"Is Tianmeng dancing too much?"

Gu Yuena and Luo Chen sat together on chairs carved from frost. They looked into the distance, the extremely cold land covered with snow.

However, unlike the outside world, not only were there no snowflakes on the ice cliff, but instead there were birds singing and flowers fragrant, creating a lively scene.

"Let her do as she likes."

Luo Chen didn't care. He ate the barbecue on the plate while connecting his mental power to Tianmeng's detection network, synchronizing what she sensed into his mind.

Therefore, Luochen saw a lot of things.

It is not difficult to find the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor with such detection without any care and wanton release of mental power, eliminating possible disturbances.

"Looking at the distance, the first one to arrive should be the little scorpion."

Gu Yuena watched Tianmeng with great interest, wanting to see if the weakest curse would come true again.

"Sister, are you thinking of something bad?"

At this moment, Tianmeng suddenly turned around and looked at Gu Yuena with some dissatisfaction. The latter stuck out her tongue and joked: "Don't bully her too much, otherwise, I won't be able to protect you."

Gu Yuena was reminding Tian Meng.

Now she can rely on her own strength to bully the Ice and Snow Emperors. When they both become stronger, they will have the bitter fruit of Tianmeng.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

However, Tianmeng didn't care about this at all: "Sister, you don't understand anything at all."


"If you don't dance as much as you can while you can dance, then you won't be able to dance even if you can't dance anymore."


Tian Meng's shameless remarks left Gu Yuena speechless.

"as long as you are happy."

What else can be said, Gu Yuena has tried her best, she almost predicted the fate of Tianmeng being ravaged by the two ice and snow emperors in the future.


On the side, Luo Chen, who had already anticipated Tian Meng's reaction, couldn't help laughing.


Gu Yuena puffed her lips in dissatisfaction and looked at him angrily.

"Okay, okay, Sister Tianmeng has always been like this."

Luochen knew Tianmeng very well and defended her: "And this is her hometown. She finally comes back and doesn't show off in front of her relatives and friends. She will definitely regret it in the future."

"Sure enough, my little brother still understands me!"


Luochen gave Tian Meng a thumbs up, and the latter responded with a thumbs up.

At this moment, the two people's radio frequency matched perfectly.

Seeing this, Ah Yin and Ah Rou covered their mouths and chuckled. They really liked this kind of warm and peaceful life.


After that, about half an hour passed, and Luo Chen clearly felt that the temperature around him had dropped a lot.

Even with the barrier blocking it, the cold air, as sharp as a sword, still began to erode the green grassland created by Ah Yin through the soul power.

"Ultimate ice?"

This kind of power is similar to a field, and it is an extreme level field.

In the face of such tricks, even if the main attack and damage are blocked by simply using soul power, the by-products caused by the cold air are not easy to completely eliminate.


So, without any hesitation, Ah Yin directly summoned eight ancient trees from all directions on the cliff.

She showed the posture expected of a demigod, mobilizing the little divine power in her body to create a divine barrier that was stronger than the previous barrier.

At this point, the inside and outside of the barrier became two different worlds, and they could no longer interfere with each other.

"Sister A Yin is becoming more and more proficient in mastering power."

"Thanks to Arou."

A Yin smiled and said: "We often compete in the martial arts space to hone the strength you gave us, Xiaochen."

"Unfortunately, I'm not good at such large-scale moves."

If Ah Yin is a druid, then Ah Rou is a warrior. Her abilities are almost all about confronting the enemy head-on and crushing them by force.

"Gela la~"

As he was talking here, Tianmeng sensed the fluctuation of soul power coming from a distance.

"Ha, it's finally here, my little Bingbing."

Tianmeng did not release too much power, but suppressed it perfectly. This precise control of his own soul power and divine power was not even as good as Gu Yuena's.

This is the excellence of protoss that focuses on spiritual power.

Regardless of everyone in the Star Spirit group, Tianmeng has always been looked down upon.

But that's entirely Tianmeng's own problem.

He is obviously a strategist and commanding type of talent, but he has to go up to fight with people and fight against others.

It can only be said that every support has a heart for output, and Tianmeng is no exception.

"Who is your little Bingbing!!"

