Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy conference room.

Feeling the gazes falling on him, Yu Nanyuan slowly opened his eyes with his eyes closed to rest.

Wu Siduo has been staring at Yu Nanyuan since the teacher from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy left the conference room. Wu Siduo's behavior attracted the attention of Xu Xiaoyan, Luo Guixing and Xu Yucheng.

Xu Xiaoyan has already regarded Wu Siduo as a potential future opponent.

Luo Guixing and Xu Yucheng were even more humble. Although they all have a good impression of Wu Siduo, they know very well that they are not even qualified to compete with Yu Nanyuan.

Only Gu Yue remained aloof from the incident as if nothing had happened, watching everything that happened in the conference room with a calm expression. However, there was clearly a hint of amusement in her eyes when she looked at Wu Siduo.

The things that the naughty cat covets have long been exclusive to her.

Seeing Wu Siduo's unfulfilling look, Gu Yue felt inexplicably happy for some reason.

She has seen Yu Nanyuan's attitude toward Wu Siduo during this period. Compared with Na'er, Wu Siduo posed no threat to her at all.

Yu Nanyuan saw everyone's performance in his eyes, with a subtle expression on his face.

What made him feel lucky was that Gu Yue didn't get involved.

Seeing that Yu Nanyuan ignored her, Wu Siduo couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment in the depths of her eyes. Especially because I knew what happened last night.

But even so, she will still fight for it in her own way.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and the previous teacher from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy left and returned.

"The competition is ready and will be held in our big spirit fighting arena. Do you still need to prepare?"

"No need, we are ready." Yu Nanyuan stood up and looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man and Yu Nanyuan looked at each other for a moment, then turned and left without saying anything else.

"Then come with me."

Gu Yue, Wu Siduo, Xu Xiaoyan, Luo Guixing, and Xu Yucheng also stood up one after another.

But Xie Xie said to Yu Nanyuan and others in a low mood: "I won't go there."

"Then I will stay here with Xie Xie." Tang Wulin could probably understand Xie Xie's mood at this time. He would inevitably look out of place with people like Yu Nanyuan. And it can be expected that the Grand Soul Fighting Arena will definitely be filled with students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. As losers, the pressure they face is undoubtedly huge.

Yu Nanyuan nodded slightly and chose to respect Tang Wulin and Xie Xie's wishes. Then he led everyone to get on the elevator again behind the middle-aged man.

This time we went directly to the 36th floor of the main teaching building of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, and then changed to another elevator. This elevator seems to be connected to the buildings of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, and it is constantly moving laterally inside.

After sitting for two full minutes, the elevator finally stopped.

When the elevator door opened, the original metallic texture suddenly disappeared, and what came into view was a special stone space that looked quite primitive. These ancient stones contain strange energy fluctuations. Entering here, the soul power in everyone's body becomes extremely active.

Passing through the wide stone space, they soon came to a hall of about 500 square meters. There are still stones around, and there are magnificent murals on the top.

On the other side of the stone hall, there are two huge arches that are fifteen meters high. The width of the arch is more than three meters, and even a mecha can easily pass through it.

"This is the waiting area for the Great Soul Fighting Arena. We will notify you later to enter for the competition." After saying this, the middle-aged man walked through the arch and left.

Through the arch, you can already see the tip of the iceberg of the large soul fighting arena of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. The light there was particularly bright, and there was a faint noise. Under the inflammatory words, curses arose one after another.

From here we can see the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy's attitude towards Shrek Academy.

However, except for the timid Xu Xiaoyan, everyone else present was not affected much. Instead, they paid attention to the mural above their heads with great interest.

Like the Spirit Transferring Pagoda headquarters, this mural at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy also records a story.

A young man was sitting cross-legged in a square, surrounded by students wearing the uniforms of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. However, they were obviously different from the current uniforms, and seemed to be in the style of ancient times. The young man sitting in the middle was wearing the uniform of Shrek Academy.

"Is this Spirit Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao?" Luo Guixing suddenly looked surprised.

Xu Yucheng nodded.

"That Lingbing Douluo was an exchange student at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy for a period of time. What is recorded here is his deeds back then."

Not only did he serve as an exchange student, he bombed Mingdu and destroyed the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, but these were all his great achievements.

Yu Nanyuan looked back inexplicably, thinking to himself.

