Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 150: Getting rich first leads to getting rich later

‘How do you have the audacity to say such a thing! ! ’

Ice Emperor didn't know how to complain. She forced herself to calm down and began to think about Tianmeng's abilities.

‘Illusion? ’

‘Mental interference, simulation tricks? ’

In the far north, ice silkworms have similar abilities and can deceive hunters' perceptions.

But that's just a cover-up, nothing special.

In the eyes of Douluo people, martial arts and soul skills without strong attack power are naturally at the bottom of the contempt chain. Even the Ice and Snow Emperors of the Far North have similar thoughts.

Just like now, Ice Emperor still only thought that Tianmeng was disturbing him.

"Is this how you dare to challenge me?"

Cold air surged around the Ice Emperor's body. Tianmeng smiled lightly, then raised his hand and waved lightly, releasing a ball of cold air towards the Ice Emperor.


Seeing Tian Meng dare to use ice and snow tricks against him, Ice Emperor felt that the other party was just teasing him.

However, just when the Ice Emperor planned to ignore the attack in front of him, receive it head-on, and then counterattack.

An inexplicable sense of crisis suddenly emerged from her heart.


Ice Emperor instinctively dodged the attack, but her speed was still half a beat slower, and the claws in front of her were slightly brushed with cold air.

So, I just heard a crisp sound of "Gelala".

Under the Ice Emperor's disbelieving gaze, dots of ice shards started from her claws and stretched upwards.


Born in the far north and possessing the ultimate ice, the Ice Emperor has never experienced the taste of 'cold'.

At this moment, even the Ice Emperor was terrified by Tian Meng's move.

"what have you done?!"

Once again, Ice Emperor asked a similar question.

It's just that this time, the Ice Emperor's attitude obviously lacked the arrogance and disdain he had before, but instead contained deep fear and fear.

Not fire, not thunder, but ice, which she is best at.

It was obviously just an ordinary cold air, but from above, the Ice Emperor felt a terrifying low temperature that even the ultimate ice could not match.

"Absolute zero?"

Ice Emperor can also do this trick.

In addition, only attacks at the level of Absolute Zero can exceed the Ice Emperor's absolute resistance to ice and snow attacks and harm her.

"Haha, am I good at this move?"

Tian Meng is just playing around with the Ice Emperor. She is a level 1 deity, so it is too easy to deal with the Ice Emperor, who is still a ferocious beast.

"But it's not absolute zero."

With that said, Tian Meng waved his hand again and threw a red fireball towards the Ice Emperor.

This time, the Ice Emperor did not push up any more, but immediately dodged the attack at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.


Unfortunately, nothing changed in the results.


Along with a delicate wail of pain, traces of burning appeared all over the Ice Emperor's body, and his exquisite and gorgeous gem-like body kept rolling on the grass.

"You bastard!"

"Tianmeng! I'm going to kill you!!"

The Ice Emperor couldn't understand at all that he had a body of ultimate ice.

Not to mention the joke-like fireball, even the real ultimate fire would not be able to injure the Ice Emperor so seriously.

Water and fire are in conflict with each other, so water has the advantage after all.

In the same way, ice and fire seem to be of the same level, but in fact they are 10:8 and 10:9.

Ultimate Ice is more powerful than Ultimate Fire.

However, this common sense was completely shattered in the hands of Tianmeng. She didn't even use the powerful ultimate fire, just the most ordinary fireball, but it broke her ice armor and burned her to the ground. Wail.


In pain and anger, the Ice Emperor directly unleashed his fatal blow: "The Ice Emperor's Wrath!!"

"Are you serious?"

Tian Meng smiled as she watched the Ice Emperor rush in front of her. She did not dodge or dodge, and just took the Ice Emperor's killing move without any resistance.

As a result, Tian Meng's body was shattered by the Ice Emperor.

For a moment, blood spattered and flesh foam flew everywhere, and the Ice Emperor suddenly woke up from his rage.


The Ice Emperor really didn't like Tianmeng and wanted to absorb the pure soul power of the other party to improve his own cultivation.

However, after tens of thousands of years of chasing and escaping, the relationship between Ice Emperor and Tianmeng became more like sworn enemies, with neither one being able to tolerate the other.

Otherwise, the Ice Emperor would not have run over immediately after feeling Tianmeng's provocation.

In Hyokui's plan, she would defeat Tianmeng and then teach him a lesson.

Later, the Ice Emperor will take Tianmeng back to his lair and use it as a power bank to provide himself with soul power.

