Chapter 347 Absorb the Sea Heart Flame!

Ning Luo waved his big hand, and instantly restrained the black mist in Own’s hands.

At this moment, a blue flame was ignited in Ning Luo’s hand.

The flames scorched continuously above the black mist.

“do not want–”


“My Soul Palace will definitely not let you go!”

Amid the roar, the people in the Soul Palace were directly wiped out by Ning Luo.

At this time, Ning Luo looked at Han Feng underground, and suddenly slashed with a sword.

The endless cold light directly smashed Han Feng.

A blue flame kept floating in front of Ning Luo.

“As expected to be the leader of the Black League, he is still wearing a high-level ring.”

Ning Luo curled the corner of his mouth and unceremoniously pulled the dark blue ring from Han Feng’s finger. There are also high and low levels of ringing, and high-level ringing is extremely rare.

Although it was just a quick glance, the rich collection in the ring was very exciting for Ningluo. He obtained all of Han Feng’s wealth. The treasure stored in this dark blue high-level ring was enough Every Noire domain powerhouse is crazy about it.

Ning Luo first received Hai Xinyan into the ring.

In this battlefield, it was not the time to absorb the different fires, so this Hai Xinyan was still absorbing when Ning Luo returned.

Queen Medusa looked at Ningluo.

Showing a caring look.

“Ning Luo, are you all right!”

Ningluo pulled Medusa with a smile: “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine!”

At this time, I saw other people also defeated.

The entire Black League was disintegrated.

Su Qian also came to Ye Chen’s side.

“Huh? This is Youhaina Ring, right? You guys are not welcome. I thought that in order to get this ring, Han Feng did a lot of fighting to get it right. I didn’t expect it to be cheaper for you now.”

Su Qian’s eyes suddenly caught the dark blue Na Ring on Ning Luo’s finger, and Su Qian suddenly let out a cry of envy in his voice.

Ning Luo shrugged and said with a smile: “It’s just trophies.”

“Almost all the credit for killing Han Feng lies on you. Naturally, no one robbed you of this thing.” Su Qian smiled and said, “Now Han Feng is dead, I am afraid that this black alliance will collapse on its own in the future. The thorn in my heart can finally disappear.”

Everyone went home.

Ning Luo also went back immediately.

As the fierce battle in Maple City passed, the Black Point Region gradually calmed down. However, as the most powerful alliance in the Black Point Region, the “Black League” was created because of the division of various interests in the alliance. The discord, there are frequent signs of dissolution.

The Black League was indeed exhausted. In the next five days, it was completely disintegrated. As a result, the largest alliance force in the Blackhorn Region collapsed so easily.

Luomen, in a quiet secret room, the moonstone inlaid on the wall exudes a faint light, expelling all the darkness in the secret room, warm light.

Ning Luo sat cross-legged and began to absorb the Hai Xinyan.Ning Luo’s breathing is extremely peaceful, maintaining a perfect cyclic rhythm between exhaling and inhaling, and every time his breathing is completed, the space around his body will fluctuate slightly, and immediately a rather vigorous energy of heaven and earth follows. Its breath is perfused into the body.

The energy of heaven and earth is continuously poured into the young man, and the body of the latter is like a bottomless pit filled with dissatisfaction. No matter how the energy is poured, there has never been an overflow.

I don’t know how long the quiet cultivation and healing lasted, but at a certain moment, when the paleness on the youth’s face was completely replaced by healthy rosy, the fluctuation of the whole body space slowly disappeared…

As the fluctuations disappeared, Ning Luo’s eyelashes suddenly trembled. After a while, he finally slowly opened his closed eyes.

Suddenly, in Ning Luo’s pair of dark eyes, blue flames surged up and disappeared quickly.

“Is this Hai Xinyan?”

Ning Luo looked at the flame in front of him and said lightly.

Hai Xinyan had been absorbed by Han Feng before, so the current Hai Xinyan was just a kind of fire.

It’s not as difficult to tame as Falling Heart Flame.

Therefore, after Ning Luo wiped out Han Feng’s breath, he began to absorb it.


Ning Luo began to incorporate Hai Xinyan into own body, closed his eyes, and began to cultivate.

The sea Xinyan continued to be injected into the body.

Suddenly, only three other flames were seen, instantly enveloping Hai Xinyan, suppressing it, and beginning to continuously absorb it.


With a low sound, a group of blue flames emerged from Ning Luo’s palm. He stared at the group of melting flames, slightly lost.

The blue flame was tossing on Ning Luo’s palm. After a while, Ning Luo’s palm violently pulled, and the blue flame was grasped by him, and he felt very satisfied.

“It’s a lot easier to absorb this Hai Xinyan!” Ning Luo smiled.

At this time, Ningluo’s Cultivation Base burst directly to Douhuang Qixing Realm.

He absorbed Hai Xinyan and directly Ascension two stars.

Fingers habitually stroked the Youhaina ring, Ning Luo seemed to suddenly remember something, and when he flicked the ring, a simple black scroll appeared on his palm.

The scroll is round as a whole, like a cylinder, and there is no place to open it. However, the dark light that faintly seeps out from it makes people know that it is extraordinary.

This is Kaoru handed over to own.

The palm of his hand stroked the black scroll, Ning Luo sighed lightly, the elegant and graceful figure of the girl like a lotus slowly appeared in his mind, lingering…

“Xun’er, wait for me…” murmured, Ning Luo shook his head vigorously, threw the emotions in his mind out of his mind, and then focused all his attention on the black in his hand. Above the reels.


As Ning Luo’s thoughts were turning, the pitch-black scroll that had not responded much, suddenly heard a faint clicking sound. Although the sound was quite faint, it fell in Ning Luo’s ears, but it made him. Surprise moved his gaze to the pitch-black scroll.

At this time, the surface of the scroll has quietly cracked a tiny gap, and the previous clicking sound seems to be made from here.

When Ning Luo closed his eyes, the pitch-black scroll suddenly burst open, and a large expanse of golden light burst out, illuminating the entire secret room with golden light, quite gorgeous.

And when he heard the scroll cracking, Ning Luo also hurriedly opened his eyes, a large swath of golden light lingered, and among the golden light, something was churning about, which seemed to be a kind of text.

“Emperor Seal Jue, a high level, according to legend, was created by a strong emperor in the ancient times. There are five styles in total. The seal of the mountain, the seal of the sea, the seal of the earth, the seal of the sky, the seal of the ancient emperor, the seal of the seal, and the five seals. Dacheng, has the power to swallow the sky and the earth!

At its peak, it is close to the heavenly fighting skills! However, if you want to cultivate this seal, you must reach the level of the fighting king, otherwise the seal will not be repaired, and you will suffer from misfortune! ”

Ning Luo looked at these words and smiled gently at the corner of his mouth: “Is the Emperor Yin Jue?”

“This little Nizi! Don’t worry, I will look for you soon.”

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