Hearing Tian Meng's provocation from close range, the Ice Emperor couldn't bear it. He immediately jumped up from below, and then unleashed a terrifying ice and snow storm in mid-air towards the ice cliff in the distance.

This momentum seems to be a rhythm that wants to penetrate the entire mountain.

"Hey, hey, don't seek death, Bingbing."

Tian Meng's brows jumped. She didn't expect Ice Emperor to be so brave and dare to disturb Luo Chen and the others.

"You're making me very distressed."


The huge icy blue light pillar fell into the distance as it rubbed the ice cliff, instantly freezing the original snowfield.


Suddenly, the Ice Emperor, who had just released his attack, was stunned for a moment, his small jewel-like eyes filled with astonishment and confusion.

'what happened? ’

Ice Emperor remembered that her attack was clearly heading towards the ice cliff, and she was sure that she was aiming at Tianmeng's aura.

But the result is that he missed the target?

"Did I miss the target?"

"How can it be!"

The Ice Emperor immediately denied this conclusion. She stared at the top of the ice cliff, and her voice amplified by her soul power was full of anger: "Bug, are you the one who did it? This despicable trick, Are you using your mental power to interfere with me?!"

"As expected of my Bingbing, you are so smart."

"Get lost!!"

The Ice Emperor's anger had just calmed down a little, but it was ignited again.

She was seen controlling the ultimate ice one after another, displaying icicles one after another. With each attack, she would get closer to the ice cliff.

However, all her attacks were deflected.

'This is impossible! ’

The Ice Emperor could not understand what was happening in front of him.

All her attacks were deflected due to Tian Meng's mental interference.

Whether it was a single-target destructive move or a group-covering blizzard, none of them could get even an inch closer to the ice cliff.

"I do not believe!!"

The more the Ice King beat him, the more annoyed she became. She, who already had a bad temper, completely went berserk under Tianmeng's constant provocation.

"I'm going to kill you! Bugs!!"

After four or five minutes of continuous attacks, the Ice Emperor finally rushed onto the ice cliff and saw the culprit who had made him so angry.

As the Ice Emperor really approached the ice cliff, she noticed the strange environmental changes on it, as well as the appearance of an acquaintance who was both familiar and strange to her.

Lush ancient trees grow wildly, like city walls that shelter from wind and rain, guarding the top of this ice cliff.

What shocked the Ice Emperor even more was the environment at the top of the mountain.


The Ice Emperor, who has been living in the far north, has never seen such a vibrant scene.

She couldn't understand how they were made.

Plant soul beast?


"Quite strange, isn't it?"

Just when Hyokui was a little confused, a voice that made her extremely annoying came from the mouth of the familiar stranger: "However, this is only natural. You have been living at the end of the world, and your vision is so narrow."


Ice Emperor focused his attention on Tian Meng, and she asked in disbelief: "Are you that guy?"

"Hey, long time no see, Bingbing."

"It's really you!"

The appearance of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion can be called the ultimate exquisite work of art in the world. Even Luo Chen and Gu Yuena had the idea of ​​taking it back to collect it.

But at this moment, the Ice Emperor showed an extremely human expression of surprise: "You guy, you actually chose to transform into a human?"

"Haha, transform into a human?"

The quick exchange ended with Tianmeng's laughter, and the Ice Emperor's body landed steadily.

And when her limbs came into contact with the flowers and plants on the ground, and she felt the warmth that was completely different from the cold outside, the Ice Emperor was sure that what she saw in front of her was not a deception or illusion.

"Did you lure me here on purpose?"

While the Ice Emperor was going through a brainstorm, he speculated on Tianmeng with the greatest malice: "You want to hunt me and plunder my soul ring?"


Tianmeng, who originally wanted to continue teasing, was suddenly choked and speechless: "You, you"

"Am I such a despicable and shameless guy in your mind?!"


Hyokui was stunned, she didn't understand why Tianmeng's reaction was so intense.

But soon, the Ice Emperor noticed the smell of meat coming from the sea of ​​flowers and grass, as well as several figures beside the curling smoke.


Ice Emperor put on a vigilant posture like a reflex. Her perception was very keen and she immediately noticed the presence of Luo Chen and others.

However, Ice Emperor turned his attention to Ah Yin and Ah Rou in some disbelief: "You two."

