By the Lake of Life, Xiao Wu was reading a copy of My Fish Pond that her mother had given her not long ago.

She stretched, then closed the book with a 'snap', and then shouted into the distance: Da Ming Er Ming, I'm hungry~~


As the words fell, the water splashed, and the azure bull python surfaced: Whatever Sister Xiao Wu wants to eat, I'll let Er Ming find it.

I want to eat fruit, the sour and sweet kind.

Sour and sweet?

The Azure Bull Python told the Titan Ape about Xiao Wu's needs, and the latter immediately rushed to prepare: Sister Xiao Wu, wait a moment, I will go find it for you right away.

Thank you for your hard work, Er Ming.

Since receiving Gu Yuena's special training, Xiao Wu has made great progress, and during this period, she also conducted actual combat tests on Da Ming and Er Ming.

Xiao Wu was already talented and intelligent. If she hadn't met Tang San in the original work and became a pendant known only as Brother San, she might not have been able to have a bright future.

It's just that this has been a pain for Ming Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. In the past six months, they have been beaten by Xiao Wu a lot.

They were originally Xiao Wu's licking beasts, but they were completely manipulated by Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu, don't bully Da Ming and Er Ming.

Arou came from the shade of the trees by the lake. She first knocked her daughter on the head, and then scolded: We taught you this not to bully our own people.

Although the plan of undercover Tang San has been cancelled, Xiao Wu's education has not been given up.

What Gu Yuena means is that their soul beasts will have their own factions in the future, and the Star Spirit God and the Heavenly Realm God will spare no effort to win Luo Chen's favor.

So letting Xiao Wu learn some experience in this area will be beneficial to her and the entire Star Spirit Faction.

Mom, Ming Ming and Ming Ming, why do you need me to use tricks?

Da Ming and Er Ming were already obedient to Xiao Wu's words. Even if she didn't use those little tricks, they would still run for her wholeheartedly.

In short, you are not allowed to bully your own people, you know?


Xiao Wu grabbed her mother's hand and shook it gently: Sister Na'er asked me to learn these things to help us deal with that bad woman in the future.

In the eyes of Ah Rou and Xiao Wu, Bibi Dong is no different from the female devil, a complete bad woman.

Xiao Wu likes Luo Chen very much.

In her eyes, Luochen was like a gentle big brother who could bring her a sense of security.

It is precisely for this reason that after learning about the relationship between Bibi Dong and Luo Chen, Xiao Wu worked even harder, striving to master the secrets of palace fighting as soon as possible, so as to help Gu Yuena, A Rou, A Yin and the others regain Luo Chen's possessions from Bibi Dong. preference.

Soul beasts are still soul beasts after all, and their simplicity of mind is their strength and biggest weakness.

At least compared to women as stunningly talented as Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, Ah Rou and Ah Yin were born at a disadvantage.

If we really want to make a calculation, the loser will definitely be the soul beast.

Even if Gu Yuena can barely cope with it.

But how could she alone compete with the endless stream of stunning beauties in the human race?

Xiao Wu is becoming more and more sensible.

Ah Rou stroked her daughter's hair with satisfaction, and the latter showed an expression of enjoyment, very satisfied with her new life in the past six months.

The past days were certainly happy, but Xiao Wu was so lively and active that she really couldn't stand the boring time in the valley.

It's different now. Luo Chen not only comes to see Xiao Wu regularly, but sometimes takes her to Wuhun City to see the colorful world of human beings.

You said Xiao Wu is a transformed soul beast?

This is not a problem. Luo Chen has long studied the principle that transformed soul beasts will be discovered by powerful Contra and above, and specially developed a self-created soul skill to hide the aura.

Coupled with the strange flowers and herbs given by Gu Yuena that can conceal the identity of the soul beast.

With the two combined, even Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu couldn't see through Xiao Wu's true identity.

If they hadn't known that this girl was a transformed soul beast, they would have definitely regarded her as an ordinary human being.

Xiao Wu.

And just as the mother and daughter were tasting the fruits that Er Ming found and exchanging the essence of those PUA books, Gu Yuena's dawn incarnation appeared in front of the two women.


Arou asked: What's the matter?

Achen wants you to return.

Gu Yuena: And Xiao Wu, Ah Chen has a task for you.


When Xiao Wu heard that there was a mission, not only was she not afraid, but she asked enthusiastically: What mission? Is it that Tang San?

Xiao Wu is not stupid and knows that she has no fighting ability.

So what Luo Chen wants her to do must be related to the painstaking study over the past six months.

Even if it wasn't Tang San, it would probably be Xu San, Zhang San and the like.

