Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 109 Cognitive Bias (5000)

Chapter 109 Cognitive Bias (5000+)

Bibi Dong looked at Luo Chen, who was already walking forward. Her beautiful eyes were flowing, and she wanted to speak to stop him, but in the end she chose silence.

Luochen always needs to grow.

If you want your children to grow into strong men in the future, you must learn to let go.

It's beautiful.

This is my soul skill, I call it the Rainbow Bridge.

Luo Chen glanced at the evil soul masters who obviously didn't understand the situation, and said calmly: A space-based soul skill that can quickly transport a large number of people.

The demon's expression was solemn, the soul power contained in the rainbow beam just now was far beyond his imagination.

Boss, these two seem to be soul masters.

No matter how much ordinary people devour, they can only recover their injuries. If they want to practice, the price/performance ratio is too low.

If you change your target to a soul master, the benefits you can get are far beyond what ordinary people can compare with.

It has to be said that the evil soul masters behind Yaogui were a little moved.


However, Chi Guoguo's murderous intention immediately met Bibi Dong's cold gaze and the pressure of soul power like a stormy sea.


The twelve evil soul masters were all frightened by the terrifying soul power exuded by Bibi Dong.

Cold sweat continued to seep from the backs of these people, and the fear of death was like a big hand, tightly grasping their throats, making them feel suffocated.

‘Who is this woman? ! ’

‘Such a huge soul power, Soul Saint? Or Contra? ’

The demon was inexplicably frightened. He carefully searched the memories in his mind, trying to find out the origin of Bibi Dong.

However, no matter how he recalled it, he had never heard of such a terrifying female soul master coming out of the Heavenly Soul Empire.


I see.

Bibi Dong's aura relaxed slightly, but her eyes were still cold, and she obviously had no intention of letting down her guard at all.


Compared with Bi Dong's cautious appearance, Luo Chen shook his head helplessly.

However, he did not blame the beautiful Pope. Instead, he felt a little helpless because of her doting.

Come on, fight with me.

Luo Chen stepped forward, summoned the Heavenly Star Crown, and then put it on his head.

This scene instantly attracted the attention of the demon ghost. The soul king's face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: This is the Star Crown Martial Soul. Are you from the Xu family?


Luo Chen didn't know anything about the Xu family, but he had heard of Star Crown Martial Spirit.

‘Xu family.’

Luo Chen secretly thought: 'It seems that the direct descendant of the hidden sect Xingguan Sect is named Xu, right? ’


Not paying attention to the other party's misunderstanding, Luo Chen's soul power circulated around his body, and four soul rings of black, black, black, and platinum appeared behind him: If you think this is a star crown, that's fine.

This kid's soul ring!

Three thousand years, one decade, what kind of weird soul ring configuration is this?

Isn't this kid a fool?

Not only the other evil soul masters, but also the demons and ghosts were confused by Luo Chen's operation.

Although the four black soul rings are unbelievable, they are not incomprehensible.

Before his fall, Yaogui was also a noble of the Tianhun Empire, so he knew about the existence of twin martial souls.

'But even if they are twin martial souls, why do they need to absorb a white soul ring? ’

The first three black soul rings can be understood as Luo Chen possessing the strength of a soul king, and then he began to add soul rings to his second martial soul.

So at the Soul King level, it is indeed possible to have a second martial soul with five thousand-year soul rings.

It's this sudden change from black to white that is really jarring.

These guys.

Hearing the fallen soul master belittle Luo Chen, Bibi Dong wanted to crush them to death: 'Is this a white soul ring? With your blind eyes, didn't you see that the soul ring is golden? ’

Just considering that this was Luochen's first encounter with the Fallen, Bibi Dong suppressed the anger in her heart.

‘Forget it, there’s no need to argue with these frogs in the well. ’

In Bibi Dong's eyes, these fallen soul masters were already a bunch of dead people.

There is really no need to vent your anger on a bunch of dead people.

Teacher, what should we do with these guys?

