Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 111 Luo Chen: Please please me, Tang San

I didn't expect that kid Xiao Chi would come from ten thousand years later.

Bibi Dong didn't expect such a thing at all, and after leaving the spiritual world where Father Time lived, Luo Chen had already started his explanation before she could speak.

In order to make Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena better understand what he meant.

Luochen specially used many examples and metaphors, and then he reluctantly made the two women accept the relationship between the present and the future after ten thousand years as mentioned by Father Time.

“Destiny is decided early on, and therefore it is the cornerstone of our world, the earliest past.”

The three worlds, from simple to complex, are 40,000 years from now, 10,000 years from now, and the present we are in.

Among them, the world 40,000 years from now has been destroyed.

Father Time clearly told Luo Chen this point, and also reminded him of the void crisis that was bound to come in the future, so that he could be prepared to deal with it.

Void, what is it?

No matter what the void is, all we can do is enhance our own strength.

Luo Chen's words made the two women deeply agree. If the void really comes, then everything they worry about now is meaningless.

Rather than worrying unfoundedly, it is better to use this as encouragement, so that when the void crisis comes, you will have enough strength to face it.

Don't worry so much, teacher, and Na'er.

Luo Chen smiled at the two women and said: Senior will always monitor the objects in the void. If something goes wrong, we will not be the first to suffer, but the world ten thousand years from now.

To a certain extent, the Douluo world ten thousand years later has become the ‘front line’ of Luochen’s Divine Examination.

Obviously, the Dragon King has a strong Luochen doctrine and knows that he hates the original trajectory of the Tang Family Continent.

‘Is this going to destroy everyone ten thousand years from now? ’

No need for Luo Chen to say anything, the two women also noticed this.

But they didn't care about Douluo's life or death ten thousand years later.

According to Yao Gui, it seems that there is no Wuhun Palace in that future. Does this mean that they no longer exist in this future?

If so, what does it have to do with them?

Destroy, then destroy.


Well, I know it well, teacher.

Luo Chen knew what Bibi Dong wanted to say: This world is our home. If it is bound to be destroyed, then I hope all the costs will be paid by that side.

Hearing what Luo Chen said, Bibi Dong showed a satisfied smile. She knew that her disciple understood her thoughts and was to her liking.

The five senses are closed.

Luo Chen's gaze crossed Bibi Dong and landed on the demon ghost who was still in a sluggish state. He released a black ball, wrapping the opponent and completely blocking the demon ghost's perception of the outside world.

Teacher, I leave this guy to you.


Bibi Dong will take the demon back to Wuhun City and interrogate it there.

She wanted to get as much information about the future from this person as possible.

As for the others

Luo Chen glanced around, his eyes flickered, and the gravity field brought by the soul skill King Power exploded directly.

Dozens of times the gravity suddenly poured into this valley, and the powerful force instantly caused everything around it to begin to collapse.

The vegetation turned into debris, the earth and rocks turned into powder, and the bodies and clothes of the evil soul masters were all crushed into balls of paste under the endless pressure.


The ground rolled, and Luo Chen activated the ultimate earth brought by Arou to bury the mess.

Just think of it as fertilizing this place.

Let's go.

After doing all this, Luochen summoned the Rainbow Bridge again and returned to Zhujian Village with the two girls.

This transmission did not cause much movement, the rainbow light was not dazzling, and the location chosen by Luo Chen was also very hidden to avoid waking up the villagers.

It's so convenient.

Bibi Dong was very aware of the potential of Luo Chen's self-created soul skill.

The real power of the Rainbow Bridge is not the distance and speed, but the amount it can transport.

As long as Luo Chen's soul power can withstand this move, he can even teleport thousands of troops at once.

Bibi Dong still remembers the shock in her heart when Luo Chen first created this move.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Luochen's Rainbow Bridge, they can lead Wuhun Palace's army across thousands of miles in an instant, land in the enemy's hinterland, and catch the enemy by surprise.

Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore.

Bibi Dong changed her clothes and lay down happily on the bed, then patted the place next to her: Come up quickly. You have to go on a journey tomorrow. You must have a good rest now.

Ah this.

There was no way, in Bibi Dong's opinion, no matter what ten thousand years later, no matter what fallen soul master, it was not as important as sleeping with his disciple.

What do you think we should do with the dead Wuhun Palace deacon?

It's not that Bibi Dong and Luo Chen are cold-blooded, it's just that they don't know this person.

Now, they've had their revenge.

The only thing they could do was to ask the local Wuhun branch to provide some compensation afterwards.

Douluo Continent is so cruel. Not to mention Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong, even Luo Chen has gradually become accustomed to all this in these eight or nine years of life.