Xiao Wu didn't care about being undercover.

Because she believed that Luochen would not harm her, nor would she really suffer.

Luo Chen promised Arou this.

He regarded Xiao Wu as his younger sister and would never let her do anything dangerous, let alone let Tang San take advantage of her.

Don't worry, Arou.

Gu Yuena explained: Achen just plans to take Xiao Wu to Tiandou City for fun.


When she heard that she could go out to play again, Xiao Wu jumped up and down with joy: Okay, I want to go, I want to go!

On the other side, Luochen lined up to enter the gate of Tiandou City.

The guards guarding the city saw Luo Chen wearing the clothes of a disciple of Wuhun Palace and let him in without any investigation.

I have to say, this Wuhundian identity is really useful.

Along the way, Luochen suffered the benefits of his status in Wuhun Palace more than once.

Many times, no matter how much you say or do, it is not as effective as showing your identity.

Douluo civilians in this era really trust Wuhun Palace, and I can't say enough words of gratitude.

Where to go next?

Ah Yin asked: Shall we go directly to Tang San? I can show you the way.

Not urgent.

Luochen didn't expect A Yin to be more anxious than himself.

He thought about it and felt that Ah Yin couldn't wait to let him teach Tang San a lesson.

Let's find a hotel to stay in first. We will probably stay in Tiandou City for a while, so we have plenty of time to get to know the son of fate.

The son of fate is naturally a joke. With Luo Chen in this world, it is Tang San's turn to be the son of fate.

Luo Chen: Even if it is destiny, I have to help you!

Sister A Yin, do you have any hotel recommendations?

Don't you want to live in Wuhun Temple?

That's too arrogant.

If Luochen goes to the Wuhun Temple, he will definitely reveal his identity: I plan to keep a low profile for a few days before looking for Salas.

If Salas knew about the dignified eighth offering, he would definitely come over and offer his knee to Luochen.

However, this is too ostentatious.

Luochen planned to quietly go to Salas in two days and tell him that he would stay temporarily in Tiandou City. At the same time, he asked him to check the internal situation of the temple to see if there was any problem of enriching his own pockets.

Of course, this is an open investigation.

In private, Luochen would let Tianmeng monitor him.

Using her mental detection to do this kind of thing is not only convenient, but also very unpredictable.

Along the way, Luo Chen used this method to find a lot of snakes, insects, rats, and ants, and then handed them over to the Inquisition of Wuhun Hall to eliminate them all.

Brother Chen!

Not long after checking into the hotel, Xiao Wu appeared in Luochen's room through Gu Yuena's space teleportation (not Rainbow Bridge).

The little rabbit took off his shoes without any care and jumped on the sofa, not caring at all about the exposure caused by his sitting position.


Luo Chen's mouth twitched slightly, he could feel the strong smell of tea in Xiao Wu's every move.


Therefore, Luo Chen flicked Xiao Wu's forehead without hesitation.


Seeing Xiao Wu covering her forehead with a pitiful look, Luo Chen was a little bit dumbfounded: You girl, have you forgotten who taught you this?


Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, not caring at all that Luo Chen saw through her showoff.

She had no intention of playing any pretentious tricks in front of Luo Chen. Even if she perfected her tea skills in the future, Xiao Wu would still get along with Luo Chen sincerely.

Brother Chen, Sister Na'er said you have a task to give me. What is it?

Little Rabbit has been waiting for this moment for a long time. Luochen saved her mother and sent Gu Yuena to save herself. She can never repay this kindness too much.

She was not afraid that Luo Chen would find her, but she was afraid that Luo Chen would have nothing to ask for.

Xiao Wu had already decided that as long as it was Luochen's task, she would do her best to complete it.

It's actually nothing.

Luo Chen didn't want to deceive Xiao Wu, let alone treat her as a tool rabbit, so he said truthfully: Do you remember what I told you about Tang San last time?

Brother Chen wants me to go undercover?

no no.

Luochen quickly explained: This plan has been canceled and will not be used again in the future.


It's said to be a mission, but actually I want you, Xiao Wu, to accompany me to meet Tang San.

Luo Chen directly told Xiao Wu that this operation had no purpose, as long as she stayed with him.

As for the rest of the time, Luochen was just taking the little rabbit to visit Tiandou City.

What, this, this isn't a mission at all, is it?

Taking him out to play, the most he could do was meet Tang San together, Xiao Wu suddenly felt a little disappointed.


Luo Chen touched the bunny ears hair accessory on Xiao Wu's head: It's just a good time to test the results of your cultivation in the past six months.

