Douluo: Wuhun is the Star Casting Dragon King

Chapter 104 Tianmeng: Missing the days when I could just dig a hole and fall asleep

Wuhun City stands in the west of the Star Dou Forest, which is the center of the Douluo Continent and the dividing line between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

The two empires, one in the south and one in the north, each enjoy half of the resources of the Star Forest.

Luochen left Wuhun City and headed north around the western part of the Star Dou Forest.

It's not easy to be able to travel freely like this.

The goal of his trip was clear, which was to fight for the ferocious beast in the far north, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

However, Luochen didn't intend to be in a hurry.

If he really wanted to go all out, he could use Gu Yuena's space control and head directly to the far north.

I've never really seen the world.

Not to mention the first 6 years of time travel, after becoming a soul master, Luo Chen basically stayed in Wuhun City and had no chance to go out at all.

Now that he has such an opportunity, Luochen will certainly not waste it.

What's more, Luo Chen has just absorbed Tianmeng's power, and now he still needs time to consolidate and study it. Even if he finds the Ice Emperor, he will not absorb it immediately.

Sister Ah Yin, you must have been to many places before, right?

Luochen did not take a carriage or other transportation. He chose to walk for a while first, wait until the next town, and then take a carriage to the big city.

In addition, Luo Chen is not alone.

He is only 8 years old now, so traveling alone at such a young age will definitely lead to a lot of trouble.

In order to avoid these things, Arou, Ayin and Tianmeng will stay with Luochen and walk with him.

Considering the work of the traveling frog, one of Ah Rou and Ah Yin will go out with Gu Yuena every time to perform the task of the garbage picking team.

Just like now, Luochen, Ayin, and Tianmeng were walking on a forest path leading to a mountain village.

The young man held a wooden stick in his hand, which was an old friend he had relied on since he was in the orphanage.

Tian Dou City, Xing Luo City, Wuhun City.

Luo Chen: Have Sister A Yin been to all three of the most magnificent cities in Douluo Continent?

I have been to Tiandou and Xingluo.

Ah Yin held Luochen's hand, like a sister taking her younger brother on a trip: But I've only been there a few times, and I haven't really had a good time.

How many years has Sister A Yin lived in the human world?

About twenty years.

Ah Yin thought for a while and said: After I transformed in the Blue Silver Forest, in order to practice, I chose to live with the residents of the village near the forest.

And the actual time to go to a big city is only five or six years.

Her martial spirit has strong healing power, so she often treats villagers for free and is loved by them.

But in this way, Ah Yin didn't know much about the human countries in Douluo Continent.

This situation lasted until Ah Yin met the brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, and then he began to travel with them and saw many scenery.

But Tang Hao has become a thing of the past, and A Yin doesn't want to mention him.

For example, when she came out with Luo Chen this time, she didn't ask to go to the Holy Soul Village, and she didn't want to get involved with Tang Hao, Tang San and his son again.

And at that time, I was worried that my identity would be exposed and I didn't dare to walk around the big city at will.

Ah Yin pushed back the hair that fell in front of her forehead. She smiled slightly awkwardly at Luo Chen and said, Xiao Chen has read so many books, and my understanding of the human world may not be as good as yours.

At least Ah Yin didn't quite understand the luxurious life of the nobles and the various enjoyments of the upper class.

That's just right. Let me take Sister A Yin for a nice walk this time.

Luochen looked at Tianmeng jumping up and down at the front and found that this guy seemed to be more excited than them.

I saw the girl squatting among the flowers, carefully looking at the little butterfly with fluttering wings, her face full of pride.


Tian Meng: A mere butterfly is not as good as my Tian Meng.

However, fun is all fun, Tianmeng kept her mental perception on throughout the whole process, and whenever there was a slight disturbance around her, she could protect Luo Chen immediately.

Speaking of which, Sister Tianmeng, you were born in the far north.

Luo Chen asked: I remember that there seemed to be nothing but ice and snow in that place, right?

Yeah, it's all white, super boring.

After living with Luochen for a year, Tianmeng traveled to most places in Wuhun City with him.

The prosperity of the human world is by no means comparable to that of soul beasts who are still in primitive society.

And Tian Meng is also miserable.

Not long after she came out of the cave of Wanzaixuan Ice Essence, she met the Ice Emperor, and then started her life of running away from him.

After falling into the sea, he drifted all the way across the ocean, and then was captured by the ferocious beasts in the Star Forest.

At this point, Tianmeng actually has not had much contact with the human world.

The knowledge she has now about soul masters and human beings basically comes from her interactions with Luo Chen and others during this year, as well as what she has seen and heard.

Oh, by the way, the village seems to be arriving soon.

Tianmeng had already sensed the human aura, and she pointed to the curling smoke outside the woods: Shall we go there now?

Go over there.

Luo Chen looked at the sky. They had been on the road for five days after leaving Wuhun City.

During this period, it was really difficult for Luo Chen, who was accustomed to the fine clothes and fine food in Wuhun City, to change.

In order to better experience the variety of this world, Luo Chen did not prepare too many things in the storage space. He only equipped the equipment according to the travel standards of a normal soul master.

Of course, it is not as difficult as imagined.

It would be better to say that Luo Chen was enjoying it a little bit.

There is no environmental pollution in Douluo Continent. There are many wild animals in the forests here, so there will be no shortage of food and water sources.

Moreover, Ah Yin is very skilled at turning unknown wild vegetables and mushrooms into very delicious dishes.

Just like today at noon, Luochen caught a big fat fish and enjoyed a delicious fish soup with a unique taste.

And Ah Rou, she is a mother, and she is better at taking care of people than Ah Yin.

The existence of the two women means that Luochen doesn't need to worry about life problems at all.

Tian Meng had suffered a lot in the past few days. It was clear that when she was a soul beast, she used the sky as a quilt and the earth as a bed. She dug a hole and buried herself in it, so that she could sleep peacefully in the dark.

However, Tianmeng in this life has not lost her body. She is a star spirit, a life with flesh and blood.

This makes Tianmeng have a certain need for material things.

She is much lazier than Ah Yin and Ah Rou. In Luo Chen's view, Tianmeng is like a young lady who can't stand hardship and is a little willful.

But Luo Chen doesn't hate Tianmeng's personality.

The four girls are all different and have their own unique flavor. Luochen would not ask them all to become good wives, mothers, and ladies. That would be too boring.

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