Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 16 Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chen Xin

After Duan Yufan used his martial soul, he found that he could only release his first soul skill once. After all, it was not his own soul power. Fortunately, the effect was good, and he did not waste a night of research and practice.

Black and gray smoke rose from the bodies of thousands of villagers at the same time. The fog made people feel a little cold, but fortunately there was sun today, and it would burn out in a while.

Duan Yufan took back his martial soul, his face was a little pale, and he was weak all over, but fortunately, a soul douluo-level auxiliary system had been prepared next to him, which relieved Duan Yufan's soul power overdraft symptoms.

"Son! Are you okay?" Ju Douluo hurriedly supported Duan Yufan's arm.

"Yue Guan, take the son back, and the auxiliary soul master will follow, and continue to treat the son." Bibi Dong ordered majestically.

"Teacher! I'm fine, just a little weak, don't worry, I'll be fine after two days of rest." Duan Yufan was a little exhausted, and his tone was different from usual.

"Thank you, Saint! Please take care of yourself!" The 1,000 villagers treated by Duan Yufan knelt down at the same time, begging Duan Yufan to take care of himself. The villagers also noticed that Duan Yufan's body and soul power were greatly consumed today.

"Please stand up, I'll be back soon." Duan Yufan was scared and turned back to the West Hall. The people were simple and enthusiastic.

"It's amazing. The prestige of the Saint of the Spirit Hall is really high. I noticed that not only the villagers, but also the guards of the Spirit Hall, have the same eyes for the Saint. It seems that the rumors are true. I thought it was a bit exaggerated." Ning Fengzhi sighed immediately and admired this Saint.

"It's really a remarkable Saint. He must be unique to be accepted as a disciple by Pope Bibi Dong." Jiandao Chenxin also agreed and responded to Ning Fengzhi's words.

"And as far as I know, this Spirit Hall Saint is only seven years old. Did you notice that his soul power is as high as level 33? It is definitely not as simple as full innate soul power. In addition, the angel spirit is suspected to be a god-level spirit. When awakened, it must have exceeded the level of full innate soul power. Otherwise, how could the soul power cultivation increase to level 23 in one year?" Ning Fengzhi analyzed, feeling that this was the most terrifying.

"Yes, it is indeed terrifying. Fortunately, it is an auxiliary spirit." Jiandao Chenxin also agreed with Ning Fengzhi's analysis, but who knew that Duan Yufan was a twin spirit.

"Let's go, find the Pope." After saying that, Ning Fengzhi and Jiandao Chenxin walked towards the West Hall.

Ning Fengzhi and Jiandao Chenxin walked on the street. When they passed by the two along the way, they looked at them with strange eyes.

"Fengzhi, why are they looking at us with strange eyes." Jiandao Chenxin was puzzled by the villagers' eyes.

"Uh! Maybe we didn't bring cloth, let's go quickly." Ning Fengzhi guessed.

Ghost Douluo was walking on the street with five members of the Judgment Hall, planning to leave the city, and met Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chenxin.

"Hey! Isn't this the Ning Sect Master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and Jian Dao Chenxin Sword Douluo? What are you doing in Wuhun City?" Ghost Douluo stopped in front of the two and said with a sneer.

"So you are the Ghost Elder of the Wuhun Hall. I just happened to have something to meet His Holiness the Pope. Can you lead the way and introduce me?" Ning Fengzhi didn't care about Ghost Douluo's tone and said with a slight smile.

"Of course! You are also honorary elders of the Wuhun Hall. Follow me." Ghost Douluo did not refuse and led the way to the West Hall.

Ghost Douluo just came out of the West Hall and turned to the West Hall gate.

"Please wait, I will go in and ask His Holiness the Pope." Ghost Douluo took Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chenxin to the West Hall gate and stopped to say.

At this time, Bibi Dong was in Duan Yufan's room, watching the auxiliary soul master treat Duan Yufan and check his whole body.

