emerged, Ningluo’s entire body space was like ripples, violently fluctuating…

A huge energy handprint emerged from countless shocked eyes, and immediately stagnated. It brought an unusually strong pressure and energy fluctuations, and slammed into the energy sword that blasted from it. Away.

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