Afterwards, Luo Chen called out Na'er, Tianmeng, A Yin and A Rou.

In this way, Luochen left the hotel with his two ladies, two girls, and a cute little lolita, just like a family outing.

But this scene really made the hotel front desk dumbfounded.

'what's the situation? ’

The other party watched Luo Chen go in alone, and then went out with a group of girls in the blink of an eye.

This large group of warblers and swallows were still crowding behind Luo Chen.

Of course, he didn't think about men and women. After all, Luo Chen looked at his age and was no more than ten years old at most.

Everyone in the hotel who saw this scene just regarded Luochen as the young master of a certain big family, and the female relatives of the family took him out to play.

Which family is this descendant from?

Looking at his clothes, he probably comes from a decent background.

Every one of those women is so beautiful.

At this time, Luo Chen replaced the disciples of Wuhun Hall. After dressing up again, his whole temperament changed drastically.

When it comes to traveling, Luochen is a young man with an easy-going temperament.

So now, it would probably not be a violation to say that Luo Chen was a royal noble from the palace.

During the more than two years in Wuhun City, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu had trained him as the heir to Wuhun Palace. In terms of quality of life, his standards had always been the highest.

Luo Chen doesn't like the aristocratic temperament, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have it.

where are we going?

Yue Xuan!

Luo Chen didn't waste any time and immediately set his sights on the Haotian Sect's only external contact, 'Yue Xuan'.

Yuexuan was very famous in Tiandou City. Luo Chen randomly chartered a carriage, gave him instructions, and took him directly to the door of Yuexuan.

Young Master, Yuexuan is here.


Luo Chen took the girls out of the carriage and looked at the five-story building in front of him.

The overall architectural style of this small building is slightly primitive, and there are only two simple words on the plaque, Yuexuan.

Along the way, Luo Chen had browsed many buildings in Tiandou City, and the Yuexuan in front of him was considered a tall building in the entire Tiandou City.

As for the location, Yuexuan is located in the most prosperous area in the center of Tiandou City.

Luo Chen glanced at the pedestrians coming in and out.

There are not many people, but those who can enter here are all richly dressed or have excellent temperament.

In terms of appearance, the nobles of Douluo World are really good at it.

Luo Chen was very disdainful of this. He looked at Ah Yin and asked, Sister Ah Yin, do you want to return to the martial spirit space?


Seeing A Yin's hesitant expression, Luo Chen immediately understood: Let's go in.

They didn't do anything wrong, and there was no need to hide it in front of Tang San.

With Luo Chen's current strength, if he wants to do something, no one in Tiandou City can stop him.

In this case, why should we be cautious?

The two waiters guarding the door of Yuexuan did not stop Luo Chen and others. After all, their clothes were not as shabby as Tang Hao and his son in the original work.

Guests, what can I do for you?

After entering Yuexuan, several girls with simple clothes and delicate faces came forward and asked, I am the etiquette and music instructor of Yuexuan, Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu has never seen such beautiful women as A Yin and others.

And judging from their positions, it was clear that the young man was the main one.

Obviously, he is the backbone of these women.

Is this young master coming to Yuexuan to learn etiquette?

Xiao Yu felt that he had guessed their purpose, so he began to introduce Yuexuan's various courses, as well as the nobles and celebrities who had been taught by Yuexuan over the years.

You said musical instruments are taught here, right?

Luo Chen didn't look down on Yuexuan. He didn't like things like aristocratic etiquette, but musical instruments and the like: I'm not talented. I have some experience in music. I would like to ask the master of Yuexuan to taste it.

With that said, Luochen took out a flute-like instrument from the storage soul guide, which was the Shakuhachi he had made when he had nothing to do before.


Xiao Yu has obviously never seen such an instrument. She does know the flute and Xiao, but the look of the Shakuhachi

Is this, Xiao?

It's called Shakuhachi. It's an artifact I made in my spare time.

Luo Chen played with the shakuhachi in his hand. He had a natural affinity that made Xiao Yu unable to say any words of rejection.

There is no way, Luochen's external performance is too good.

A handsome boy with a humble attitude.

He came to Yuexuan with an instrument he had never seen before and asked Tang Yuehua for advice. Xiao Yu could not refuse such a request, let alone think that he was looking for trouble.

Please come into the private seats and wait a moment. I will go and ask the master of the hall for instructions.

Xiao Yu had Luo Chen and others brought into a tea room. Soon, a group of maids brought them tea and refreshments.

I have to admit that Yuexuan's service is indeed high-end in ancient times like Douluo Continent.

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