This has nothing to do with friendship, it's just about the law of the jungle.

Tian Mengkong has millions of years of cultivation, but he doesn't know how to use it. It would be a waste to hold it.

Rather than letting Tianmeng be struck to death by thunder sometime in the future, it would be better to give her these soul powers and let her seek that glimmer of hope.

As for returns

Ice Emperor: If I don’t kill her, that would be the greatest kindness. Do you want to repay her?

I'm afraid I'm not thinking about shit!

"It seems like Bingbing you still haven't understood the difference between us."

When the Ice Emperor felt sorry for Tian Meng's death, Tian Meng's voice came from behind her.

The Ice Emperor looked at Tian Meng who appeared again in horror, and then realized that he had fallen into Tian Meng's illusion again.

However, the feeling of killing Tianmeng just now, the blood splashing, and the soul power fluctuations and aura caused by the illusion made the Ice Emperor unable to believe that everything was fake.

"how did you do it?"

Same problem, but this time, the Ice Emperor has completely calmed down.

Just like Tianmeng said, she didn't understand the gap between the two sides.

The preconceived impression limited the Ice Emperor's understanding of Tianmeng's current strength, and he also regarded him as that useless ice silkworm that had got bad luck.

Obviously, Tianmeng dared to challenge her, not simply seeking death.

She came prepared!

"How did you do it?"

"That's how it was done."

Tian Meng followed Luo Chen's example and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Ice Emperor's gem-like eyes suddenly filled with horror, and she recalled the memory of when she met Ah Rou, Ah Yin, and Gu Yuena just now.


The Ice Emperor turned his head and saw the two women standing in the distance, as well as Luo Chen and Gu Yuena who were sitting and watching the battle.

That is true!

Someone was really watching for so long, but she didn't realize it at all.

No, it wasn't that she didn't realize it, but that the other party had cast some extremely powerful spiritual suggestion, causing her to ignore the existence of the four of them.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, Bingbing."

Tianmeng in this world is female, so she doesn't fall in love with the Ice Emperor like she did ten thousand years later or in the past world.

Of course, Tianmeng still cares about Ice Emperor, but this relationship has changed from love to a special friendship.

"You can't beat me now."

"I know you don't believe it."

As soon as Tianmeng finished speaking, she saw the angry expression of the Ice Emperor. She did not explain too much, but directly removed the simulation on her body and restored her original state.


The majestic abyss-like divine power surged out of Tianmeng's body, directly dispelling the Ice Emperor's suspicion, leaving only an indescribable shock.

"You have become a god!!"

At this moment, Ice Emperor could no longer hold back the turmoil in his heart.

She stared at Tianmeng. For some reason, Ice Emperor felt sour: "Why! A guy like you can also become a god!"

Become a god, this is becoming a god!

Any soul beast with some spirit doesn't long to become a god and gain eternal life.

Not to mention the Ice Emperor, even the Snow Emperor whom she admired the most regarded becoming a god as her lifelong pursuit.

"Hey, Bingbing, don't say that."

Tianmeng was a little embarrassed: "Am I that bad?"

"Is not it?"

Ice Emperor completely gave up the idea of ​​competing with Tianmeng. She lay down on the grass dejectedly, lamenting the injustice of the world.

Even though she works so hard, she is still the emperor of the Ice Jade Scorpion clan and has unique resources.

In comparison, what does Tianmeng have?

She is the weakest ice silkworm in the far north, but she relied on luck to find a cave full of ten thousand years of ice marrow, and gained millions of years of cultivation by eating and sleeping.

When the Ice Emperor knew about this, he almost went crazy.

Why did she want to hunt down Tian Meng? This guy wasted his resources and ate up all the precious Xuan Bing Marrow.

‘If I had eaten those black ice marrow, I would have become a god long ago! ’

Jealousy, jealous of Tianmeng's luck.

At the same time, the Ice Emperor hated her for being indisputable, and hated that she had such a great opportunity, but still failed to become a god.

"All right."

Tian Meng admitted that his luck was indeed a little bit good.

"Is that a little bit?"

Ice Emperor glared at Tianmeng fiercely, and then tried to calm himself down: "So you came back this time just to show off to me?"

Good guy, this bastard went out for a trip. Not only did he become a god inexplicably, but he also arrogantly returned to his hometown to take revenge on her.

The Ice Emperor finally understood.

This guy deliberately showed weakness in order to regain his previous position.

