Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 103 I, Tang San, will never take Yu Xiaogang as my teacher (4500)

Chapter 103 I, Tang San, will never take Yu Xiaogang as my teacher (4500+)

The stars dimmed, and the purple ocean poured into the world from the depths of darkness, swallowing up everything and turning it into nutrients for their growth.

The divine world was shattered and the gods fell, leaving only corpses strewn across the land and devastation everywhere.

Cough, cough.

He was half-kneeling on the ruins. His long aqua-blue hair, which was originally like the sea, was now stained, and his blue robe became even more tattered.

The man's eyes were no longer lively, but filled with endless regret and unwillingness to be weak.

Xiao Wu.

The hand holding the golden trident couldn't help but tremble, and the man looked at the figure in front of him that made him think about it day and night.

We are all here, Third Brother.

At this moment, the world seemed to be shrouded in purple curtains, and the woman named Xiao Wu stretched out her hand to him: Now, the only thing missing is you.

Xiao Wu.

Gradually, his body began to twist as his lover called out: No matter what you become, I will always love you.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

As a result, the whole world began to be engulfed by the deep purple, and in the strange purple, a huge eyeball slowly opened.


【I saw you】

Suddenly, the eyes met his.

At the same time, a whisper sounded in his ears as if from the abyss: Open the door for me, my prophet.


In a dilapidated cabin, a 2-year-old boy was awakened by a nightmare.


His face was pale, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

Did this dream happen again?

Tang San gently stroked his head, which was a little aching from the nightmare: What on earth is that?

The world of gods, gods, and...

Xiao Wu.

Tang San is a time traveler. In his previous life, he was also called Tang San and was a disciple of the Tang Sect.

However, because he secretly learned the Tang clan's unique skills, he was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff when he saw ghosts.

But what Tang San didn't expect was that he did not die, but came to this world called Douluo Continent and became a baby.

'Are these true? ’

From the moment he became conscious, Tang San would have some strange dreams.

The protagonist in the dream is the same as him, both named Tang San.

What surprised Tang San was that the other party also committed suicide by jumping off a cliff and was reborn in this world.

'my future. ’

After the first few dreams, Tang San realized what these dreams meant.

That is his future, what will happen to him in the future.

Although it was unbelievable, Tang San did know in advance that his father's name was Tang Hao, that the village he lived in was called Holy Soul Village, and that there were Old Jack and others in the village because of these dreams.

In this way, the dream appears every night, and its content is constantly evolving.

From Douluo Continent, to Poseidon Tang San, and then to the Supreme God King, Tang San had almost seen his other self's life over and over again.

If there is nothing wrong with the dream, those are things that will happen in the future, then...

Tang San was thinking about things while preparing breakfast for his father Tang Hao. He glanced at the sloppy middle-aged man who was sleeping soundly: What should I do to avoid that terrible ending?

Because of the dream, Tang San knew why his father became like this.

Wuhun Palace, the most powerful force in the Douluo Continent, was also his enemy in the dream, an existence destined to be destroyed by him.

Of course, Tang San didn't believe in the future in dreams.

Tang San knew that his family had enmity with Wuhun Palace, and that the Rakshasa God Bibi Dong and the Angel God Qian Renxue would become his formidable enemies in the future.

However, these things only occupy a part of the dream.

Defeating the two gods is just the beginning of his legendary future. In the future, there will be the God of Destruction in the God Realm, a ten-thousand-year plan, the Great God Circle, and

The final catastrophe.

Tang San's dream was not completely remembered, but fortunately the most crucial knowledge was complete enough.

If I follow the path in the dream, I should still be able to become the Tang Shenwang.

But according to Tang San's understanding of dreams, if he really followed suit like this, he probably wouldn't be able to escape the ending of destruction.

But is that really me?

Tang San frowned slightly, feeling that he in the dream was a bit extreme.

From the perspective of a bystander, in the dream Tang San was high up, overlooking the world, turning Douluo Continent into the Tang Family Continent, his back garden.

Tang San, who had never been a superior person in his past life or this life, could not understand the mentality of the Tang Shenwang.

Likewise, Tang San didn't know how to evaluate his actions.

To be honest, if there was no crisis of world destruction, Tang San wouldn't mind embarking on this path with a high probability of success.

But since the self in the dream failed in the end, does that prove that Tang Shenwang did something wrong?

I don't know why I have these dreams though.

Tang San: But now that I already know the future, I can't let that terrible thing happen to me again.

In the past two years, Tang San had changed a lot because of these dreams involving the future.

how to say?

Maybe it’s because the perspective is different.