The culprit who once destroyed the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy actually left a mural as a memorial to the rebuilt Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. It's really ironic.

"The game is about to begin, please come in." Ten minutes later, the middle-aged man's voice came from the big soul fighting arena outside the arch.

Yu Nanyuan walked in front with his head held high. Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, Wu Siduo, Luo Guixing, and Xu Yucheng followed closely behind.

As they gradually approached the Great Soul Arena, the previous noisy sound became more intense, and an extremely warm atmosphere rushed towards them.

Through the arch, the bright light gives people a dazzling feeling, making it impossible to see everything around them clearly. It wasn't until they gradually got used to it that everyone witnessed the majestic scale of this great soul fighting arena with their own eyes. The diameter of the huge square is at least more than 1,500 meters, and the surrounding stands are enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

This is probably the largest stadium on the entire continent.

There were at least six or seven people in the surrounding stands, and they didn't know how they gathered in such a short period of time.

Of course, it is impossible for all of these people to be students of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. It is already remarkable that one academy can have 10,000 people.

In the middle of the rostrum, Yu Nanyuan could feel several auras as heavy as mountains. All the attention of those people was focused on the six of them.

Not only that, but there are also the gazes of nearly 100,000 pairs of eyes from all the spectators in the stands.

Faced with such pressure, Xu Xiaoyan's complexion turned pale.

Everyone has a different aura. When these auras are concentrated, they will have a considerable impact on mental strength and mentality.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes narrowed, and the overwhelming aura instantly melted like ice and snow.

"Lingyuan realm spiritual power?"

On the rostrum, the dean of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, who was sitting in the middle, had waves in his eyes. The other people around him also had strange expressions on their faces.

Yu Nanyuan and the other six stood in the middle of the great soul fighting arena, with six students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy opposite them.

The middle-aged man from before released a gorgeous three-character battle armor and floated in the air.

"Raise the shield."

A layer of white and transparent soul shield slowly rose from all around, gathering together at an altitude of 100 meters. The soul shield also has a sound-isolating effect, and all noisy sounds disappear.

The middle-aged man was not only a three-word battle armor master, but also had the cultivation of an eight-ring soul fighter. Naturally, he could see that the aura and coercion of the audience had completely lost its effect under the resistance of Yu Nanyuan's mental power.

In this case, it is better to compete openly and openly.

"The rules of the game are announced below. Although this game is mainly about exchanges, in order to allow both sides to show their true strength, I, as the referee, will only terminate the game when facing the threat of serious injury, disability, or death. Or knock some of them out. The final victory or defeat depends on which side still has people who can maintain fighting ability even when the entire opponent's army is wiped out."

"Long Chen." The leader of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy was a tall young man. Although his appearance looks about the same age as Yu Nanyuan and others, his figure is comparable to that of an adult. His face was expressionless and he looked as calm as a mountain.

Yu Nanyuan and Long Chen faced each other and said lightly.

"Yu Nanyuan."

Hearing Yu Nanyuan announce his name, Long Chen's eyes suddenly became solemn.

Number one on the young genius list is Xukong Yu Nanyuan.

The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has deliberately collected information about the new students of Shrek Academy. Members of the Young Genius List such as Wu Siduo, Luo Guixing, and Xu Yucheng are all under their attention.

Long Chen himself was also on the list of young geniuses, ranked tenth, and he was particularly concerned about Wu Siduo, who was ranked above him.

However, they knew relatively little information about Yu Nanyuan, except for some unconfirmed rumors. Even if they knew some inside information, it would only be among the top brass of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

And even Wu Siduo, who is ranked ninth on the list of young geniuses, is not the captain of Shrek Academy's team this time. This made Long Chen more certain of his guess.

Then both parties exchanged names one by one. In formal sparring, this is the most basic etiquette.

The two stunningly beautiful female soul masters who had defeated Tang Wulin and Xie Xie before were among them, named Xue Liushuang and Weng Daimin respectively.

Xue Liushuang has a slender figure and a cold temperament. She is the same type of soul master as Ye Xinglan. Ong Daimin is a soft and frail girl with short blue hair and pure eyes.

Xue Liushuang and Weng Daimin both looked at Yu Nanyuan for a while, as if they were a little curious about him, the captain of Shrek Academy.

The remaining three academies of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy also have their own characteristics.