Luo Chen was already ready to take action: Do you need me to keep my hand and then send them to the killing city?

That's the job of the law enforcement team.

Bibi Dong: If you encounter these rubbish, just kill them directly.

I understand.

Luochen is indeed kind-hearted, but he is also divided.

He didn't want to hurt innocent people, but Luo Chen didn't mind giving them a ride when it came to these monsters that preyed on humans.


Luo Chen raised his head slightly with a stern look: Kneel down!


Following a childish yet majestic cry, all the evil soul masters present, whether they were soul masters or soul kings like Yao Gui, were enveloped by an invisible pressure.

[Self-created soul skills·Kingdom]

Ah! My legs!!

it hurts!

Help, help me, woo.

The earth suddenly sank under the influence of gravity, and in an instant, a huge pit that encompassed all the evil soul masters, nearly 50 meters wide and about two meters deep, appeared in front of Luo Chen and Bibi Dong.

At this moment, except for demons and ghosts, no fallen soul master can still stand

Even soul king-level demons and ghosts were in dire straits under Luo Chen's 'royal power'.


Veins popped up on the demon's face, and he suddenly stopped his tendency to kneel down and remained in a half-crouched position.

‘Damn it! ’

‘Damn, damn, damn! ! ’

'What kind of soul skill is this, cough, cough, cough.'

All the bones in the demon's body were creaking, unprecedented pain coursed through his limbs, and even his internal organs suffered a lot of damage.

His eyes widened, wanting to release his martial spirit to resist this huge pressure.

But before he could make any move, there was just a 'click' sound, and along with severe pain, a large amount of blood spattered out from the demon's calf.

The pain of shattered leg bones not only took away the monster's fighting ability, but also weakened its will to resist.


Behind him, the eleven evil soul masters either had their knees shattered, kneeling and wailing, or they were lying on the ground, their heads crushed into rubble, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

And all this is just because of the words of the boy in front of me!

It seems that I overestimated you.

Luochen just used a self-created soul skill developed based on gravity.

But what he didn't expect was that with just such a common move, he could achieve such an almost annihilating victory.

Luo Chen: Why did you fall down before I even exerted my strength?

What exactly did you do to us?

The demon ghost is sure that Luo Chen used some kind of soul skill.

But what he couldn't understand was why they became so miserable when their soul rings didn't glow or even have soul power fluctuations.

Also, is the power of this soul skill too exaggerated? !

Yao Gui has seen soul skills that can control gravity before, but that kind of soul skills, both in terms of range and power, cannot be compared with Luo Chen's move.


Luo Chen said: I call this technique King Power. It is a soul technique that uses the gravity field to forcibly control the enemy and suppress them in an area.

He has used this trick against his friends before.

Although Qian Renxue and others had suffered losses with this move, they were not as miserable as the fallen soul masters.

Especially little angels.

After being trained by Luo Chen, Qian Renxue grew up at an alarming rate. Even Luo Chen occasionally had to be a little more serious in order to suppress her.

Teacher, I don't seem to have the desire to fight with them anymore.

Looking at the so-called fallen soul master who was wailing on the ground, Luo Chen shook his head in disappointment.

He originally thought that the fallen soul masters would be a very powerful group of guys.

But who would have thought that these people would be so good.

But think about it carefully, if these people can make achievements in the cultivation of soul masters, why do they need to embark on the path of fallen soul masters?

It's Xiaochen, you are too strong.

Bibi Dong found that the fallen soul masters in front of her were somewhat different from what she had remembered.

It doesn't mean weaker or stronger.

But these people gave Bibi Dong a far weirder feeling than the fallen ones she had met before.


Seeing Bibi Dong's silence, Luo Chen asked, Do you want me to kill them?

The holes have been dug.

It wouldn't take much effort to bury it on the spot.

Wait a minute.

Bibi Dong expressed the doubts in her heart: These people have a high degree of depravity and have obviously devoured many human souls.