After knowing the outcome of the world-destroying catastrophe, Tang San's view of the world changed, no longer as superficial and one-sided as Tang San in the dream.

For example, he felt that Douluo Continent should not remain in chaos.

Soul guide.

The dream brought Tang San not only a foresight of the future, but also a lot of advanced knowledge, such as the development prospects of future soul guides.

If the Douluo people can develop soul guides in advance, they may have more strength when facing world-destroying catastrophes in the future.

It's a pity that Tang Shenwang looked down upon these soul tools.

Of course, Tang San was the same.

He still prefers Tang Sect's hidden weapons to soul guidance weapons.

Even though he knew that hidden weapons were destined to be eliminated by soul tools in the future, Tang San felt that he still couldn't let go of the Tang clan's inheritance.

From Tang San's point of view, this was probably the reason why the Tang Shenwang in the dream suppressed Douluo Continent's soul guides and had ill intentions towards them.

Think about it carefully, if something like this happened to Tang San himself, would he be the same as Tang San in the dream?

Anyway, Tang San definitely didn't want to admit that hidden weapons were inferior to soul tools.

Although I am reluctant to do so, the soul guide is indeed very important.

In this life, Tang San will no longer resist or suppress soul guidance devices: If I can fully master this power, it should be easier to deal with that catastrophe in the future.

However, external forces are still external forces.

To cope with that catastrophe, we have to work hard to improve our own strength.

Unknowingly, Tang San had arrived at the back hill of Holy Soul Village.

Usually no one comes here, so in the dream, I have been practicing Xuantian Kung Fu, Purple Demon Eyes and other Tang Clan techniques here since I was a child.

The same was true for Tang San in this life.

But compared to himself in the dream, Tang San had a lot more power to comprehend.

The Clear Sky Hammer, and the Blue Silver Emperor who has not yet awakened.

Tang San looked at the two martial spirits floating on the palms of his hands: Just like in the dream, I do have twin martial spirits.

Generally speaking, a soul master needs to be 6 years old before he can awaken his martial soul.

However, Tang San's situation was very special.

He has been practicing Xuantian Kung since he was a child, so his body can nurture martial souls much faster than other people.

Coupled with the various knowledge about martial spirits and spirit masters obtained from dreams, Tang San completed the awakening of the martial spirit ahead of schedule, and even awakened on his own.

But what really kept Tang San from superstitious dreams was the difference between him and his other self.

Because the moment he awakened his martial soul, what he had was not full innate soul power, but level 20 innate soul power.

Among them, level 10 is the result of his own soul power and the practice of using Xuantian Gong to reach the bottleneck.

As for the extra 10 levels.


With the surge of blood-red soul power, behind Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged on the grass, a majestic figure like a god or a demon slowly emerged.

He has white hair and a handsome appearance. He is clearly his future self in the dream, the Tang Shenwang who has entered the state of two gods uniting into one.

The third martial spirit: Shura God!

That's right, Tang San in this life not only possessed the two martial spirits of Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Emperor, but also a third martial spirit.

This extra level 10 soul power comes from his third martial soul, Shura God.

The Shura Divine Martial Spirit was a god-level martial spirit. Tang San didn't know where it came from, so he could only guess that it was related to that dream.

Then what should we do next?

Withdrawing his martial spirit, Tang San began to think about his future development: Among the three martial spirits, the strongest is undoubtedly God Shura.\

,"The Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Emperor are not weak either.

Just looking at the development of Tang Shenwang, Tang San felt that he had some problems with the development of Blue Silver Emperor.

Yu Xiaogang

Mentioning this person, Tang San showed a disdainful expression.

Don't talk about being ungrateful, Yu Xiaogang is the teacher of Tang Shenwang, and has nothing to do with Tang San.

Tang San now doesn't know Yu Xiaogang at all, and it is even less likely that he will become his disciple again.

With the memory of Tang Shenwang, Tang San felt that Yu Xiaogang's help to him was basically gone.

Tang San felt that his martial arts knowledge was just like that.

If you have to say what Yu Xiaogang's use is, it's probably his relationship with Bibi Dong in the dream.

But this was not the reason for Tang San to worship him as his disciple.

Yu Xiaogang doesn't know the true power of the Blue Silver Emperor at all, so he wasted this powerful martial spirit.

From the perspective of Tang San, who has the vision of the Tang God King, the Blue Silver Emperor's strongest point lies in his vitality, not control.

Of course, when it was necessary to hide the Clear Sky Hammer, it was indeed a helpless move for the Blue Silver Emperor to develop into the control system.

However, in this life, Tang San would never do such a wasteful thing again.