'snort. ’

Ice Emperor hated Tianmeng even more.

Of course, hate is hate, and the Ice Emperor did not produce many more negative emotions.

After all, with Tian Meng's current strength and the fact that he had hunted her down before.

If Tianmeng kills the Ice Emperor before he comes up, it will be considered as his most benevolent and righteous.

"Are you going to kill me for revenge?"


Ice Emperor: "I can't beat you, and my skills are inferior to others, so go ahead and do it."

She is willing to admit defeat, she, the Ice Emperor, is not a scorpion who cannot afford to lose.


Tianmeng said awkwardly: "Bingbing, what are you thinking? How could I kill you."

Although Ice Emperor has always been very rude to her, in Tianmeng's eyes, they are still very good friends.

Well, treat her as food and hunt down a friend who has been around for thousands of years.


Ice Emperor said disdainfully: "Is there something wrong with your brain? I'm going to eat you, and you still think of me as a good person?"

This is also what Ice Emperor hates about Tianmeng.

This guy is a soul beast, but he has a simplicity that a soul beast shouldn't have.

Thinking about it carefully, if he really catches her, he will spare her life after taking the other party's soul power to practice.

At worst, she could be her Ice Emperor's follower and travel across the far north together.

'Just now.'

Ice Emperor rolled his eyes and felt depressed: 'It seems that I am going to become that follower girl. ’

However, it is not unacceptable.

Tianmeng became a god, and a soul beast became a god, belonging to the same race.

The most important thing is that Tianmeng is originally a local in the Far North. If she were the one to unify the Far North, the resistance would be much smaller.

In contrast, if a human was placed in Tianmeng's position, the Ice Emperor would never give in so easily.

She would rather blow herself up than become a slave of mankind!

"Okay, I'm here to take you to enjoy the happiness together."

Tianmeng: "At least this time, Bingbing, you have to thank me."


Ice Emperor did not understand what Tianmeng meant.

But soon, Ice Emperor got the method for her to become a god from Tian Meng.

As a result, Ice Emperor's whole body was in bad shape.

"You must have done it on purpose!"

Why did she say 'soul beasts will never be slaves' one second, and the next second this guy lifted Luo Chen out.


Tianmeng was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with me? Did I say something wrong?"


Seeing that Ice Emperor and Tian Meng were about to quarrel again, Luo Chen knew that the time was almost up, so he stepped forward and interrupted the two of them: "First time meeting, Miss Ice Emperor, my name is Luo Chen, and it was Tian Meng who helped her become a god. That human being.”


Ice Emperor looked at Luo Chen carefully. She moved her feet and circled around the boy.

"It's so strange. If my perception is correct, you should be a human cub who is not even 10 years old, right?"

"Is this what surprises you?"

Luochen scratched his head and said with a smile: "Indeed, there are still a few months until I am 9 years old."


A human, still only 9 years old, could actually help Tianmeng become a god.

The Ice Emperor did not doubt this, because the facts were before her eyes. The desire from blood and the urge to get close to Luo Chen undoubtedly conveyed Luo Chen's importance to her.

"you are excellent."

At this time, Gu Yuena walked up to the Ice Emperor and praised: "In addition, Tianmeng is really good. He is simply a shame to my soul beast clan."




The Ice Emperor was amused by Gu Yuena's words. She let out a laugh like a silver bell. Because of this sudden surprise, the entire insect body couldn't help rolling happily on the grass, without any concern that she was one of the three kings of the far north. face.

"The soul beast clan? You mean, the soul beast clan?"

After finally calming down, the Ice Emperor asked: "Who are you?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yuena's aura suddenly exploded.

At the same time, a large number of pictures appeared in front of Hyokui's eyes, and she also clearly understood the origin of the silver-haired girl in front of her.

"Soul Beast Co-Master!!"

There has never been such a statement about the Far North. At most, it is the Lord of the Far North and the co-lord of the Far North.

However, Gu Yuena's title is no less than declaring war on soul beasts all over the world.

"If it were you, you deserve to be called the co-master of soul beasts."

Unfortunately, after realizing Gu Yuena's identity and the gap between the two sides, the Ice Emperor simply chose to bow his head.

Whether it was the daughter of the Dragon God or the god-king-level combat power, the Ice Emperor had no confidence to refute Gu Yuena's legitimacy.

The opponent is the strongest soul beast in the world.

In the soul beast's world view, it is only natural that the strong are respected.

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