The aftermath of the space explosion caused the movements of both sides to stagnate in the Great Soul Fighting Field.

Not only the other five people from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, but also the expressions on the faces of Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Luo Guixing also froze instantly.

Luo Guixing even became a clown. As the master soul master in the Shrek Academy team, he was preparing to use soul skills to restrict Long Chen. But not only did his soul skills not play their due role, but they also suffered some backlash due to the strong spatial fluctuations around him.

Yu Nanyuan is already so powerful? !

Luo Guixing breathed rapidly and stared at Yu Nanyuan's back in the sky with uncertainty.

Not only because of the power of Yu Nanyuan's punch, but also because of his control over the power of space.

Although Xu Yucheng did not have as deep an understanding as Luo Guixing, Yu Nanyuan's power was truly demonstrated in front of him.

While Wu Siduo was shocked, the brilliance in her dark blue eyes became more intense.

Handsome, powerful, and extremely talented, everything about Yu Nanyuan perfectly meets her requirements for a significant other. As a girl with a strong and stubborn personality, she had already firmly established in her mind that Yu Nanyuan was the one who could do it.

Having met the most outstanding people, with Wu Siduo's pride, how could she allow herself to compromise again. Even if a moth flies into a flame, she will still never look back.

Yu Nanyuan's figure fell from the sky in an airy manner, and his every move affected the hearts and minds of everyone present. Looking past Wu Siduo, his empty eyes suddenly fell on the remaining five students of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy opposite.

Just a look made the five students of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy tense up and not daring to make any more changes.

This is the momentum that Yu Nanyuan has developed over the years, an invincible and fearless momentum. He rarely shows his face in normal times, but it was not until today that he showed his prowess for the first time.

Wu Siduo's eyes gradually shifted as Yu Nanyuan walked slowly, and she pursed her red lips tightly. An inexplicable excitement rose deep in her heart, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

If the only thing about Yu Nanyuan that deviated slightly from her preferences was undoubtedly the gentleness and elegance with which Yu Nanyuan treated others.

But now Yu Nanyuan is so domineering and powerful, as if he was born to stand on the clouds and overlook all living beings.

Maybe even Wu Siduo herself didn't realize that a girl with a strong personality like her often needs a stronger man than her to conquer her body and mind.

Watching Yu Nanyuan, who was walking toward them step by step and bringing a huge sense of oppression, Xue Liushuang's chest rose and fell, and she subconsciously clenched the crystal clear white sword in her hand.

She lost her captain in the first collision, and faced Yu Nanyuan's pressing step by step, even she felt a suffocating pressure.

Yu Nanyuan and Xue Liushuang looked at each other with indifferent tone.

"We both represent our own colleges, and out of respect, I won't hold back."

black! black! black! black! black!

As he spoke, black soul rings as dark as ink began to emerge one after another from Yu Nanyuan's feet. Each appearance of a soul ring would make Yu Nanyuan's aura rise a little higher, until five black ten thousand year soul rings were fixed beside him.

A look of horror appeared on the face of every spectator present, and there was still a dead silence.

Xue Liushuang took a deep breath, and the white sword in her hand, which was like ice crystals, made a crisp sword cry. It was freezing cold, and the temperature in the whole place dropped sharply.

And her eyes also became quieter, as if they were eternal ice.

"I will temporarily exercise command authority on behalf of the captain. Don't hold back any more and give it your all. We only have this chance!"

Xue Liushuang stood at the front of the team in a flash, while Jian Mochen also took a step forward.

Weng Daimin and Kuang Zhantian followed closely behind, with solemn expressions.

You Dingqi, who was originally at the front, quickly retreated to the end.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Xue Liushuang and Weng Daimin's whole bodies shone with blue light, and they spread their arms and soared upward, like fairies rising into the sky. Their illusory figures overlapped in the air, and a stunning woman holding an ice-blue sword reappeared.

Martial spirit fusion skill, Ice and Snow Goddess!

At the same time, Jian Mochen and Kuang Zhantian suddenly threw the Tianhu Shield and Tianhu Ax in their hands into the air. The shield and the giant ax collided together, and streams of light burst out. A giant tiger with white wings and strong light appeared from the sky.

Martial soul fusion skill, Tianhu summons!

Although Long Chen of the Bright Holy Dragon Soul Sect is the ace of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he is also the captain with the strongest individual strength among the Seven Stars of the Glorious World. But these two martial soul fusion skills are the real trump cards of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy team.

A team with two martial soul fusion skills at the same time is indeed very competitive among the younger generation of soul masters. It's no wonder that the senior management of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has high hopes for them, hoping to compete with Shrek Academy in the future.

The ice and snow goddess in the air slashed at Yu Nanyuan without hesitation, and the winged Tianhu also roared and slapped his right paw.

In such a situation, Yu Nanyuan was not afraid and slowly raised his right hand.

The fifth-ranked black soul ring gave off a dark halo, and the fifth soul skill, Space Barrier, was launched brazenly.

A silver space barrier with a diameter of more than a hundred meters instantly appeared on the Great Soul Fighting Field, with magical silver runes flowing on it, which was dazzling.

Whether it was the Ice and Snow Goddess or the Heavenly Tiger in the sky, their bodies were stagnant for a moment under the terrifying force of space squeezing.

During this gap, Yu Nanyuan punched through the air again.

However, his punch was not as powerful as before. There was not even any energy fluctuation, and it was light and airy without a trace of fireworks.

But in the next moment, bright silver space cracks filled the interior of the space barrier silently, as if a space began to collapse directly from the inside.

The power of space explosion erupted inside the space barrier, and its power was increased many times compared to before.

This is the effect of the combination of Yu Nanyuan's soul bone skill Space Explosion and the fifth soul skill Space Barrier. Within the self-contained space barrier, the force of space explosion will continue to increase and increase until the space barrier itself can no longer withstand that level of space explosion force.

The space barrier suddenly shattered, and the figures of the Ice and Snow Goddess and Tianhu also disappeared.

The figures of Xue Liushuang and Weng Daimin reappeared, both falling from the air downwards with pale faces. Jian Mochen and Kuang Zhantian spat out a mouthful of blood because the Tianhu transformed by their martial spirits was shattered, and they fell to the ground with a weak breath.

As for You Dingqi, who was standing at the very back, he was not spared either. The force of the explosion in the layers of space directly caused him to lose consciousness on the spot.

This is because Yu Nanyuan showed mercy. As long as he is willing, this blow can make all the elites of the younger generation of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy fall here.

When the space barrier is destroyed, no one can survive.

Yu Nanyuan raised his head and looked at the old man sitting in the center of the podium. The dean of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy also looked at Yu Nanyuan.

The two looked at each other for a long time, until the whole audience burst into exclamations, they were still immersed in their own world.

The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy was defeated by Yu Nanyuan's two punches, showing its absolute invincibility.

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