I have the Shura Divine Martial Spirit, so the power of the Clear Sky Hammer is not that important.

Looking at the memories of King Tang Shen, after becoming a god, he used the Poseidon Trident and the Shura Divine Sword the most.

Clear Sky Hammer?

Now that we have become gods, who is still using a hammer?

Attach a martial spirit to the Clear Sky Hammer first. This will ensure my combat effectiveness without wasting the Blue Silver Emperor's potential.

As for the issue of the Clear Sky Hammer, in Tang San's opinion, it was completely irrelevant.

The Shura Divine Martial Soul comes with its own weapon, the Shura Divine Sword. He will not lack offensive power in the future. On the contrary, it is the Blue Silver Emperor's vitality that he urgently needs.

After all, he can't hold a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other, right?

If you give up one between the Shura Divine Sword and the Clear Sky Hammer, even a fool would know that you have to give up the Clear Sky Hammer.

The only thing that should be feared may be the grudge between Wuhundian and his father Tang Hao.

Tang San does not agree with the memory of Tang Shenwang, but he loves his father Tang Hao and mother A Yin in this life.

Similarly, if he really meets the companions in his memory in the future, Tang San will treat them as brothers and sisters.

Especially Xiao Wu.

Ever since he awakened the Shura Divine Martial Spirit, Tang San couldn't help but feel a flutter in his heart every time he thought of Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu.

The dream had no impact on Tang San, and the most profound impact was on Xiao Wu.

Tang San could deny everything about Tang Shenwang, except his love for Xiao Wu, which he would never forget.

Even though he had never been masked, Tang San still wanted to protect that girl from the bottom of his heart and give her all his love.

In four years, I can meet Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu in the dream is the wife of Tang Shenwang and has nothing to do with Tang San.

But in this world, there is also Xiao Wu who belongs to Tang San.

I will definitely protect you in this life.

Being forced by the Wuhun Palace to offer sacrifices, Tang San would not let it happen again: Now that I have awakened the Wuhun four years in advance, it means that I can start practicing four years earlier than the Tang Shenwang.

Coupled with the extra level 10 god-given soul power, Tang San was confident that when he met Xiao Wu, he would become a soul master, or even a soul sect master.

However, I still have to hide it and not expose my true soul power level.

With the knowledge gained from Tang Shenwang, Tang San found a technique that could hide soul power: There are also opportunities that may be available in the future. We must find ways to get them as soon as possible.

The 100,000-year-old soul bone left behind by her mother, and the fairy grass in the eyes of Ice and Fire.

Especially the latter.

If my father knew about the existence of the Ice and Fire Eyes, he could resurrect my mother in advance.

Tang San began to think about how to tell his father this, and how to get his father's help while concealing his secret.

From Tang San's point of view, he could be said to be a Tianhu starter.

His father, Tang Hao, was a titled Douluo. Although he was injured, it was not difficult to heal.

The reason why he is decadent is entirely because he killed his mother.

If the mother can be resurrected in advance, the father will cheer up, and he can also be protected by a titled strong man who can rival a super Douluo.

By then, his cultivation will become extremely smooth, and he will not need to go to Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy to hang out.

You said that you would miss the reunion with Xiao Wu?

Tang San felt that this was nothing at all.

My mother is a transformed soul beast. I can definitely let her persuade Xiao Wu to live with us.

The cultivation of transformed soul beasts requires contact with humans, so aren't Tang San and Tang Hao humans?

Even if you want to come into contact with the human world, wouldn't it be safer to stay with them?

With the protection of a titled strong man and the guidance of a senior who was also a transformed soul beast, Xiao Wu would be foolish enough to live in a dormitory with a bunch of brats.

When the time comes, we will lay a solid foundation with the fairy grass, plus father's blessing.

Tang San: Then we need to clear the Killing City to obtain the Killing God Domain and complete the Poseidon inheritance.

There is no need to be as troublesome as Tang Shenwang. According to the above idea, Tang San is confident that he can break through the Title Douluo before the age of 20.

Once he breaks through the title ban, he can add soul rings to the second and third martial souls to quickly increase his soul power.

As long as I can become a god in advance, it will be easy to deal with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help but sneered: In this case, Yu Xiaogang's role will be completely gone.

Sure enough, waste is waste.

How could Yu Xiaogang in the dream be famous in history if he didn't have the help of another me?

I don't know what Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong saw in him.

Tang San shook his head, not thinking about all these things. His current energy was mainly focused on the Tang Sect's unique skills and the self-created soul skills mastered by the Tang Shenwang.

In addition, you have to find a way to enter the Soul Beast Forest and obtain your first and second soul rings.

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