But the problem is, Bibi Dong has never heard of such an arrogant degenerate appearing anywhere.

I don't understand. It would be fine if it was just one person, but there are twelve.

When Bibi Dong said this, Luo Chen immediately understood what she meant: Teacher You means that these people are very depraved, and to reach such a degree of depravity, they must devour enough people.

But in the records of Wuhun Palace, there are not so many people killed, right?


Bibi Dong is the contemporary pope. He has the responsibility and is willing to clean up the fallen soul masters and protect the people of Douluo Continent from being poisoned.

Actually, there is another possibility, that is, these people have mastered some secret method that can lead to rapid degeneration.

Luo Chen said, he slowly floated up from the ground, and then raised his hand to strike at the demon ghost who kept gasping.


The demon ghost's body was freed from the influence of gravity, moaning in pain as if it was weightless, and floated in front of Luo Chen and Bibi Dong.

Next, answer our questions honestly, and maybe we can spare your life and let you enter the killing city.

Luo Chen casually gave the demon ghost a shot of the healing power of star grass, restoring his damaged calf bones, and then signaled Bibi Dong to start the interrogation.

As for the promise of entering the Killing City.

Not everyone can become a proud man like Tang San and Bibi Dong, who can fight their way out of the killing city on their own.

In this era when Tang San didn't destroy the Killing City, if the fallen spirit masters entered there, they would sooner or later become someone else's food as they fought with each other.

Those who devour will eventually be devoured by others.

Therefore, Luo Chen didn't mind leaving these two fallen soul masters behind to let them experience the terror of the Killing City.

You, who are you?

The City of Killing, what is that?

After asking this question, Yaogui noticed the Wuhun Palace mentioned in the previous conversation between the two, and then thought of the sect power mentioned by the great soul master before.

Are you from Wuhun Palace?!

The demon now understood that this disaster was a revenge.


Bibi Dong and Luo Chen looked at each other, and they both noticed a sense of inconsistency, but they couldn't tell where it was.

First question, a deacon from the Wuhun Palace is coming to the village to awaken the Wuhun in the next two days.

Luo Chen was almost certain that the other party was killed: Tell me, where is he?

Jie Jie Jie.

Yao Gui let out a villainous laugh that Luo Chen didn't know how to complain about, and then laughed at himself: I didn't expect that I escaped the Xuan Ming Sect's pursuit, but because of a great soul master, I provoked you.

He is already dead and was devoured by me to recover the wounds on his body.

After hearing this answer, Luo Chen had already sentenced the people in front of him to death.

Of course, the other party is just a great soul master, a small branch deacon at the bottom of Wuhun Palace.

But you know, Luochen spent his childhood in this kind of environment.

When Luo Chen heard that a deacon had been killed, he thought of Su Yuntao, Si Si and Master Matthew No. They were all kind-hearted and good people.

However, such a simple low-level soul master was mercilessly devoured because of these madmen.

I have to say, it is not a pity to die for a fallen person!


Thinking of this, Luo Chen took a deep breath and finally calmed down completely.

He still has many questions to ask the demon and ghost, and the other party cannot die yet.

Xuanming Sect?

Bibi Dong sent a message: Xiao Chen, what kind of sect is this? Why has the teacher never heard of it?


Luo Chen looked through the collection of books in Wuhun City, but he had never heard of this sect.

Teacher, I don't know either.

Having confirmed that the deacon was killed, Luo Chen would naturally not send these people to the killing city again.

Are you saying that Luochen went back on his word?

What's the point of keeping a promise to a scumbag?

As for the monster, he never considered the possibility of saving his life.

Today's Douluo Continent hates evil soul masters like them so much that it almost goes to the point of killing them all.

Don't talk about having no grievances or enmities, the identity of an evil soul master is enough for any normal soul master to kill you.

So being defeated by Luo Chen, Yao Gui has nothing to be unwilling to do.

He will not beg for mercy, let alone bow to these soul masters who can easily obtain resources.

