Chapter 346 Soul Palace Appears!

Suddenly, Ning Luo shot instantly.

I saw the fluctuations of Falling Heart Flame spreading out, and it blasted towards Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan’s face flushed, and his whole body was caught off guard, making waves of turbulent waves. The fighting qi in his body circulated desperately, pressing down on the flames that had appeared in his body without warning.

Falling Heart Yan, the most adept method is to summon the heart fire within a certain distance to appear in the human body. The intensity of this heart fire is completely controlled by the caster.

If it is mild, it can have the effect of tempering fighting qi, but if it is violent, it will cause some people who are caught off guard to riot in fighting qi, and the high temperature that radiates, a carelessness, may cause the whole body to be affected. Burned to ashes from inside to outside.


The wide black ruler pierced the air, and the hot gust of wind smashed the sky down angrily. Seeing the momentum, if it was hit, it was the strong body of the fighting king who was afraid that he would be seriously injured on the spot.

However, Ningluo is now Douwang Realm, so how can it be compared to Douwang?


The heavy ruler crashed down, and his unmatched strength suddenly vented out. Under such a fierce attack, the strong Dou Wang weakened his heels and knelt on the hard floor with his knees, shaking it like a spider web. Like spreading out.


“Oh, I have some ability!”

Ning Luo smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Ning Luo made another move, and powerful rays of light instantly appeared on Ning Luo’s hand.

A huge falling heart inflammation exploded out.


There was a loud noise.

I saw the sky full of flames slamming against Xiao Yan’s body.


Suddenly, Xiao Yan was killed instantly.


When the two separated, the sound of breaking wind sounded in the court again, but just as soon as the sound of breaking wind sounded.

Ning Luo’s figure flashed, and he appeared in a certain place.

The endless flames of fighting spirit surged out, but the endless flames attacked Xiao Yan’s body.

“damn it!”

Xiao Yan cursed in his heart, and just about to launch another attack to intercept him, the fire in his body suddenly rose at this moment, and the severe pain caused him to squeeze out some anger to suppress it.

“Eight poles collapse!”

Such a slowing flaw naturally cannot hide from Xiao Yan’s fierce eyes, so when his figure flashed, he took the opportunity to flash into Ning Luo’s arms, his arm shook, his five fingers clenched, like a heavy hammer, Mixed with the mighty power that made the heart shattering, he smashed Ning Luo’s chest fiercely.

“Eight poles collapsed?”

Ning Luo sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, Ning Luo waved a big hand.

“Opening the mountain seal!”

I saw Ningluo suddenly slapped the past.

This is a territorial fighting technique.

Suddenly, I saw two palms facing each other.

Bang–There was a loud noise.

I saw that Xiao Yan was directly shocked.


In Xiao Yan’s mouth, a mouthful of blood suddenly vomited out.

“Xiao Yan, we are not his opponents, let’s go!” Yao Lao’s voice sounded.

“Ning Luo, next time, I will definitely kill you!”

Suddenly, Xiao Yan flew out in an instant.

At this time, I saw a strange laughter from Ghost Qi in the sky, suddenly resounding in this sky, and immediately a cloud of black mist appeared on this plain very strangely.


The black fog just emerged, a dark iron chain glowing with deep luster suddenly shot out from the black fog. The speed of the iron chain was extremely terrifying. It was almost instantaneously not far from Ningluo. The tip of the iron chain was as sharp as a blade. , And even faintly reveals a very strange cold light.

Saw Hanmang.

Ning Luo sneered in his heart.

“Are you from the Soul Palace?”

The chain raided violently, but just as it was about to penetrate Ningluo’s heart, a cold and numbing sound suddenly sounded in the latter’s ears, and immediately a soft and boneless white hand appeared strangely, and the chain was firmly grasped!

The slender jade hand is as if directly protruding out of the void, without causing any fluctuations, it seems weak and weak, but it is unable to move the chain that contains extremely strong power.

The sudden help made everyone startled, their eyes slowly shifting along the perfect slender hand, and the last beauty with a charming body and a nearly perfect glamorous cheek appeared in that road. In sight.


This was the first impression this woman gave to others, except for her face that was always cold. The combination of glamour and enchantment gave her an extremely deep and strange temptation for men.

The snow-white chin stretched out a sharp arc slightly, making her body full of an unconcealable arrogance. This arrogance is not the arrogance of an ordinary woman, but a woman who does possess a very high status. Out of dignity and arrogance.

Queen Medusa instantly appeared beside Ningluo.

“The man who wants to move me, have you asked me?” Queen Medusa asked, looking at the black mist with cold eyes.

“Jie Jie, strong in fighting sect?” The harsh, strange laughter once again came from the black fog that stretched and contracted in the distance. Then the black fog fluctuated fiercely, and a strange black energy burst out. Follow the iron chain and swept away towards Queen Medusa.

Looking indifferently at the black energy rushing in, Medusa shook her hand, and the colorful energy also continued to gush out.

Finally, at the center of the iron chain, it collided with the black energy, and a fierce wind rippled out from the contact point, shredding all the grass on the original ground.

However, despite experiencing such a violent blast, the iron chain showed no signs of breaking. Obviously, this thing should not be an ordinary thing.


The strong wind exploded, and Queen Medusa violently let go. In a clever vigor, the black chain suddenly turned, and immediately turned into a fuzzy black line, shooting away at the black mist in the distance.


The black chain pierced straight through the black fog, which also caused the black fog to fluctuate rapidly. After a while, the harsh voice came out with a little gloomy voice: “Who are you? I dare to control my “Soul Palace”. Things!”

At this moment, Ning Luo flew up to Medusa’s side.

He pulled Medusa and smiled: “People of the Soul Palace, don’t worry, leave it to me!”

Medusa looked at Ning Luo and said, “Be careful, he is very strong!”

Ning Luo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, if I can suppress you, I can suppress him!”

Suddenly, I saw Ningluo immediately release the soul-holding technique.

I saw countless chains burst out, restraining the people of the soul palace.

“How can it be?”

,”who are you?”

“How could you imprison me?” Suddenly, the people in the Soul Palace looked at Ning Luo in horror and said.

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