Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 148 My dream is to fight them all!

"I can't tell the direction at all. The far north is truly a desperate situation called a human forbidden zone."

Luo Chen walked on the pure white ice field, his feet were as smooth as walking on the ground, not blocked by the snow under his feet.

Different from the previous hike in the frozen forest, Luo Chen used his soul skills to control gravity to make himself as light as a goose feather.

Luochen likes to experience all kinds of experiences, and walking in the snow also brings him fun.

But the current situation is somewhat special.

There was no way, the snow on this ice sheet was too deep. If Luo Chen continued to walk forward and stepped down, he would probably be buried under it.

He is here to enjoy the trip, not to torture himself.

So, very decisively, Luo Chen opened the flight hanger and unfolded a barrier that could shield the cold and wind and snow.

"How far do we have to go, Sister Tianmeng?"

"Further forward."

Tianmeng pointed to an iceberg in the distance and said, "We will summon Bingbing there."

Tianmeng's plan was to lure the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion over by exuding the unique aura of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, which was a great tonic for any soul beast.

When the time comes, it will be up to Tian Meng to suppress him, then bring him to Luo Chen and let him go.

‘This wave is called clearly arranged! ’

Tianmeng was very confident in his plan, and Luo Chen also felt that there was no problem.

There is no skill at all for such a simple single-line operation.

"Well, then let's follow your plan, Sister Tianmeng."

Luochen glanced at the icebergs in the distance, and then disappeared entirely.

When he reappeared, he seemed to have crossed more than ten kilometers and landed on the ice cliff designated by Tianmeng as the place to wait.


Luochen sat down on the ground, put the wooden staff aside, and then took out the tent, pot, firewood and ingredients from the storage soul guide.

At the same time, Water Dragon King Han Yue and Fire Dragon King Li Wu appeared next to Luo Chen.

They turned into two cute little lolita and started to beat Luochen like two weightless balls of cotton.

Han Yue flew her little hands, manipulating the surrounding snow, shaping it into an exquisite igloo, while Li Wu sat in Luo Chen's arms, spitting out golden flames, and lit the bonfire in front of her.

Then came Ah Yin and Ah Rou, two eldest sisters with full housekeeping attributes, who started to prepare today's lunch very skillfully.

"Sister Tianmeng, you are ready to summon."

Luochen sat on the ice sculpture-like sofa, with a large number of fluffy, soft, cotton-like plants summoned by A Yin spread under his butt.


Not only that, Ah Yin snapped his fingers and caused flowers to grow in the surrounding snow, thus turning the temporary camp here into a beautiful small picnic garden.

"You've been gone for so long, do you need me to press your button?"

Gu Yuena was not idle either. Although she had a noble status, she always put herself in the position of a little wife when getting along with Luo Chen.

Therefore, without waiting for Luochen to agree, our Naer knelt down on the edge of the sofa and began to gently relax her legs for him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Tianmeng looked at this scene and felt that Luochen's life was too corrupt.

"No, I have to work harder."

Tianmeng fully expanded his mental power and adjusted his breath at the same time, keeping it constant at the last moment when he left the arctic ice field.

The pressure of a million-year-old soul beast is absolutely terrifying to ordinary soul beasts.

Therefore, Tianmeng is not worried at all that some blind guy will come looking for him.

There are many powerful beings on the extreme northern ice sheet, and even the hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts are more than what is mentioned in the original work.

However, if you want to challenge Tianmeng and completely overcome the fear she brings, you must at least have a soul beast with the ultimate ice attribute to do so.

"Well, continue to maintain this fluctuation."

Tianmeng was sitting on the edge of the cliff, swinging her delicate snow-white feet in the air, with a malicious smile on her face: "The bait has been put down, my little Bingbing, hurry up and take the bait."



On the extreme northern ice sheet, the invisible pressure from the million-year-old soul beast centered on Tianmeng and spread in all directions.

Many soul beasts were frightened and fled in all directions, trying to find a corner to hide.

Among them, the weak ones lacked IQ. After the initial panic, they quickly returned to their original state because there was no movement around them.

Those with stronger strength can sense how far away this breath is from them.

They ran away from Tianmeng. After confirming that Tianmeng didn't make any movements, they felt relieved.

Of course, Tianmeng's goal was not them from the beginning.