'wrong! ’

‘Transformed soul beast! ’

‘You are transformed soul beasts! ’

The two women's auras were concealed very well, but the Ice Emperor still felt the early warning from his bloodline.

That is the instinctive fear that a weak soul beast will have when facing a powerful creature.

Do you think the two women may also be powerful soul masters?

No, that's different.

The strength of a soul master is the difference in strength and has nothing to do with bloodline or life level.

Only a soul beast that surpassed his own in terms of blood would make the Ice Emperor so wary.

‘A soul beast stronger than my bloodline? ’

The Ice Emperor simply could not imagine that he was the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the king among Ice Jade Scorpions.

Is there really such a thing on Douluo Continent?

‘So, what’s going on? ’

Moreover, three consecutive transformed soul beasts appeared at the same time, and the Ice Emperor was a little confused.

"Who are you?"

Ice Emperor shook his head vigorously, trying his best not to think about the strange behaviors of Tianmeng, Ah Rou and Ah Yin.

‘Calm down, this is abnormal behavior. ’

‘These guys must have a conspiracy! ’

There was no way, the Ice Emperor had seen more transformed soul beasts in this moment than she had ever seen in her entire life.

She had never heard that transformed soul beasts would appear in groups.

"It seems that she is not as violent as you said, Tianmeng."

"Isn't this very clever?"

At some point, Gu Yuena had left Luochen's side. She untied the sensory interference on her body and leaked a trace of her aura, allowing the Ice Emperor to discover her.


As a result, the Ice Emperor became even more speechless: "Here comes another one!"

It has the appearance of a human being, and it exudes an aura similar to that of a spirit beast.

Obviously, Gu Yuena, Tian Meng, A Yin, and A Rou, all four of them are not human beings, but soul beasts, soul beasts that have transformed into human form!


However, Ice Emperor quickly noticed the difference between Gu Yuena and others: "My intuition didn't detect any danger in her?"

It was obvious that he had sensed Gu Yuena's existence and the aura of the soul beast that stood at the top of the food chain, but the Ice Emperor was not afraid at all.

what does that mean?

The Ice Emperor didn't dare to think about it at all, because it was too scary to think about it.

"You are very good."

Gu Yuena seriously commented: "Sister Arou, sister Ayin, she is really outstanding."

"You want to say that she is more powerful than us, right?"


Gu Yuena smiled sheepishly, but the two women didn't care at all. They even wished that a compatriot as powerful as Ice Emperor could join in earlier.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore."

Gu Yuena signaled the Ice Emperor to focus on Tianmeng: "Ignore us, she is your opponent."



Just when Ice Emperor was still wanting to explore, Luo Chen, who was sitting far away drinking tea, gently snapped his fingers.

For a moment, Ice Emperor felt as if his head was empty, and the doubts that had filled his heart immediately disappeared.

"Leave it to you, Sister Tianmeng."

Luochen used his overwhelming mental power to make the Ice Emperor ignore the existence of Luochen and others.


‘What did I want to ask just now? ’

At the same time, Ice Emperor was in a daze for a while, until he saw Tian Meng's figure, and then he glared at her again: "What's wrong with you looking like this? Did you choose to transform?"


Tianmeng shrugged, not caring about Luo Chen's behavior, and continued to play with the Ice Emperor: "No, I haven't transformed."

"Then what is this?"

The Ice Emperor seemed to be in pieces, ignoring A Rou, A Yin, Gu Yuena and Luo Chen, and concentrated on dealing with Tian Meng: "What you look like now is definitely not an illusion."

"Actually, illusion can also do this."

Tian Meng muttered something softly, and then said: "I am not transforming, but evolving."


Ice Emperor was about to ask, but saw Tian Meng, who was standing far away, appearing directly in front of her at some point.

"Well, is this what it feels like to observe Bingbing up close?"

Tianmeng bent down slightly and carefully looked at the huge ice scorpion in front of him: "It's really beautiful."


Ice Emperor was startled. She retreated a short distance suddenly, and then stared at Tianmeng in surprise: "What was that just now? How could you be so fast?"

"It's an illusion."

Tianmeng didn't hide anything, she put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "Bingbing, you have always looked down on my mental power before, right?"

"But what I'm trying to say is."

Tian Meng said in a serious tone: "It's just me, it has nothing to do with mental power!"

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