However, Yao Gui didn't mind answering Luo Chen's question.

He didn't know why he had to cooperate, it was clear that Luo Chen was going to kill him.

But Yaogui just found Luo Chen very pleasing to his eyes, and subconsciously felt that he had to obey his orders.

Little did they know, the demon had already been affected by Luo Chen's mental power and fell into an extremely chaotic state.

Tell me, what kind of sect is Xuanming Sect, where is it, and what is the martial spirit represented by the sect?

However, when faced with the next three questions raised by Luo Chen, it was Yaogui's turn to remain silent this time.

He looked at Luo Chen in confusion, while the latter looked at him calmly.

For a moment, the scene was eerily silent.

Are you kidding me?


Luo Chen didn't understand what the demon meant: What?

After hearing Yao Gui's words, Luo Chen thought his hypnosis had failed.

But when he took a closer look, he found that the demon was completely under his control, which also meant that the other party's answer was subconscious and his true thoughts.

Sister Tianmeng?

No problem, I have good control over him.

Even Tian Meng said that the demon ghost had not escaped from hypnosis.

It would be too embarrassing for a dignified level 100 spiritual priest to be unable to control even a small soul king.

If something like this really happened, even if Tian Meng had such an out-of-the-box temperament, he would probably shut himself up and no longer have the face to hang around in front of Luo Chen.

The Xuanming Sect is the largest sect in the Tianhun Empire, and its inherited martial soul Xuanwu is even more famous in the mainland.

The demons and ghosts didn't know which ravine the two of them came from, and even the Xuanming Sect didn't know why they had such terrifying strength.

Not to mention that Bibi Dong's momentum alone made them breathless.

The other boy looked to be no more than 10 years old, but he could deal with so many of their soul masters and annihilated them all with just one move.

Tianhun Empire?

The largest sect?

Martial spirit Xuanwu?

If Luo Chen hadn't noticed the problem by this time, then he was really too slow.

Something's wrong, where did this person come from?

Luo Chen has not watched the second part of Douluo, so he does not know what the Tianhun Empire is.

The only thing he knew was that on Douluo Planet, apart from Douluo Continent, there was also a continent with civilization, namely Sun Moon Continent.

Since you are not from Douluo Continent, then...

A guess arose in Luo Chen's mind: Are you from the Sun and Moon Continent?

The Heavenly Soul Empire is a country on the Sun and Moon Continent?

In Luochen's opinion, this is the most reasonable explanation.

However, what Luo Chen didn't expect was that as soon as he said his guess, the other party looked at him as if he was looking at a fool.

Are you having a brain problem?

Even though he knew he was dead, Yao Gui still didn't mind mocking the arrogant brat in front of him before he died: What does the Sky Soul Empire have to do with the Sun Moon Continent? Where did you come from? Even Yuan Douluo Don’t the three countries know?”

There is also the Sun and Moon Continent that Luo Chen mentioned.

Where is the Sun and Moon Continent now?

As early as thousands of years ago, the two continents Sun Moon and Douluo collided, and a holy war broke out. In the end, Douluo Continent defeated the invasion of Sun Moon Empire, forcing them to cancel the claim of Sun Moon Continent.

Something's wrong!

Luo Chen frowned: This guy's understanding is very different from ours!

Realizing this, Luo Chen asked again: You said that the Heavenly Soul Empire is in Douluo Continent, then tell me, what is the name of the most powerful force on Douluo Continent now? How many countries are there?


Bibi Dong looked at his disciples from the side, full of doubts in his heart.

She felt that Yaogui was a lunatic and what he said had no logic.

As for the Xuanming Sect and the Tianhun Empire, he probably made them up to tease Luo Chen.

And just when Bibi Dong was angry at the rudeness of the demon ghost and was about to use force to coerce her, the words the other party said made the two of them freeze in place.

The most powerful force on Douluo Continent is naturally Shrek Academy.

Where did you come from? How come you don't even know this?

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