She conveyed a message in her spiritual network, like a provocative word, angering all the powerful soul beasts who had confidence in their own strength.

Especially the three famous northern kings on this ice sheet, the Ice Snow Lady, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion and the Titan Snow Demon.


The huge fist smashed down, shattering the glacier, leaving a huge crack stretching into the distance.

"who is it?!"

The Titan Snow Demon roared angrily. He felt that his position was being challenged, and it was an unabashed provocation that was like a slap in the face.

He stood up, and every step his majestic body took was an extremely long distance.

"Boom! Boom!"

The huge roar echoed with the footsteps of the Titan Snow Demon King. He locked the direction of Tianmeng's aura and started running on the ice field.

Everywhere, the society of spirit beasts emphasizes the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

Behavior like Tian Meng's behavior is rare on the entire ice sheet.

It's not that there are none, but very, very few. There is almost no soul beast that dares to do such a stupid thing.

Soul beasts are territorial and tend to stay in one area and will not wander around.

This also makes the disputes between soul beasts less intense, and they often only need to meet their survival needs without interfering too much.

Moreover, there are a large number of ordinary animals on Douluo Planet, not just soul beasts.

For example, under certain glaciers in the Far North Icefield, there are countless plump swimming fish, which can fully meet the needs of the soul beasts living here.

This makes hunting and fighting between soul beasts not common in places like the Arctic Icefield, where the land is vast and there are few animals. It often only occurs in local areas and exists in the form of a food chain.

Therefore, the Titan Snow Demon King could not understand what the soul beast was doing.

Inexplicably provoking the surrounding soul beasts just to show his existence?

"Since you want to fight, let's fight!"

The Titan Snow Demon King could only think that Tianmeng was an extremely arrogant soul beast. Because of his breakthrough, he unscrupulously invited the surrounding soul beasts to fight.

However, such thoughts made the Titan Snow Demon King drive for half an hour, and he realized one thing, that is, the distance between him and Tianmeng's aura was not much shorter.

"what happened?"

The Titan Snow Demon is not particularly smart.

Of course, he is not stupid, but sometimes he is not smart enough.

But in this situation, no matter how stupid the Titan Snow Demon King was, he still noticed something was wrong.

"How far did this breath come from?"

The giant Titan Snow Demon King looked into the distance with his huge body of more than 100 meters, but he was unable to locate the source of the breath at all: "Hundreds of kilometers away? There is a soul beast that releases its breath hundreds of kilometers away?!"

This data really shocked the Titan Snow Demon King and made him feel the gap between the two sides.

He didn't know Tianmeng's situation or the type of soul beast the other party had.

But this kind of guy who can integrate his will into his breath and then project it into the depths of the Far North is definitely not simple.

The opponent is very strong, beyond his understanding!

"Who is it?"

"Where did this guy come from?"

Why had he never heard of such a terrifying and powerful man: "When did such a powerful figure appear in the Far North?"

At this moment, the Titan Snow Demon began to hesitate, hesitating whether to move forward and meet that scary guy for a while.


At this moment, a sweet female voice that was so cold and emotionless came from afar, and the Titan Snow Demon King quickly heard the voice and left.

The moment he saw the person coming, the Titan Snow Demon King first showed a look of surprise, and then thought of the terrifying strength that he had been severely beaten to serious injuries by the opponent, and it took him a thousand years of cultivation to recover.

Very decisively, the Titan Snow Demon King gave in: "See the Snow Emperor."

"No need to be polite."

The woman has long snow-like hair that hangs down from the back of her head to her feet, and a pair of sky-blue eyes that are ethereal and transparent, as if she can see through everything in the world.

Her slender body was flawless, and her dust-free white dress, although not decorated at all, made her look so noble and stunning.

The person who came was none other than the Snow Emperor, the leader of the three great kings of the far north, who had cultivated for 600,000 years in the world of ice and snow.

"Do you know the source of this aura?"

The Snow Emperor is sitting on the head of a huge white bear. This is her adopted child Xiaobai, an arctic ice bear whose strength is no less than that of the Titan Snow Demon King.

As one of the two great otakus in the Far North Icefield, Snow Empress spends many years in seclusion in the Ice God Mountains, rarely going out and knowing little about the changes in the outside world.

"I am not sure as well."

Titan Snow Demon King: "However, this breath seems a bit familiar, as if I have felt it somewhere before."

