Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 108 Fallen Soul Master (5000)

Chapter 108 Fallen Soul Master (5000+)

I do.

Xiao Chi almost didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

The boy's idea was very simple, that is, he felt that Luochen was trustworthy and he was right to listen to him.

Welcome to join Wuhun Palace.

Have a good rest tonight. I will ask the teacher to take you to Wuhun City tomorrow.

Luo Chen had a very good impression of Xiao Chi, and he decided to teleport Bibi Dong and the boy back to Wuhun City tomorrow, and then let the child enter Wuhun Hall Academy.

As for the ascension ceremony, we still have to wait and see.

If Luo Chen can be satisfied with this child's character and character, then it might not be a bad thing for this child who is the first person to awaken in his life to ascend.

After all, in front of Luochen, unless your qualifications are really amazing, most soul masters are the same.

Of course, if your qualifications are several levels higher than those of ordinary soul masters, then he has nothing to say.

But for ordinary geniuses, there is no difference between low-level martial arts and high-level martial arts to Luo Chen.

After making arrangements for Xiao Chi, Luo Chen and Bibi Dong did not return to the Pope's Palace, but rested in the room arranged by the villagers.

Tian Meng and A Yin returned to the martial spirit space, leaving time for the master and apprentice.

Are you still used to it?

Bibi Dong and her disciple were lying side by side on the wooden bed, and this was already the best room in Bamboo Sword Village.

Neither of them disliked the environment of the village, but were very satisfied with the attitude of the villagers.

Unfortunately, Zhujian Village belongs to the Tiandou Empire, and even Bibi Dong, as the Pope, cannot interfere in the development here.

In fact, with the financial resources and manpower of Wuhun Palace, they can definitely make the people of Douluo live a better life.

However, due to political reasons, Wuhun Palace does not do such transgressive things.

Teacher, have you forgotten where I grew up?

Six years of hard life in the orphanage have already made Luochen accustomed to a hard life: Teacher, I am embarrassed that you have to rest here with me.

Bibi Dong was not angry at Luo Chen's retort, but was very happy.

Occasionally bickering with disciples is a novel experience.

As long as I'm with my Xiaochen.

Bibi Dong said, while lying on her side, she took Luo Chen into her arms, letting his face touch the softness: No matter what kind of life you live, teacher is willing to do it.


Seeing Luo Chen's silence, Bibi Dong was secretly happy. She liked to see her disciple's helpless look after being provoked by her.

Tomorrow the teacher will accompany you to the nearest town. After investigating the matter of being late today, we will take the child back to Wuhun City.


Luo Chen sniffed the fragrance of Bibi Dong's body, then gently rubbed her heart: Teacher is usually free, so you can come out and walk with me.


Bibi Dong didn't mind Luo Chen's frivolity at all, but was extremely satisfied with her disciple's dependence.

As for the disciple's invitation, don't say you are free, you have to come even if you are not free.

Is Luochen more important, or is work more important?

If Bibi Dong hesitated for a second on this kind of question, it would be disrespectful to Luo Chen.

good night, teacher.

Good night.

Bibi Dong instinctively hugged Luo Chen tighter.

Well, Chen element is her source of life and must be replenished!

In this way, the master and the apprentice cuddled together, enjoying this peaceful night that was different from the past simple but equally warm.

I don't know how long it took, but a pair of beautiful purple eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.

This breath?

The next moment, Bibi Dong looked to her side with a solemn face, almost instinctively checking the safety of her disciples immediately.

After confirming that Luochen was fine, Pope Jiemei felt a little calmer.


At the same time, Luochen also woke up.

His reaction was slightly slower than Bidong's, but Ah Yin and Tian Meng in the Wuhun Space were as sharp as the female pope.

Xiaochen, do you feel it too?


Luo Chen stood up quickly, turned around and saw that Bibi Dong had already put on his clothes at some point, and a silver-white scepter appeared in his hand.

Sister Ah Yin's blue silver field and Tianmeng's mental detection are all detected.

Luo Chen asked in confusion: Teacher, what kind of breath is this?

Fallen Soul Master!

Bibi Dong opened the door, she turned around and took Luo Chen's hand, and the master and apprentice walked towards the dark courtyard together.

It was probably early in the morning, and the silver moon in the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, making the whole world dark.

Both of them are soul masters. As long as they focus their soul power in their eyes, they can easily see everything in the darkness.

Psychic Detection Sharing.

But Luo Chen had a better choice. He shared his mental detection with Bibi Dong.

I saw several figures approaching quickly in the valley 3,200 meters away from Zhujian Village.

Nine soul masters, two soul sects, and one soul king.

Bibi Dong felt the information feedback Luo Chen received. She was not afraid of the strength of these fallen soul masters. They were a bunch of garbage and could easily kill ants.

What really makes Bibi Dong feel strange is why there are so many fallen soul masters here.

There are a total of 12 fallen soul masters, and there are even strong ones at the soul king level among them.

