Chapter 345 Han Feng is defeated!

The energy of the sudden riot between the heavens and the earth also caused all the powerhouses in the sky to stop their movements in a panic, with their eyes full of horror.

Looking at the area that suddenly became almost a vacuum zone, the terrible energy fluctuations that overflowed between the collision of the fire lotus and the fire beast made them full of fear. If this were to fall on the body, I was afraid that the bones would really burst on the spot. …


The silence only lasted for a short time, and the energy storm like a catastrophe erupted like a storm from a certain central point!

The terrible storm of flame energy, covering an area almost spread from a hundred meters away, and even the group of strong men on both sides fighting in the sky.

They were all embarrassed and fled around. They knew that if they were affected by this thing, even with their strength, they would not be too comfortable.

So, a funny scene appeared. The battlefield in the sky was still in the fierce melee. At this moment, it was like a frightened bird, and suddenly escaped clean, leaving countless tracks on the ground. Stunned eyes.

Su Qian’s palm blasted out, and the strong force directly shook the gold and silver elders back again and again, and his face also appeared pale.

Looking at the two elders with blue and white faces with a sneer, Su Qian didn’t take advantage of the situation to pursue him.

This kind of energy collision, even with his strength, is a bit frightening.

Ning Luo burst out continuously, and the slow True Qi was immediately released from Ning Luo.

At this moment, an endless storm broke out.

A terrible flame storm spans the sky and the earth, and the hot temperature makes the air in this space extremely dry, and the majestic flame ripples are like a curtain of fire spreading from the sky.

Occupying more than half of the sky, the line of sight looking at the sky becomes distorted and blurred.

Countless eyes stared at the flames that swept across the entire sky. Although they were far apart, they still felt a soft heel. If this explosion is lower, I am afraid the city will be in a short span of time. In, turned into a dead city!

Suddenly, I saw endless flames burst out.

One after another powerful forces burst out.

The whole world is full of powerful forces.

Suddenly, I saw flames gushing out, and the endless flames slammed Han Feng’s body fiercely.


I saw the sky flooding the whole world in an instant.

Han Feng was instantly overwhelmed by the huge flame.

Smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the whole world, endless flames erupted.

Just as everyone looked around blankly, in the vast sky, suddenly a breaking wind sounded first, and immediately a Daoist shadow shot down from the storm.

The sudden appearance of the figure immediately gathered all eyes in the past. Although the figure shot extremely fast, there were still some people with sharp eyesight who saw its identity, and the voice of surprise at the moment, resounding. Up.

“It’s the leader! He survived!”

At this moment, Ning Luo was killed again.

A sharp wind broke through the sky again, and the flame storm that filled the sky suddenly squirmed, and a black shadow rushed out of it. The pair of conspicuous green fire wings appeared particularly conspicuous in the sky.

In the sky, the black shadow’s green fire wing turned into a green fire glow, shooting down at Han Feng, who was rapidly falling to the ground. In the blink of an eye, he was in the black corner area below. The horrified eyes of the strong appeared above Han Feng’s head!

“Little bastard, dare you…”

Staring at Han Feng, whose vindictiveness was blocked by the flame rebounding, Ning Luo grinned grimly. Above his fist, the green flames surged crazily, and immediately mixed with the fierce and unparalleled wind. Smashed on his chest!

Fists hit hard, Ning Luo’s angry roar resounded endlessly in the sky!


The low and deep sound of physical contact suddenly rang out in the sky, causing countless people’s hearts to squeeze severely at this moment.


Undefeated by this heavy blow, a mouthful of red blood spurted from Han Feng’s mouth, and his figure was like a bird with its wings broken.

The body fell weakly against the ground, and finally, in countless horrified eyes, it fell heavily on the plain outside Maple City.

“How can it be?”

“Han Feng lost, lost to Ning Luo!”At this moment, everyone was shocked.

The strong men looked at Ning Luo and couldn’t believe what they saw before them.

How can this be?

The leader, he actually lost to Ning Luo.


“This is impossible!”

Suddenly, Ning Luo shot again, and the powerful force killed him again.

I saw the sky full of energy burst out.

The billowing force hit Han Feng’s body again.

This Ning Luo’s strength, even if the Dou Zong powerhouse is in front of him, I’m afraid he can easily kill it.

Therefore, he understands that everything is in vain.

And at this moment, in the sky, endless abnormal noise suddenly burst out.

I saw a huge yellow flame, and immediately slew towards Ning Luo.

Ning Luo raised his head and saw Xiao Yan who was hiding by the side suddenly killed.

“Hai Xinyan, it’s mine!”

Xiao Yan shouted immediately.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan was taking Yao Lao, and he immediately killed Ningluo.

“Xiao Yan?”

“I didn’t expect you to not increase your memory so much!” At this moment, Ning Luo looked at Xiao Yan and smiled.

“Ning Luo, die!”

Suddenly, the huge heavy ruler was cut down towards Ning Luo.

“The flames are devouring the wave ruler!”

Suddenly, I saw that huge heavy ruler slashed towards Ning Luo, and endless flames suddenly appeared.

Ning Luo chuckled softly at the corner of his mouth.

Waving a big hand.

Suddenly, endless fighting spirit erupted from Ning Luo’s hands, and a huge barrier appeared, protecting Ning Luo.

Ning Luo killed again.

Suddenly, a huge white flame burst out, rushing towards Xiao Yan.

“Xiao Yan be careful, that’s Falling Heart Flame!”

Yao Lao shouted immediately.

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