On the other side, watching Luo Chen get into Bibi Dong's bed, Gu Yuena expressed her disdain.

Because in the Wuhun space, Gu Yuena hugged Luo Chen's conscious body and kissed her intimately.

‘Idiot Bibi Dong. ’

Gu Yuena: ‘What you got was Achen’s body, but Achen’s heart has always been mine! ’

Thinking like this, Gu Yuena glanced at Tianmeng beside her and said dissatisfiedly: Tianmeng, it would be better if you didn't evolve. You are originally chubby and can still be used as a bed.


Well, Gu Yuena blatantly disliked Tian Meng's current form.

Tian Meng is indeed very delicate and cute after becoming a feather.

But why be so cute? !


Tianmeng moved to Luo Chen's other side like a provocation: But I think Brother Chen likes me the way I am now.

That's right, little brother Chen?

Although Tianmeng's figure is not as good as A Yin, A Rou, and Gu Yuena.

But being petite also has the advantage of being petite, that is, Luochen can hold her in his arms like a doll, and can act coquettishly and beg for caresses without any pressure.

This wave is the victory of her dream! !


Luochen hugged Bibi Dong in reality, but in the spiritual world, he held Naer on his left and Tianmeng on his right.

The daily life of a soul master is so simple and unpretentious.

The next day, Luochen took Xiaochi to bid farewell to the villagers of Zhujian Village.

Bibi Dong and Xiao Chi were sent directly back to Wuhun City by Luo Chen using the Rainbow Bridge. From there, she would issue orders to the Wuhun branch of Zhujian Village, asking them to find the body of the deceased deacon and bury it.

In this way, Luochen spent five months walking and stopping all the way until he arrived at Tiandou City, the most magnificent capital of the Tiandou Empire.

Is this the capital of the Tiandou Empire?

Luo Chen raised his hand to block the scorching sun, and then carefully looked at the majestic city in front of him.

Tiandou City, the imperial city of the Tiandou Empire, is located northeast of the center of the Tiandou Empire. It is the core of the political power of the entire Tiandou Empire and one of the two largest cities in the entire continent.

In Douluo Continent, only Star Luo City of Star Luo Empire can compare with it.

Luochen set off from Wuhun City and had to climb over the Star Mountains and cross the Ice Soul Grassland along the way.

During this period, Luo Chen also saw Jialing Pass in the Tianling Mountains where the two gods fought in the original work.

The entire journey was far longer than Luo Chen thought, nearly a thousand kilometers. In addition, he was not rushing all the time, but stopped and stopped.

Every time I go to a place, I will stay for a few days in order to better experience the folk customs of Douluo Continent.

For this reason, Luochen also specially wrote a travel diary to record everything he experienced in the past five months.

Tian Dou City

At this time, the person accompanying Luo Chen was still A Yin. Looking at the city in front of her, she felt that everything was different.

The last time I came here, I was still with Tang Hao.

We went to Yuexuan and met his sister Tang Yuehua there.

Just as he was talking, Ah Yin noticed Luo Chen's expression and asked curiously: Xiao Chen, do you know Tang Yuehua?


Luo Chen wanted to say that when he visited p-sites in his previous life, he also saw her sexy pictures.

Of course, Luo Chen had no idea about Tang Yuehua, and with his current status, he was not suitable to go to a place like Yuexuan.

Have heard a little bit.

It's not surprising that Luo Chen would know about Yue Xuan. After all, he loves reading books so much, and there must be records of aristocratic etiquette and the like in them.

Yue Xuan.

After Ah Yin's reminder, Luo Chen immediately remembered the information about Yuexuan.

Wuhun Palace has great ambitions, especially after the evil soul master incident five months ago, Bibi Dong was furious.

‘Ten thousand years ago, the Rakshasa God and the Angel God poisoned the Douluo Continent, and were finally defeated by the Sea God Tang San, and he died. ’

Yao Gui is not from an academy and is not interested in the history of Douluo Continent.

Therefore, most of the information obtained from him is of little value, at least not of much use to the current Wuhun Palace.

However, regarding Poseidon Tang San, even an ordinary person would probably be able to tell his legend, let alone a soul master.

‘Who is this Poseidon Tang San? ’

After Bibi Dong learned the news, she was furious like never before.

She was not sure whether the Rakshasa God and the Angel God were herself.

But looking at it now, she is accepting the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, and the Angel God is the ancestral god believed in by Wuhun Temple.

‘The surname is Tang? ’

‘Haotian Sect! ’

Almost immediately, Bibi Dong thought of the Tang family of Haotian Sect.