"Teacher, I'm really fine. I'm not that fragile. It's just that this is the first time I've released my martial soul body, so I'm a little uncomfortable." Duan Yufan was helpless. Since he came back, Bibi Dong has been watching the auxiliary soul master treat Duan Yufan.

"Teacher knows, teacher will see if there are any sequelae." Bibi Dong said with concern.

At this time, Ghost Douluo came in. Seeing that Bibi Dong was not in the hall, he guessed that Bibi Dong might be in Duan Yufan's room.

"Well! What's the matter?" Bibi Dong knew Ghost Douluo. He came here at this time, maybe there was something.

"Your Majesty the Pope, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's Sect Master Ning and Sword Douluo are meeting." Ghost Douluo reported to Bibi Dong.

"I know, Xiaofan, you have a good rest, you guys watch carefully." Bibi Dong ordered lightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!" The auxiliary soul master could only nod.

"Teacher, you go." Duan Yufan responded.

"Please come in, both of you! Your Majesty the Pope invites you." Ghost Douluo came out to invite Sect Master Ning and Sword Dao Chenxin in.

The Pope of the Spirit Hall is equivalent to the leader of the martial arts world. Anyone who comes to see the Pope must salute.

So when Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chen Xin came to Bibi Dong, they immediately put one hand on their left chest and bowed slightly.

"Greetings to His Holiness the Pope!" Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chen Xin saluted at the same time.

The area of ​​the West Hall is two circles smaller than the Pope's Hall.

"You two are rare guests. You have come from afar this time. If there is anything, Elder Ghost will give them a napkin. Be careful of infection." Bibi Dong returned to normal, with no expression, and spoke very calmly.

"Thank you, Your Holiness the Pope! In fact, it's not a special thing. I just heard that there was a disaster in the villages around Wuhun City, and a large amount of supplies are needed every day. As one of the top three sects, our Qibao Liuli Sect came to Wuhun City to help, so we plan to subsidize 3 million gold soul coins to help the villagers buy supplies." Ning Fengzhi explained the purpose of his visit to Wuhun City and put on the napkin while speaking.

Jian Dao Chen Xin stood quietly without saying anything. This kind of scene was basically decided by Ning Fengzhi, and they had discussed it in advance when they came.

"Thank you very much for your generosity, Sect Master Ning. I will inform the villagers of the help of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect." Bibi Dong had already guessed the purpose of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's visit to Wuhun City this time.

"It's just a little thought. Your Holiness the Pope has been supervising this matter every day, and he has been busy with the members of the Wuhun Hall. He is the most hardworking."

"Your Holiness the Pope, I have prepared three million gold soul coins and put them in this purple gold soul card." Ning Fengzhi took out the prepared purple gold soul card.

Purple gold soul card can be used to withdraw gold soul coins according to the amount in the Douluo Continent Trading Company. Generally, only when the amount is up to one million gold soul coins will the purple gold soul card be issued. The trading company was established by the two empires.

"Ghost Elder, take it! Since it is a subsidy for the villagers, it can only be used to purchase supplies for the villagers." Bibi Dong asked Ghost Douluo to take it.

"Yes, His Holiness the Pope!"

"Thank you for the support, Master Ning." Ghost Elder responded to Bibi Dong, then came to Ning Fengzhi and took the purple gold soul card, thanking him.

"Master Ning, don't be in a hurry to go back, you can stay in Wuhun City for two more days, just in time to understand the disease that suddenly attacked this time." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Since His Holiness the Pope said so, it's a good opportunity to see this disease. I heard that this disease is extremely difficult to treat. Any auxiliary treatment soul master cannot eliminate it. Only the special martial soul soul skills of the son of the Wuhun Hall can treat it." Ning Fengzhi also followed Bibi Dong's words and chatted.

Ning Fengzhi also thought to himself, I don't know if his Seven Treasures Glazed Tower martial soul can treat this disease.

The weather dropped by 10℃, and the claws were cold to death

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