Jian Mochen, a fat boy with a figure that rivals that of Xu Lizhi, You Dingqi, a short and stocky boy, and Kuizhantian, a petite girl with wild eyes, all have very strange names.

"Both sides retreat and prepare to compete. The retreat distance is one hundred meters." The middle-aged man reminded everyone in the air.

This battle for the pinnacle of youth in the soul master world is about to begin.

As the two sides retreated, they had already formed their formations.

On the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy side, Long Chen, as the captain, deserves to be at the front. On both sides were two teenagers, You Dingqi and Jian Mochen.

Behind them are Xue Liushuang, Weng Daimin and Kuang Zhantian. The three of them lined up, with Ong Daimin standing in the center.

On the Shrek Academy side, Yu Nanyuan, Wu Siduo, and Xu Yucheng corresponded to Long Chen. Luo Guixing, a control-type battle soul master, was in the middle, while Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan stood behind Luo Guixing.

Unlike Luo Guixing, who was eager to try and full of excitement, Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue both looked relaxed. They knew very well that this duel did not require them to perform at all.

The distance of one hundred meters passed in an instant, and the two sides looked at each other from a distance.

"The competition begins!" Following the middle-aged man's loud shout, both sides released their martial souls and soul rings at the same time.

A large number of purple soul rings rose up, which was the main tone of the younger generation of genius soul masters. Unless you are a soul master with a relatively special martial soul like Xu Yucheng, you can basically upgrade your soul to the thousand-year level through the Spirit Ascension Platform.

Even Luo Guixing, who returned to his family in Tiandou City this time, used special heavenly materials and earthly treasures to improve his physique, allowing the void insect soul to evolve to a thousand-year level. The feedback brought by the evolution of the soul even allowed him to break through to level 40 in one fell swoop, and successfully fused a second soul.

This is where Luo Guixing's confidence lies.

Long Chen's left foot was a little bit on the ground, his body suddenly rose, and he rushed towards Yu Nanyuan first. The dragon's roar rang out from his body, and his height increased by three inches, and four purple soul rings rose from his feet.

The second soul ring on his body flashed, and the dragon's roar became louder and louder.

The rolling sound waves lingered around his body like a substance, and pale golden light and shadow emerged, taking the shape of a giant dragon. A powerful light burst out.

Holy Dragon of Light! The top true dragon martial spirit is even stronger than the red armored dragon martial spirit of Troubled Times and Feng Wuyu's blazing dragon martial spirit.

As the ace of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, ranked second only to Wu Siduo on the young genius list, there is no doubt about Long Chen's talent. His Bright Holy Dragon Spirit is much more powerful than any of Wu Siduo's spirits.

Surrounded by the shadow of the bright holy dragon, Long Chen's figure rose into the air dozens of meters above.

Based on the second soul skill Dragon's Roar, the first soul ring and the fourth soul ring shine at the same time.

The first soul skill, Dragon Claw. The fourth soul skill, dragon power.

The blood of the bright holy dragon in the body was poured into the whole body, a pair of dragon claws bloomed with bright golden light, and a layer of golden dragon scales appeared on the surface of Long Chen's body.

Facing Yu Nanyuan, who was at the top of the young genius list, he burst out with all his strength as soon as he came up. He knew that only by suppressing Yu Nanyuan first could they have a chance.

Yu Nanyuan crossed the void with a calm expression, appeared in front of Long Chen in an instant, and punched out with a simple punch. The dazzling silver light bursting out from his right fist formed a sharp contrast with the golden light on Long Chen's dragon claws, and the sky was rendered into distinct gold and silver colors.

This sudden change caused Long Chen's pupils to shrink suddenly. However, due to his rich practical experience, he still responded in time.

A pair of dragon claws cross the body.

"Bang——" Fine spatial cracks appeared and spread in the sky, covering the entire place. Immediately afterwards, a terrifying space explosion force erupted, making the entire large spirit fighting arena feel like the earth was shaking.

In the next moment, Long Chen's arms dropped weakly, blood spurted from his mouth, and his eyes turned white. Unconscious, he fell from the sky and landed heavily on the ground.

The whole place was dead silent, even without the barrier of the soul guide shield, it was still eerily quiet.

Tenth on the Young Genius List, Bright Holy Dragon Soul Sect. After just one confrontation, Yu Nanyuan was completely defeated by Yu Nanyuan in a crushing manner.

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