If there is anyone in the entire Douluo Continent who is capable of challenging the Spirit Hall, it is probably Tang Chen.

Although this information is the fate track of another world, and today's world has been changed by Luochen, Bibi Dong is still wary.

She sent people to investigate Tang San, hoping to nip him in the cradle in advance.

Luo Chen considered Ah Yin and didn't intend to reveal Tang San's position, but Ah Yin said it didn't matter.

She only hoped that Luo Chen could save Tang Hao's life.

If the other party is unkind, Ah Yin cannot be unjust.

Since you got a hundred thousand year soul ring from me, then return your cultivation level to her.

‘Holy Soul Village? ’

So, Bibi Dong got the whereabouts of Tang Hao and his son from A Yin: 'Tang San, is Tang Hao's son? Doesn't that mean that Tang San is yours, Ah Yin'

Tang Hao was kind to Bibi Dong after all. It was also because of this in the original novel that Bibi Dong showed mercy again and again.

‘He is not my son! ’

Ah Yin told Bibi Dong about Tang San's origins, which also made Bibi Dong, who had a grudge against the child, completely let go of his hesitation.

And she also promised Ah Yin that she could spare Tang Hao's life.

Sister Ah Yin, are you telling me if Tang San and his son will be hiding in Yuexuan?

Yes, Bibi Dong's plan failed. She went to Holy Soul Village, but Tang Hao and Tang San had already disappeared.

As if they had foreseen the impending crisis in advance, the two disappeared without a trace.

In this regard, Luo Chen's reaction was much calmer than that of the female pope.

I don't know about Tang Hao, but Tang San, his aura is indeed in Yuexuan.

Tang San's body was filled with A Yin's blood, and if he was not far away, she could sense the other person's position.

The distance from Tiandou City Gate to Yuexuan is not short. With Ah Yin's current perception, this distance is nothing.

Are you going to take action?

Ah Yin said: The current Tang Hao is definitely no match for Tianmeng.

Oh oh oh!

When Tianmeng heard Ah Yin mentioning him, his blood boiled: Is it finally my turn to take action? Don't worry, leave it to me!

never mind.


Tianmeng suddenly slumped like a deflated rubber ball: Why? Didn't you say that guy will become a god in the future?

Become a god.

Luo Chen asked: Is it very powerful?


For a moment, Tianmeng didn't know what to say.

To be honest, Tang Hao and Tang San today are really not qualified to be Luo Chen's opponents.

Even if the God King Tang San comes ten thousand years later, Gu Yuena, who has Luo Chen at full strength and has evolved once, will definitely make it impossible for him to come back.

Compared to Tang San, what really made Luo Chen more fearful was the current God Realm and God King Shura.

He had always speculated whether there would be the shadow of God Shura behind Tang San's time travel.

After this test, Luo Chen almost had an idea.

‘Whether it’s related or not, God Shura must be paying attention to Tang San! ’

Luo Chen didn't have time to find trouble for Tang San for the time being, after all, there was no grievance or enmity.

And compared to God King Shura, Tang San was much easier to deal with.

Therefore, instead of killing Tang San in advance, it is better to let him inherit the divine status in peace, and then smash the opponent's Shura godhead in Douluo Continent.

Tang San, who had just inherited the divine status, was already at the level of a second-level god and could not even control the power of the plane.

If he doesn't become a god, he's just a soul master.

Became a god.

Luo Chen: A mere god-king who doesn't even have control over his own power, how many moves can he take against you, Na'er?

I can kill him!

As she studies her own power more and more, Gu Yuena has the confidence to fight against the Dragon God at his peak.

This kind of power has surpassed ordinary god kings and reached a higher realm.

You know, Sister Tianmeng.

Luo Chen: If he doesn't come to provoke me, I won't go looking for trouble for no reason.

on the contrary.

The murderous intent in Luo Chen's eyes disappeared instantly: My world doesn't need a Tang San who likes to jump around!

But now, it is indeed not the time to directly confront the five great god kings of the god world.

I hope he can understand things better and not give you a way to kill him at every turn.

Luo Chen looked up at the sky: The God Realm is just a small trouble after all, and the void is the real big crisis.

After meeting Father Time, Luo Chen's vision was no longer what it was before, and he had more things to do.

However, since we are here, it would really be unreasonable not to see this 'protagonist'.

Luochen knew about Tang San's existence early on. After all, Ah Yin and the others had been to Holy Soul Village many times, but Luochen never had the chance to see the third brother.


Suddenly, Luo Chen showed a wicked smile: Na'er, bring Sister Rou and Xiao Wu over.

The ‘protagonist’ of the original work is about to appear, so how can the cute Bunny be missing?

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