You know, if you reach the realm of Soul King, you can obtain the identity of black-clothed bishop in Wuhun Palace.

If such a strong man becomes a fallen soul master, there is no reason why he should not be discovered by the Spirit Hall.

Not to mention gathering such a team of 12 people, and each member has a certain degree of destructive power, it is simply unbelievable.

It seems that we really need to improve the branch halls in various places.

Bibi Dong's face was extremely gloomy. Twelve fallen soul masters were extremely rare even in the records of Wuhun Palace. It could be called a vicious incident.

So after realizing that these people were fallen soul masters, Bibi Dong's first reaction was that her subordinates were not strict and there was a big problem of harboring evil and evil within the Wuhun Hall.

Teacher, are you telling me, will something happen to the deacon who came to awaken the martial spirit for the village?

You mean

Bibi Dong immediately understood what Luo Chen meant.

Damn it!

Bibi Dong originally hated fallen soul masters. Normally when encountering such people, they would either be sent to the killing city or directly killed on the spot.

You know, soul masters belong to the privileged class in Douluo Continent.

If it is just murder and arson, then even if he is arrested by Wuhun Palace, the most he can do is receive some punishment and be imprisoned for a period of time.

Like Zhao Wuji in the original work, he can only be considered as offending the Wuhun Palace.

Even if he is caught, he will not be defined as a fallen soul master. Instead, he will be judged according to the laws of Wuhun Palace or the laws of the two empires.

The so-called fallen soul masters are beings who devour human flesh, blood and souls as nourishment, rather than simply doing evil things.

To a certain extent, Bibi Dong is actually half a fallen soul master.

Because she has also done the devouring of others.

It's just that Bibi Dong didn't indulge in it, nor did his martial soul change.

Teacher, can you tell me about the fallen soul master in detail?

There are very few records about fallen soul masters, even from the Spirit Hall, as if they were some terrifying taboo.

And this is also true. The entire Douluo Continent is keeping secret about the existence of the fallen soul master.


Bibi Dong did not refuse. When a disciple goes out, the probability of encountering a fallen soul master will be greatly increased.

In this case, it is indeed necessary to let Luo Chen know the danger of this group of people.

Fallen soul masters generally refer to those soul masters who devour the souls of others and increase their own cultivation through flesh and blood.

Not everyone has the ability to devour.

Bibi Dong said: Just like the teacher's martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, it has the strongest devouring power.

A soul master like Bibi Dong naturally has the possibility of corruption. As long as she cannot control her inner desires, she will easily go astray.

Of course, Bibi Dong does not have this risk now.

Her cultivation level has reached its peak. Even if she is swallowed, she will not be able to increase her cultivation level, so she will naturally avoid falling.

The definition of fallen soul masters in Douluo Continent during this period was very different from that ten thousand years later.

Thousands of years later, the term evil martial soul appeared in the classification of martial arts, which means it has the ability to control corpses, manipulate spirits, control beasts (spirit beasts trained through the evil soul method), exorcise demons, summon evil spirits, transform blood, etc. All martial spirits with abilities can be counted as evil martial spirits.

People who possess this kind of martial soul will be defined as evil soul masters by soul masters ten thousand years from now.

However, we have not reached this state of killing with one shot without distinction.

At least evil martial souls are just martial souls. Soul masters who awaken such martial souls are still normal soul masters as long as they do not degenerate.

This makes even evil soul masters and fallen soul masters two different concepts in today's era.

Although Teacher has also devoured others, I have not completely fallen.

Here, Bibi Dong would like to thank Luo Chen: Thanks to you, Xiaochen, otherwise, the teacher doesn't know what will happen in the future.

Without his presence to fill the emptiness in her heart, she was not sure whether she would fall in the future.

Speaking of this, Bibi Dong also looked at her disciple's reaction. She was afraid that Luo Chen would dislike and dislike her.

Teacher, everything is over.

Fortunately, Luo Chen had no such thoughts at all. He squeezed Bibi Dong's hand and comforted him: You are already going to become a god. You will not even be a soul master in the future. How can you be corrupted and not degenerate?

Even if Bibi Dong is really a fallen soul master, then she is still the teacher who has been with him for two years.

She is still the same person, and Luo Chen will not disown her just because she has the identity of a fallen soul master.

And Bibi Dong clearly told him that she had not fallen.

You're the only one with a sweet mouth.

Bibi Dong looked coquettish, but in reality she was so moved that she wished she could immediately pick up her disciple and kiss him hard on the face.

By the way, teacher, is the soul master corrupt or not?

Luo Chen naturally believed in Bibi Dong: Is there any basis for this? Or are they simply judged based on the crimes they committed?

The basis is naturally there.

Bibi Dong said: The clearest manifestation is the restlessness of the soul master's mind and the deeper changes in the martial soul.

According to the degree of depravity, it can generally be divided into three levels: mental disorder, bloody inscription and resentment.

