Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 110 The content of the second test (6000)

Chapter 110 Contents of the second test (6000+)

Shrek Academy?

Bibi Dong frowned slightly: What the hell academy? What a strange name.

No, you said the strongest force is an academy?

Obviously, this is somewhat beyond Bibi Dong's understanding.

After all, in the Douluo Continent that she knew, such an outrageous thing had never happened.

If an academy can become the strongest force in the mainland, then what does their Spirit Hall mean?

Don't you even know about Shrek Academy?


Luo Chen raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


The next moment, the demon fell into a daze as if time had stood still.

Teacher, I seem to know what's going on.

Luo Chen knew in his heart that after the destruction of Wuhun Palace, Shrek Academy would become the second force on the Douluo Continent that was beyond the imperial power, and the family would dominate for countless years.


Teacher, do you still remember the strange power I felt when I absorbed the second soul ring?

When Luo Chen mentioned it again, Bibi Dong immediately remembered the weird feeling she felt at that time: Are these people related to that power?

If my guess is correct, my second test will probably involve future time and space.

Teacher, you have also heard that many of this fallen soul master's perceptions are different from ours.

Luo Chen continued: He doesn't know about Wuhun Palace, and he also said that there is a Heavenly Soul Empire on Douluo Continent.

So I think he's not from our time.

Luo Chen's words really subverted Bibi Dong's worldview.

Bibi Dong wanted to say how could this be possible.

Just thinking about the strange events that happened when Luo Chen attached the second soul ring, Bibi Dong couldn't help but believe it a little bit: If it's really like what you said, Xiaochen, that they come from the future, then how did they get here?

Because of my martial spirit.

Just now, Luo Chen carefully examined the auras of Yao Gui and others, and indeed found a trace of the power related to the Star Casting Dragon King in it.

However, this did not come from the Star Casting Dragon King's martial spirit, but the power that came out of Luo Chen's body.

Teacher, I want you to take this guy back.

Xiaochen, do you want me to extract future information from him?


Luo Chen nodded and said: Although in my opinion, that future should have nothing to do with us, there is always no harm in knowing some things that may happen in the future.

The Shrek Academy is the only one in the family, and Luo Chen couldn't imagine that without his own intervention, he would continue to follow the same path as the original work in the future.

Especially the demise of Wuhun Palace, this is even more impossible.

Obviously, Luochen does not exist in the future where Yao Gui lives.


Gu Yuena appeared next to Luo Chen. She glanced at Bibi Dong and said, I have traced the source of the out-of-control power in these people.

Did you find it so quickly?

After realizing that these people had their own power of time and space, Luo Chen asked Gu Yuena to conduct a careful investigation.

It's just as you think, Gu Yuena said: They were sent to you on purpose.

You mean, someone is planning all this behind the scenes?

Bibi Dong only knew that Luo Chen had received the inheritance of the God of Creation, but she did not know the specific content of the divine test.

There was no other way, so Luochen had no choice but to summon four divine test cards.

Is this your divine test, Xiaochen?

Bibi Dong quickly browsed the contents of the four Shenqiu exams, and then she was confused: What does this mean? Xiaochen, is your Shenqiu test a bit too complicated?

In her opinion, one test is just one test, but Luochen's divine test has more than one branch.

No matter in terms of quantity or difficulty, they surpassed Bibi Dong's Rakshasa God Exam many times.

It's really difficult.

Luochen made a brief comment, and then selected the cards for the second test: Teacher, look at my second test.

Saving past* and the future, is there a missing word after 'pass'?

Originally there is.

Luo Chen explained the problem: But about half a year ago, the word 'go' was swallowed up by purple flames.

And looking at the marks on this card, although the burning is very slow, the word pass is also disappearing little by little.

If my guess is correct, this probably means that the 'past' mentioned in the card that needs to be saved is collapsing.

This was just Luo Chen's guess, but he felt that he should have found the reason for the card change: Just now I asked Na'er to explore the power of time and space on these people, and the result was...

I found the priest responsible for Achen's second test.

Gu Yuena's expression was solemn: The other party didn't have any cover, they were just waiting for us to pass over there.

The second test was the final stage that even Gu Yuena couldn't touch.

And now, the other party is somewhere waiting for the arrival of the inheritor of the divine throne.

The other party has no ill intentions.

Both Luo Chen and Gu Yuena can feel this.


Unlike the two of them, Bibi Dong grabbed Luo Chen's hand almost subconsciously.

She was worried that Luochen would be in danger if he went alone.

We can go together.

Seeing this, Gu Yuena said: You are a candidate for becoming a god selected by the great power (Star Casting Dragon King Martial Spirit), and you will accompany Ah Chen with us in the future.

In the definition of Luochen Shenkao, Bibi Dong is part of Luochen's power just like the stars.

Especially those who have the qualifications to ascend to the gods can directly participate in Luochen's assessment and even help him complete some of his requirements.


Hearing Gu Yuena say this, Bibi Dong was extremely happy: That's great, Xiaochen.

The beautiful pope held his disciple's hand tightly, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would help Luo Chen complete the divine examination.

