Bibi Dong did not respond immediately, but just glanced at Ning Fengzhi, holding the Pope's scepter in his right hand, moving his pinky finger, ring finger, and middle finger on the scepter bar in turn.

"It is indeed difficult. It is not difficult to treat physical injuries, but the black and gray color that is not poisonous is difficult to remove. Otherwise, why would I let a seven-year-old auxiliary soul master play? Sect Master Ning is also an auxiliary system, and he is the first auxiliary of the continent, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. Why not give it a try." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Your Holiness knows that the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda martial spirit is not biased towards treatment, and I am even worse. I believe that Your Holiness has also found Ye Tianxin." Ning Fengzhi answered modestly, and it is true that the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is biased towards auxiliary strong attack.

"Ye Tianxin is a kind person, and the treatment effect is beyond doubt. It's a pity that he still doesn't have the purification ability and can't remove the poison in the body." Bibi Dong was helpless. Ye Tianxin's martial spirit is the Nine Heart Begonia.

The Nine-Hearted Begonia is the martial soul with the best healing effect, but the flaw is that no matter how many soul rings it has, the Nine-Hearted Begonia martial soul has only one skill, which is to heal the entire range.

"That's really hard work for the Saint of the Spirit Hall. The Saint is only seven years old! When the Saint released the martial soul's true body, we had just arrived at the Spirit City and happened to see the shocking scene of the martial soul's true body." Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly.

"Xiaofan's martial soul is really good! His full name is Duan Yufan. I am 100% satisfied with this disciple Xiaofan! It's a bit of a pity that it is just an auxiliary martial soul. I heard that Master Ning also accepted a disciple, and he is the prince of the Tiandou Empire." Bibi Dong also said lightly.

"Haha! Qinghe is not good except for his martial soul talent. Other aspects are okay. He will definitely be a wise ruler in the future." Ning Fengzhi smiled knowingly.

"Haha! Really! That's really a blessing for the Tiandou Empire." Bibi Dong smiled slightly and intriguingly.

"Let's not talk about this! Your Holiness has been busy all morning, so we won't bother you. Let's go around Wuhun City. It's a rare opportunity to come to Wuhun City." Ning Fengzhi was going to stop talking.

"Well then! Sect Master Ning, have fun, but this side of West City is a bit deserted." Bibi Dong didn't force him to stay.

"I understand! Uncle Jian, let's go!" Ning Fengzhi temporarily took his leave of Bibi Dong.

"Your Holiness, what does the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect mean? Are they here to inquire?" Ghost Douluo said softly to Bibi Dong after Ning Fengzhi and the others left.

"They should just come to provide assistance, and then inquire about Xiaofan's situation by the way, but they should have believed that it was an auxiliary martial spirit, and at most they would only marvel at Xiaofan's talent. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg, so don't worry about them." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Okay! Your Holiness, I'll go on patrol first." Ghost Douluo also left, continuing to inquire about the traces of the evil soul master.

Bibi Dong visited Duan Yufan and returned to the Pope's Palace.

The next morning, when Duan Yufan came out, Bibi Dong was already waiting for him in the West Hall. In addition to the usual Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, there were two strangers in the hall, both of whom had extraordinary temperaments. One was sitting with a cane, wearing a spotless white robe, and looked to be in his forties.

The other one had silver-white hair and was majestic. Standing quietly beside the man with the cane, one could also feel the aura of the world and the only one in this person.

"Good morning, teacher, you are here so early." Duan Yufan came forward to greet Bibi Dong.

"Xiao Fan, let me introduce two people to you. They came yesterday. I didn't disturb you because it was inconvenient for you." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Oh!" Duan Yufan showed a curious expression. Just looking at the dress and temperament of the two people, Duan Yufan had guessed it.

"You want to know, they are all from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. The one sitting here is the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect Master Ning, who is the first auxiliary spirit master in the continent. The other one is Jian Douluo, one of the guardian elders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. He is known as the first titled Douluo in the continent. Master Ning donated 3 million gold soul coins to the villagers yesterday." Bibi Dong introduced Duan Yufan carefully.

"Boy, Duan Yufan meets the two seniors." Duan Yufan smiled slightly and saluted Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chenxin, without saying much.

"I saw you treating the villagers when I just came here yesterday. The Holy Son is better than I thought. I heard about the reputation of the Holy Son before I came to Wuhun City." Ning Fengzhi also smiled and praised Duan Yufan.

"Haha, they are all false names. I just do my best. Senior Ning is too flattering." Duan Yufan said neither arrogantly nor humbly.

"Well! It's rare. The state of mind of the Holy Son is far beyond my imagination." Duan Yufan's answer surprised Ning Fengzhi and Jiandao Chenxin. They thought that he would be a little proud when praised by outsiders, but Ning Fengzhi only saw a pair of calm eyes.

Ning Fengzhi realized at this moment that the Duan Yufan he saw was better than what he heard. He had a special charm at the age of seven, which made people feel friendly.

Several people were talking in the hall. A person dressed like a villager mixed in the gathering place of villagers outside the city.

"Damn it, I have carefully prepared the poison of the evil bat for so long, but someone can break it, causing me to fail and be scolded by the elders. He is still a child. This shame is unbearable, and this plan concerns the life and death of my sect, and it must succeed." The lurker thought secretly after successfully mixing in with the villagers.

In the hall, several people were chatting, and the sun gradually rose and shone into the gate of the west hall.

“Teacher, although Elder Heju cannot use the Fusion Ring to release his martial soul’s true form for the time being, after last night’s rest, his soul power is basically ready, and he can use his first soul skill.” Duan Yufan watched the sun rise.

"Xiaofan, take a rest for a day or two, don't be so anxious." Bibi Dong disagreed with Duan Yufan's continued treatment.

"Teacher, I can wait, but the villagers can't wait. If the symptoms worsen after a long time, it will be troublesome. There are more than 20,000 villagers waiting for treatment." Duan Yufan insisted. Bibi Dong and the others may not know, but Duan Yufan knows that the plague will evolve, and he is afraid that his purification will not be effective at that time.

"Okay! I really can't beat you." Bibi Dong said helplessly.

"The Holy Son is really dedicated and thoughtful." Ning Fengzhi didn't expect Duan Yufan to be so concerned.

"Senior Ning, you don't know, my first soul skill can only be used once a day now. According to the number of villagers, it will take at least half a year. Half a year is too long, and the villagers can't wait." Duan Yufan sighed.

"Okay, the Holy Son really makes me look at you with such a sense of responsibility." Duan Yufan is very suitable for himself.

It's a pity that he is a member of the Spirit Hall. Ning Fengzhi also sighed in his heart.

"In that case, let's go to the west city wall together. Master Ning asked if we didn't want to go together." Bibi Dong invited Ning Fengzhi.

"Of course." Ning Fengzhi smiled and accepted Bibi Dong's invitation.

Then the six of them went to the west city gate, and Ghost Douluo quickly arranged for the villagers to be treated.

Halfway through the journey, Duan Yufan met Hu Liena who came to the west city alone. Xie Yue and Yan did not follow Hu Liena.

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