"Your Majesty the Snow Emperor, can you tell how far away the source of this aura is from us?"


The Snow Emperor is much more powerful than the Titan Snow Demon King, and they are not in the same dimension at all.

If divided by the levels of human soul masters, the Titan Snow Demon King's own soul power is equivalent to a level 96 super Douluo. Coupled with his powerful ancient bloodline, it is enough to fight against a level 97 powerhouse.

As for Snow Emperor, her 600,000 years of cultivation have made her soul power almost reach the ultimate level of Douluo Continent. Even a level 99 Ultimate Douluo is only at this level.

If coupled with Snow Emperor's self-created three skills of fist, palm, and sword, she would have the confidence to fight even demigods like Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen.

As for environmental bonuses

In the Far North Icefield, not to mention the three extreme Douluo, even Di Tianqin, who is in the quasi-god realm, will probably have to stay here.

The Snow Emperor is the natural spirit of the far north ice field and the darling of ice and snow.

In the current era, Bo Saixi standing on the sea and the Snow Emperor standing on the ice field are synonymous with invincibility.

Precisely because of this, the Snow Emperor was surprised that the soul beast was so arrogant, and felt displeased that the other party disturbed him.

However, she did not feel afraid, nor did she think that the other party could defeat her.

"Bing'er should be closer over there."

The Snow Emperor was a little worried about the Ice Emperor: "The opponent's strength is unknown. Judging from this aura and purely based on soul power, he should not be inferior to me."

"Not under you?!"

The Titan Snow Demon felt like a pure clown.

Who was clamoring for a fight just now?

The soul power is equivalent to that of the Snow Emperor, which is a ferocious beast that is more than 500,000, or even 600,000 years old.

How could he touch such a terrifying existence?

"Let's go there quickly, I'm a little worried about Bing'er."

The Snow Emperor knew the Ice Emperor's temper very well. He was more likely to use his hands than his words. If she were to meet him, a fierce battle would definitely break out.

The Snow Emperor knew the Ice Emperor's strength, it was very powerful.

But the situation of the other party was unknown, and Snow Emperor was afraid that Ice Emperor would suffer a loss.

"I'll take the first step!"

The Snow Emperor didn't explain anything. After urging the surrounding ice and snow to accelerate Xiaobai, he turned into a stream of pure white light and flew towards the distance.

Seeing this, the Titan Snow Demon King hesitated for a moment and followed suit.

His speed was far inferior to that of Snow Emperor, but he still did not choose to stay out of the incident.

The Arctic Icefield is the home of soul beasts like them, and no outsiders are allowed to get involved.

In terms of unity, the spirit beasts in the Far North Icefield are far stronger than the Star Dou Forest. At least the three kings here have always had the same opinion on external issues.

No matter what personal grievances and conflicts there are, if there is an invasion from a foreign enemy, we must unanimously deal with it!


"Damn it!"

"It's that guy! It's definitely that guy!"

At this moment, an exquisite green ice scorpion that looked like a work of art was carrying the violent wind and snow and galloping towards the ice cliff where Tian Meng and Luo Chen were.

The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion is a powerful ferocious beast that is 300,000 years old and close to 400,000 years old. It is also the object of revenge that Tianmeng longs for, her little Bingbing!

However, Tianmeng regarded Ice Emperor as an acquaintance, but the latter never recognized this.

In the eyes of Ice Emperor, Tianmeng is just a big fat insect, a great source of food.

As long as she eats the opponent and absorbs the soul power in Tianmeng's body, she can increase her strength as quickly as possible. Even if she reaches the legendary million-year-old soul beast, she may not be without hope.

It's a pity that the Ice Emperor has been chasing Tianmeng for many years, but he was tricked by her mental power and finally escaped from his life.

Originally, the Ice Emperor thought that he would never see Tianmeng in this life and had no chance to kill him as a tooth sacrifice.

But who would have thought that not only would Tianmeng come back, but he would also carry secret activities in his aura, constantly provoking her with his mental power.

[Bingbing, Lord Tianmeng is back]

[Xiao Bingbing, stay there and don’t move, stare at Sister Tianmeng and come to slap your little tail]

[Huhu, Bingbing is so cute, I like it]


This series of provocations directly caused the Ice Emperor to transform into a roaring giant scorpion. She, who was already grumpy, could not hold back: "I'm going to kill you!!!"

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