I'm going to trouble the teacher again.

Luo Chen patted the back of Bibi Dong's hand, expressing his trust in her.

how should I do?

The other party is not anywhere in the real world. If we want to go to Him, we need to immerse ourselves in it and carefully perceive the other party's existence.

Luo Chen and Bibi Dong followed Gu Yuena's instructions and began to let go of their spirits.

The next moment, the two of them felt that the sounds around them began to become silent.

When they opened their eyes again, the original valley had disappeared, replaced by a calm golden ocean.

here it is?

Luochen looked at Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong and found that the two women were stepping on the golden water with their bare feet.

Right in front of them, an old man with white hair and beard was sitting cross-legged.

The image of the other party was clearly the Old Man of Time ‘Jilan’ in Luo Chen’s memory.

Of course, Luo Chen knew that the other person was not Jilan, but the person in charge of the divine test who was shaped by the Star Dragon King's spirit according to his own memory, just like the three ancient demigods of Freljord in the third test.

where is this place?

Bibi Dong's heart was full of doubts: Is he the person in charge of Xiaochen's test?

She couldn't feel the old man's breath at all, as if he didn't exist at all.

This situation couldn't help but make Bibi Dong feel a little more solemn.

Are you, Kieran?

Kilan? Ah, the old man in my memory seems to have this name.

Father Time smiled kindly at Luo Chen. He raised his hand and the wheel of time behind him began to rotate slowly: Old Man is the person in charge of your final second test. If you like, you can call him that.

You must be very confused about the changes in this divine test, right?

Father Time said, summoning the divine test card for the second test.


Luo Chen could feel the intimacy of origin connection from Father Time.

He knew that not only would the other party not harm him, but he would also take action to solve various obstacles in front of Luo Chen when his divine test was interfered with.

To a certain extent, Father Time, like Gu Yuena, is Luo Chen's protector on the road to gaining the power of the Dragon King.

It's just that due to some reasons, Father Time cannot interfere directly, unless there is some power that wants to harm Luo Chen on the time level.

Old man, let me briefly explain the specific content of the second test.

The requirement of this test is to let the children save the past and the future.

So, what do the past and future here refer to?

This question was also something Luo Chen didn't want to understand.

After all, he can understand the future, but how to save the past and travel through time and space?

Mr. Kieran, do you want me to travel through time and go back to the past to do something?

Hearing Luo Chen say this, Bibi Dong felt incredible.

Although the power of that person has long been confirmed, is it really possible to travel back in time?

If possible, then she.

Unfortunately, before Bibi Dong could speak, Father Time broke her fantasy.

My little friend, what you are talking about is not from the past.

Just listen to Father Time smile and say: It's your future.


Time is a very wonderful thing.

Father Time gently fiddled with the water in front of him, causing ripples to appear in the golden ocean: In your opinion, little friend, traveling to a certain point in time means traveling to the past?


Luo Chen frowned slightly. He didn't show off, but humbly asked for advice: Isn't that the case?

You have not gone back to the past, you are still in the present, and you are still experiencing your future.

According to Father Time, time is not a line, nor is it a river, a place, or a node.

You always think that time is a concept, that it is something, something.

Father Time: But in fact, time is everywhere.

If you travel through time, your time will still flow through you.

So you are still experiencing your own time, waiting for the next second that belongs to you.

That won't change no matter where you are.

Therefore, from the true concept of time, Luo Chen is still moving forward, and the so-called 'past' he went to is just a certain space.

It's complicated, but not hard to understand.

Senior, what you mean is that as long as I am still alive and thinking, then I will never be able to truly break away from time, let alone travel through the past?


Father Time smiled and nodded.

Then, what is the so-called past in this divine examination?




Father Time: The determined destiny is the past.

Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena were confused by this answer, and they found that they couldn't keep up with their rhythm at all.

I see.

However, Luo Chen understood.

Especially when I think about the original work I have read, and then relate it to the world changed by my intervention.

From a subjective point of view, Luo Chen lived ten thousand years ago, Bibi Dong was also the Pope of Wuhun Temple ten thousand years ago, and Yao Gui and others should come from Douluo Continent ten thousand years later.

So, Luo Chen and Bibi Dong are people from the past, while Yao Gui and others belong to the future.

But according to Father Time, Luo Chen is the one who lives in the 'future'.

Young friends can understand that the text is written first, then the pictures appear, and finally the animation.

Sure enough, Father Time was indeed born from Luochen's memory, and he also had a lot of Luochen's common sense and knowledge in his mind.

He was obviously hinting at Luochen, the three worlds of Douluo novels, Douluo comics and Douluo animation.

Are there many worlds like this?

Luo Chen doesn't want to turn Douluo Continent into an infinite parallel universe like Marvel. That would be too troublesome.

Only three in total.

Father Time: And one of them was destroyed not long ago.

These three worlds are not so much parallel worlds as Douluo Continent in three different dimensions but closely related to each other.

What was destroyed among them was the Douluo World in the novel.

This is why Father Time calls it ‘the past’.

“Stories shaped by words are the cornerstone of the world.”

It's full of holes and ambiguous.

