Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 102 The Eighth Enshrinement to Tianmeng Douluo

And wait until the next day, teacher, when you go to work, I will shuttle back to the place where I left before and continue the journey.

What do you think of this, teacher?

Luochen's proposal was equivalent to him never leaving Bibi Dong.

The whole process was like that of a junior high school student in Luochen's previous life. He would catch the bus to school during the day and carry his schoolbag home for dinner at night.


Well, Bibi Dong admitted that she really had no reason to stop Luochen from going on a study trip.

Gu Yuena and Tianmeng ensured Luochen's safety.

And as long as the two women hold each other back for a moment, Bibi Dong can come to Luo Chen and fight for him.

In terms of selfishness, she couldn't let go of Luochen.

But the fact that he came back every day really poked at Bibi Dong's weakness, making her unable to refuse.

Oh, you are so well prepared, what else can the teacher do?

Bibi Dong really couldn't find a reason to stop Luo Chen: But you have to remember to go home on time for dinner every day, and don't play outside too late at night.

Well, Bibi Dong will prepare three meals a day.

There was also night, and Luochen couldn't stay up all night.

As long as Luo Chen can agree, Bibi Dong will allow him to go out: After all, you are still young. Even if you have the ability to protect yourself, the teacher is still worried.

I agree, teacher.

Luochen went out on a study tour not to endure hardships.

Since he could continue to enjoy the luxurious life in Wuhun City, take a bath with Bibi Dong, and share the same bed, why did he have to live outside?

when are we leaving?

In a few days.

After confirming the study tour plan, Luochen did not set off immediately.

The ability to travel through space makes Luo Chen almost as if he has never left Wuhun City, but basic reports are still required.

So, Luo Chen explained to Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and others that he would go out every day.

The reaction of the two girls was the same as Bibi Dong's, they were both reluctant to leave Luochen.

But after hearing that Luochen would come back every day, they were still a little worried.

But the thought of having fun with Luo Chen every night on the pretext of 'checking for injuries' made the two women extremely conflicted.

Probably, this is pain and happiness.

Want to go out?

In the worship hall, Qian Daoliu heard Luo Chen's decision. He did not stop him, but simply said: I will let Lao Wu, Lao Liu, and Lao Qi follow you.

Grandpa, I have something to tell you.

Luo Chen said, summoning Tian Meng.


Qian Daoliu looked at the girl who appeared in front of him, his face full of confusion: What a huge soul power? No, no, this is not soul power!

But soon, Qian Daoliu noticed the difference in the power carried by Tianmeng.

Divine power!

Big Consecration: You, you are God?

Tianmeng's divine power is extremely pure, and the realm of a hundred-level priest is ultimately one level higher than that of quasi-gods like Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong.

Not to mention Tianmeng's specific strength, the momentum alone is indeed a bit bluffing.

At least Qian Daoliu was completely shocked by Tian Meng.

Ahem, Grandpa, let me introduce you.

This is Tianmeng, she is my fourth star spirit.

Later, Luo Chen told Qian Daoliu about the true power of the Celestial Star Crown.

However, Luochen did not reveal everything, but concealed Gu Yuena's existence.

This wasn't because Luo Chen didn't trust Qian Daoliu.

What he was afraid of was the angel god behind Qian Daoliu.

‘No matter what, the God of Angels is a god in the divine realm. ’

In order to avoid being noticed by the God of Angels and then reporting it to the God Realm Committee, Luo Chen would not expose Gu Yuena's existence to any gods.

You said Bibi Dong also has a divine test?

The divine test is a divine test, but the will of the Rakshasa God is not in Bibi Dong, but in the secret realm of Rakshasa.

In the same way, the angel statue, like the Rakshasa secret realm, is the place where the divine status is inherited.

Only here will the gods leave their spiritual consciousness.

Gu Yuena had told Luo Chen that before they had the power to completely annihilate the five great god kings, they needed to be cautious and not expose their true power to the eyes of those hypocritical gods.

And one more thing.

Luochen: I want to ask Grandpa for a place to worship.


Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment, obviously not following Luo Chen's thinking.

Tianmeng's strength is not weak, and Golden Crocodile Douluo is definitely no match for her anyway.

However, Qian Daoliu did not feel threatened by Tianmeng.

‘So, is he a strong man at the demigod level? ’

There are also strong and weak levels between level 99. The worst among them are the ordinary Extreme Douluo, then the demigods with divine power, and the quasi-gods like Qiandaoliu who opened up the third black hole soul core and Bibi Dong. territory.

Quasi-gods and godless gods have the same combat power, the only difference lies in their durability.

In addition, Bibi Dong also has the trump card of merging two major martial souls and soul rings, which can give her the power to temporarily rival a third-level god.

To sum up, Tianmeng barely possesses the combat power of a semi-god, and can fight two or three Extreme Douluo fiercely, becoming invincible.

Such strength is indeed worthy of entering the Enshrinement Hall.

As for Tian Meng's identity, this is not a problem at all in Qian Daoliu's view.

Tianmeng is Luochen's star spirit, not the transformed soul beast.

In this case, there is no difference between making her a worshiper and Luochen himself becoming a worshipper.

However, Luo Chen was not asking for a place of worship for Tian Meng this time.

Luo Chen's purpose is to let Qian Daoliu give him an identity of walking outside, and his choice is the eighth worship.

Is that so?

Qian Daoliu thought for a moment and agreed, What do you need Grandpa to do?

Nothing else is needed. Grandpa just gives me an offering order and endorses my identity.

When Luochen goes out on a study tour, he will definitely meet many people, including deacons and bishops from various martial arts branches.

Having a sufficiently distinguished and influential identity will make Luochen's study tour process easier.

In addition, Luochen has another purpose.

That is to take this opportunity to review the situation of Wuhun Palace on Douluo Continent.

Grandpa understands what you mean.

Qian Daoliu casually took out a blank offering order from the storage soul guide, and then used his soul power to carve the number 'eight' on it, as well as the holy sword and wings symbolizing the Spirit Hall.

I will ask Bibi Dong to assign you a special status, with the privilege of killing first and then showing off.

Wuhun Palace looks glamorous on the surface, but as its power grows, all kinds of evil spirits will appear.

In the past, Qian Daoliu didn't care about things, and Qian Xunji was so happy about his achievements that he didn't pay attention to these private darkness and nastiness.

After Bibi Dong came to power, he only wanted to destroy Wuhun Palace.

Fortunately, the appearance of Luo Chen gave Bibi Dong a renewed desire to make Wuhun Palace bigger and stronger, and he began to clean up the filth inside.

During Luo Chen's trip, he took this opportunity to do the teacher a favor and clean up the garbage that was ruining the reputation of Wuhun Hall.

Thinking back to those days, for the supreme status of Wuhun Palace, he swept across the Douluo Continent as the Judgment Elder and killed countless top experts who could threaten Wuhun Palace.

If he hadn't met Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu would have killed the entire continent.

But now, a hundred years later, Luo Chen has taken over the sword in his hand.

Although the goal has changed and its nature is different, the determination to kill all sentient beings has not changed.

Don't worry about the impact.

Qian Daoliu's eyes were filled with murderous intent: No matter how much trouble you make, grandpa will help you out.

The great minister knew Luochen's weakness.

He is not ruthless enough and has a kind heart.

If he could take this opportunity to grow Luo Chen's character, Qian Daoliu would still think it was worth it, even if his blood flowed like a river.

Have you thought of a title?


Luo Chen smiled and said: I am outside, the eighth enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, Tianmeng Douluo!

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