Douluo: The Strongest Full-time Assistant

Chapter 15 The shocking true form of the Seraphim

"Well! Don't worry, teacher! I'm only seven years old, I haven't lived enough!" Duan Yufan smiled and said jokingly.

"Hehe, but don't experiment today, you have consumed too much soul power, you should take a rest." Bibi Dong agreed and said.

"Okay, teacher!" Duan Yufan returned to the room to restore his soul power.

Sometimes rainy days will allow fire attribute soul masters to assist Duan Yufan in burning the black and gray plague body, so Duan Yufan has not rested for a day in a month.

Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan will also come to help when they stop practicing. After all, they want to become core members of the Wuhun Hall, and accumulating popularity is also very important.

Duan Yufan walked out of the room after noon. Just at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Duan Yufan basically started to treat the villagers as soon as the sun came out, and this treatment lasted for the whole morning.

"Sir, the Holy Son!"

Duan Yufan walked on the streets of Xicheng. People on the street here would greet Duan Yufan respectfully when they saw him. This 7-year-old Holy Son won the respect of many people.

It can be said that except for Pope Bibi Dong, even the two elders, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, are not as popular as Duan Yufan.

"Yeah!" Duan Yufan responded one by one to the people who greeted him.

It can be said that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo have not been idle in this month. In the morning, they presided over the villagers, and in the afternoon, they continued to look for the traces of evil soul masters with the people of the Judgment Hall of the Spirit Hall.

The strength of the Judgment Hall is at least at the Soul Emperor level, which can be said to be an elite department. The bishop of the Spirit Hall with strength above Soul Emperor may also be a member of the Judgment Hall.

Duan Yufan came out because he would go to the place where the villagers who had been treated gathered to check if there was a relapse. Although they had been treated, what if they were neglected one day and broke out again? Facts have proved that there has been no relapse in the past month.

Duan Yufan walked around and returned to the West Hall. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon. This kind of personal behavior made the villagers feel more about Duan Yufan, which is one of the reasons why Duan Yufan is more popular than Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Teacher! Elder Ju hasn't come back from tracking the evil spirit master yet?" Duan Yufan saw Bibi Dong sitting in her seat as soon as he entered the hall, wondering what she was thinking.

"Not yet! It's strange, we can't even find a trace after so long." Bibi Dong said helplessly, if she could find the evil spirit master, it would be a better explanation to the villagers.

"Teacher! Is it possible that the villagers accidentally encountered some strange plants or animals, and there is no evil spirit master at all." Duan Yufan suddenly guessed and said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but the tracking of evil spirit masters cannot be stopped. If it happens again, the financial resources of the Wuhun Hall cannot afford it. Alas! Millions of gold soul coins were spent in just one month." Bibi Dong was also a little uncomfortable.

"However, Xiaofan, you didn't practice much, but you actually increased your soul power by two levels in a month, while Hu Liena and the others only increased by one level." Bibi Dong immediately smiled slightly, expressing her satisfaction.

"Teacher! My daily use of soul power is also a way of practice." Duan Yufan explained.

"That's right! The grasp and precise use of soul power have indeed improved." Bibi Dong smiled again.

Duan Yufan felt the change in Bibi Dong. She was no longer cold and indifferent as when they first met. Although she was still cold on the outside, Duan Yufan believed that Bibi Dong had changed a lot in her heart.

Maybe Bibi Dong herself didn't realize that she had changed subconsciously.

Unknowingly, Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong talked for about an hour, until Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo came back.

"Your Highness the Pope! Holy Son, you are all here!" Ju Douluo said a little surprised when he returned to the West Hall and saw Duan Yufan and Bibi Dong.

"Well, I'm waiting for you! Didn't you get anything today?" Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Hey! Your Highness the Pope, there is indeed no news, but why wait for me?" Ju Douluo sighed helplessly.

"Yes, I'm waiting for you! Xiaofan has an idea. I plan to let you and Xiaofan practice the fusion ring, so that Xiaofan can improve his short-term standing to the point where he can exert the strength of his martial soul body." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"This! Is it possible? What if the Saint cannot bear my soul power, his body will collapse." Ju Douluo said with a serious face.

"Don't worry, Elder Ju! Although you are a strong attack system, your martial soul is still a plant system. I think your martial soul's original soul power is much calmer than other beast martial souls and weapon martial souls. It may be successful if you practice slowly." Duan Yufan analyzed and explained with a serious face.

"Then the treatment of the villagers can be advanced a lot of time." Duan Yufan continued.

It was dark while discussing. Duan Yufan and Ju Douluo found a place to practice the fusion ring. They practiced almost all of it overnight. Fortunately, there were only two people. If there was one more person, the difficulty coefficient would increase.

The next day, the sun rose high. At nine o'clock in the morning, Duan Yufan and Ju Douluo came to the west gate.

"Everyone! The Saint has developed a new way to treat a thousand people at a time, but this method may make the Saint rest for two days, so I will notify you in advance." Bibi Dong notified the new method on the city wall.

Releasing the spirit body consumes too much energy. Duan Yufan is always a soul master, which puts too much pressure on his body. It took two days for him to recover with the help of the spirit hall auxiliary system.

This is the calculation made last night, which is indeed a big improvement.

The soldiers arranged a thousand villagers to take a few steps forward.

"Elder Ju, let's start!" Duan Yufan saw that everything had been arranged and ordered immediately.

Ju Douluo released nine soul rings one by one, yellow, purple, black and black, and the first seven soul rings controlled and merged into Duan Yufan's body.

"Holy Son! Quick, you can't keep the soul power in your body for too long, release the martial soul true body." Ju Douluo hurriedly spoke after merging the seven soul rings into Duan Yufan's body.

Duan Yufan closed his eyes and directed all his soul power to the cross martial soul.

"Martial soul true body!" Duan Yufan suddenly opened his eyes, and the cross martial soul emitted a beam of light and turned into a huge human figure.

It was the six-winged Seraphim that appeared when Duan Yufan first awakened his martial soul, wearing a golden long skirt, purple-black long hair with a headscarf covering her head, and a necklace with a cross pendant.

A female Seraphim with a pitiful look.

"La La La..." A song came out of the Seraphim's true body.

"First soul skill! Seraphim's Prayer." Duan Yufan released the soul skill in the same posture, but with a different soul skill name.

The Seraphim's true body followed Duan Yufan's movements, emitting a huge light that enveloped a thousand villagers.

There were two people looking at Duan Yufan from a distance. They were Ning Fengzhi and Jian Dao Chen Xin, the leaders of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, who had been rushing for a day.

"Terrible! How could the Spirit Hall produce someone like the Holy Son? This spirit is probably a god-level spirit." Jian Dao Chen Xin said solemnly.

"Well! The Spirit Hall is really full of talents! A god-level auxiliary spirit is probably far more powerful than the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower spirit." Ning Fengzhi was also a little upset.

The difference between a god-level spirit and an ordinary spirit is reflected in the spirit body. After the god-level spirit releases the spirit body, the skills are sublimated, and even the name of the spirit skill is changed.

The contract has been signed for several days, but the status has not been changed. Is it because of the lack of words?

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