Just like anyone can write on a piece of paper, I will destroy the world with one punch.

But based on this sentence alone, who can really imagine such a scene?


Luo Chen naturally sat in front of Father Time: Because words are the least expressive, and although pictures are more expressive, they are much more difficult than words.

When words turn into pictures, you have to consider more issues and have more details to improve.

For example, if I ask you to draw a picture of the destruction of the world, can you draw it?

It's too difficult, far more complicated than a sentence or a description.

In the same way, we need to use animation to express destroying the world with one punch.

Not to mention whether it can be done, but even if it can be done, it will probably be embarrassing.

The past that needs to be saved in the second divine examination can be understood by the children as the world in words and the world in pictures.

The world of words has been destroyed, so half of the past two words have disappeared?

Luo Chen didn't expect it to be like this: Then the future here refers to the world I live in, right?


Father Time did not expect Luo Chen to understand so quickly, and felt a little relieved for this inheritor.


Luo Chen asked: What do you say about the place where these fallen soul masters come from?

The world they come from is the world in the picture, and the fate there will be the same as in the picture.

The pictures here only refer to the trajectory of destiny, not that they are paper figures.

Not only that, Father Time also told Luo Chen that the time in the two worlds is synchronizing little by little.

Because of this synchronization, the Douluo Continent ten thousand years later is no longer the past with a determined destiny, but has become a part of the Luochen world, and the two are merging.

Once you are completely free from destiny, it is no longer the past.

Father Time explained the essence of the second test: The task that Old Man needs you to complete is to completely shatter the fate of the world ten thousand years from now, so that it will have the same infinite possibilities as this world.

How to break?

Just change it.


Soon, Luo Chen understood what Father Time meant.

In words that Luochen could understand, he didn't know what would happen tomorrow.

For example, Xiao Wu, A Rou, A Yin and Bibi Dong.

Their fate has long since changed, and every day in the future will not be the same as in novels, comics, or even anime.

To a certain extent, this world has actually broken away from the anime world and is evolving towards a higher dimension.

In the same way, without Luo Chen's intervention, tens of thousands of years later, where Yao Gui and others are, it will just follow the plot in the comics and go on without any trouble.

However, after Old Man Time sent the demons and ghosts to this world, their destiny became turbulent ten thousand years later.

Destiny has a certain degree of inertia, and even with small deviations, it can recover on its own.

This also means that if Luochen does not make greater changes, the world will still go the same way after ten thousand years.

It's like the butterfly effect.

And what Luo Chen has to do is to increase the strength of the butterfly's wings and set off an even bigger storm in the world ten thousand years from now.

Father Time also told Luo Chen that there was an extremely terrifying force that had swallowed up the novel world in the past two years.

For some reason, it is temporarily unable to break through the shackles of dimensions and invade the world ten thousand years from now.

But it's just a matter of time.

If Luochen doesn't do something, it will continue to erode tens of thousands of years later, and launch an attack on Luochen's world in the near future.

That purple power?

Listening to Father Time's description, an extremely terrifying term emerged in Luo Chen's mind—void!

Legend has it that the void is the cornerstone of everything, the zero dimension, the true place of eternal silence.

When my little friend absorbed the first soul ring, he awakened the void.

Father Time said in a deep voice: And this is also your ultimate test.

The void invades and swallows everything.

Starting from the lowest level of the world, moving upwards until you reach Luochen's world, venting your anger on the culprit who woke him up.

At that time, everything will be silent.

The future described by Father Time made even Luo Chen feel heart palpitations.

That is void, not some cats and dogs.

“What can I do to save what’s left of the past?”

Luo Chen asked: Do you want me to go to Douluo Continent ten thousand years from now?

can not go.

Father Time shook his head and said, At least not yet.

Not yet?

Lao Chan is not the only person in charge of the second test, Mr. Time told Luo Chen: Only the power of another Excellency can completely connect the door of the two worlds.

However, Luo Chen has not grown up yet, so he is not qualified to see that person.


Luo Chen said: The second test involves time and space. The senior represents time, so the other one represents space, right?

Recalling the strange things that Bibi Dong had described to him two years ago, and the wonderful sound of the flute, Luo Chen immediately thought of the only true god in the alliance who could rival the Dragon King - Bard.

“How do I find Him?”

Get all the soul rings.


Luo Chen's mouth twitched slightly. If he wanted to see Budd emotionally, he must first raise himself to the peak.

Before this, only people from ten thousand years later could come here.

However, Father Time can only send people here, but he cannot send people back: By the way, the child that little friend met today was also found by Old Man ten thousand years later.


Luo Chen: The little idiot also came from ten thousand years ago? Then why didn't he tell us?


Father Time smiled awkwardly: I was not very skilled at the beginning, so there was a little problem.


Good guy, it directly caused people to lose their memory. Is this a small problem you are talking about?

So what's the big problem?

It’s so confusing!

Luo Chen didn't know how to complain about Father Time.


Helpless, he could only sigh: Who told you that I summoned you? I am also responsible for Xiao Chi's matter.

That's all, I will take good care of him in the future.

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