Among them, the mental disorder is the most difficult to detect. If Luo Chen had not appeared, Bibi Dong would probably have fallen into this state little by little, and would eventually be unable to extricate himself.

'Thanks to Xiaochen, I was able to escape early without going too deep and avoid falling into complete madness. ’

Bibi Dong stroked the disciple's hair affectionately and continued: The first stage of mental disorder is actually controllable and there is room for recovery.

The real trouble is the soul master who has fallen to the second stage.

When a soul master devours a large amount of flesh and blood and converts it into soul power, Bibi Dong said, this soul power will pollute itself, just like soaking the martial soul in thick and smelly blood.

Over time, a martial spirit will mutate, from the initial blood-colored lines to a completely transformed martial spirit.

The corrupted martial soul is extremely strange. It has a certain degree of restraint on the soul master's soul power. It is extremely strong and extremely powerful.

As for the final resentment, it refers to the fact that the soul power of the fallen soul master completely transformed into a strange black color.

Due to the side effects of devouring too many souls, under the influence of a large amount of resentment, the soul master's body will emit a strange black energy, making him look like a demon fallen into hell, which is extremely terrifying.

Having fallen to this level, this soul master is basically hopeless.

In this era, fallen soul masters have not created their own training techniques, which makes the training of fallen soul masters extremely difficult and makes it almost impossible to break through to the realm of Titled Douluo.

This is why the mainstream of Douluo Continent is soul masters, not fallen soul masters.

Under the crushing force of a large realm, Douluo Continent has no soil for fallen soul masters to survive.

If you don't get a title, you will eventually become an ant.

Well, the current Bibi Dong can actually change this sentence: ‘If you are not a god, you are still an ant. ’

What about Titled Douluo?

Didn't Bibi Dong slap him to death?

So that's it.

Luo Chen seemed to understand the nature of the fallen soul master: 'Since humans can absorb soul beasts to break through, they can also devour humans. ’

The so-called fallen soul masters are most likely the product of extending their evil claws to their compatriots.

The cultivation rules of Douluo Continent already have great limitations and flaws.

Tens of thousands of years ago in Douluo Continent, there were many soul masters who would feed on humans until the God of Angels appeared.

To put it bluntly, whether it is a fallen soul master or a true soul master, they are all products of the rules of the Douluo plane.

Let's go, we can't let them hurt the villagers here.

According to the analysis of these people's movement trajectories, their goal is very clear, which is Zhujian Village.

Not surprisingly, they should want to devour the villagers and use their flesh, blood and souls to increase their soul power.

Positioning completed.

Luo Chen locked the positions of these fallen soul masters: Are you ready to go, teacher?


As soon as the words fell, colorful lights shot up from the feet of the two people into the sky, lighting up the entire village almost instantly.

However, this light came suddenly and went away quickly, disappearing from the sky in just the blink of an eye.

Boss, what exactly is this place?

The one who spoke was one of the two soul masters. This man was wearing a black trench coat and his face was hidden under the hood: The soul master I met before said that he was the deacon of the Wuhun Palace.

Martial Soul Hall

The leader was a middle-aged man in his thirties. His eyes were red and his neck was full of red blood lines: Have you heard of this sect?

I don't know, it should be a small sect in the Tianhun Empire.

Never mind that.

Another Soul Sect said: After finally escaping from the hands of those guys from Xuanming Sect, quickly find the village that the deacon of Wuhun Palace mentioned, and then devour them to recover from the injuries.

The leader of this group of evil soul masters is called Yao Gui, and he possesses an evil martial soul that can devour people's souls.

One day ago, their team received a mission to assassinate a noble from the Tianhun Empire. They did not want to be discovered by the Xuanming Sect in the middle, so they had to flee.

In the process of escaping, Yaogui and others suddenly appeared deep in the nearby mountains and forests for unknown reasons.

They didn't think much about it. As long as they could escape the Xuanming Sect's pursuit, the process didn't matter.

Especially when someone was injured, they urgently needed to find a village to recover their injuries with flesh and blood.


Suddenly, a group of evil soul masters who were leaping out of the valley saw the colorful beam of light rising into the sky.

what is that?


However, before they could wonder, a waterfall-like rainbow light fell from the dark sky and slammed into the ground in front of the evil soul master.

Where do you want to go?

The colorful light gradually dimmed, and the figures that emerged from the light curtain were Bibi Dong and Luo Chen.


The twelve evil soul masters immediately stopped, and the demon ghost who led the team even showed a ghostly look, looking at the two people in horror as if they were divine soldiers descending from the sky.

This stormy appearance really frightened Yao Gui and the others, leaving them confused about their identities and origins.

What kind of soul skill is this?

Where did they come from?

What was that colorful torrent just now?

Facing a group of confused evil soul masters, Luo Chen let go of the hand held by Bibi Dong. The beautiful Pope was a little worried and wanted to stop him.


Let me deal with them.

Luochen smiled slightly at Bibi Dong: Teacher, just hold the battle for me.

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