Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 198 Three-legged Golden Toad Underground

Yu Nanyuan noticed the attention paid to him by the old man in the center of the rostrum when he first entered the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

Judging from the arrangement of seats, this old man should be the dean of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

He knew in his heart that the reason why the dean paid so much attention to him was probably because of his father, but this was not something he cared about.

Under the attention of the entire audience, Yu Nanyuan turned around and left. His calm face was neither sad nor happy, and there was no trace of the boasting or pride of a victor.

It seemed that just raising his hand to crush the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy team was just a trivial matter.

Whether it was the remaining conscious students of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy or the three-character battle armor master suspended in the sky, they were all looking at Yu Nanyuan with extremely complicated eyes.

They must admit that this was a crushing match without any suspense.

This is the gap between them and the genius of the world, an absolute gap.

Xue Liushuang and others were filled with despair and despair, and could not even think of catching up. At this time, Yu Nanyuan's tall figure gradually disappeared from sight, like a towering mountain standing in front of them, insurmountable.

When Yu Nanyuan passed by his side, Wu Siduo, Xu Yucheng, and Luo Guixing could not come to their senses, but followed him subconsciously.

Luo Guixing and Xu Yucheng looked at each other, both seeing the bitterness in each other's eyes.

Next to Yu Nanyuan, the halo of any proud man will appear dim and will eventually become a mere foil.

Wu Siduo did not feel as strong a sense of frustration as Luo Guixing and Xu Yucheng, and stared straight at Yu Nanyuan's back.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but pout again, with a full sense of crisis.

Only Gu Yue, who was at the back, understood the loneliness deep in Yu Nanyuan's heart. A little worry and pity appeared in her beautiful eyes, and she made up her mind to accompany and comfort Yu Nanyuan in private.

The dean of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy was also in a daze, with a complicated expression. After he reacts, he will have someone find Yu Nanyuan.

As the only son of his former junior disciple, Yu Nanyuan came to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy this time. He should take the initiative to explain the origin between them, both emotionally and logically.

But at this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"No need to interfere, just let him be."

"Yes, teacher." The dean of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy looked solemn and responded respectfully.

Underground of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

This is an endless metal space, with thick pale gold metal walls on all sides, full of texture. There are dense and complicated patterns imprinted on it, which are all similar to the existence of the core magic circle. Not only does it look extremely complex, it also has a magnificent feeling.

What's strange is that the metal walls in this space are not in a stable form, but are constantly flowing like a metallic liquid. The core array above is also constantly changing and then reorganized.

A dark golden figure appeared out of thin air in the center of this square golden space. Its whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of dark golden liquid, and its appearance could not be seen clearly. Only those pair of vicissitudes of life eyes are like looking at the death of all things in the world.

The golden light and shadow behind him condensed and turned into a huge three-legged golden toad, with dazzling golden color covering its whole body.

A group of strange golden liquid separated from the bulge on the back of the three-legged golden toad. Suddenly, the originally very stable metal space was about to collapse, as if it was about to escape from this world.

At the same time, Yu Nanyuan, who had already gotten into the elevator, suddenly raised his head and looked around thoughtfully.

At this moment, he found that the buildings of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy merged into a whole, as if they were alive. What surprised him the most was that such a change caused his martial spirit to react.

This special life form is like a soul beast or a human soul master with powerful bloodline power, and it contains extremely huge and terrifying energy.

However, such changes soon returned to calm, and everything that happened before seemed to be just an illusion.

Not long after, everyone had taken the soul guidance elevator and left the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy.

The game just now covered all the soul guidance screens in Mingdu. I don’t know how many people witnessed this duel, and it even caused an uproar in the entire Sun-Moon Federation.

People living nearby wanted to witness Yu Nanyuan defeating the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy team and sealing the entrance to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy.

A ray of light fell from the sky, and a streamlined high-altitude flying car hovered above everyone's heads.

The car door opened, and Wu Zhangkong's cold voice came from inside.


Everyone had received the text message from Wu Zhangkong before and was not surprised. One after another, they jumped up and got into the flying car.

Before that, Yu Nanyuan and Xu Yucheng did not forget to use the storage soul guidance device to put away the soul guidance car parked aside.

The high-altitude speeding car that Wu Zhangkong drove was different from the common high-altitude speeding cars here in Mingdu. It was almost the same size as a medium-sized soul bus.

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie had been notified long ago and were already sitting in the high-altitude flying car. In addition to the two of them, Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi were also there.

Wu Zhangkong's text message was sent to all the students in Class 1, Grade 1. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, students near Mingdu can take this high-altitude flying car back to Shrek City. Ye Xinglan and Xu Lizhi happened to arrive in Mingdu today, but they couldn't catch up with the showdown with the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

As the door closed, the high-altitude speeding car suddenly accelerated, soared into the air, and flew quickly towards the distance.

It was the first time to ride a high-altitude flying car, and everyone was somewhat uncomfortable with it.

Xu Xiaoyan, for example, looked at the high-altitude speeding car getting higher and higher from the ground through the car window, his face turned pale, and he quickly found a seat nearby and sat down.

Yu Nanyuan had piloted a mecha before, but was not affected at all. He sat in the window seat in front of Xu Xiaoyan with a normal expression.

Wu Siduo was about to step forward and sit next to Yu Nanyuan, but Gu Yue beat her to it.

Gu Yue glanced at Wu Siduo coldly, showing her strong side in front of Wu Siduo for the first time. Wu Siduo also sat on the other side of the aisle not to be outdone, looking at Gu Yue.

From Xu Xiaoyan's perspective, Gu Yue and Wu Siduo were definitely helping themselves by fighting against each other. She was so moved that she almost cried. She was extremely lucky to have Gu Yue, a good best friend, who could step forward and help her defend her territory when she was in bad condition.

Sister Gu Yue, she is really, I cry to death!

Yu Nanyuan himself was completely unaware of this. He was leaning on the car window, recalling the inexplicable feeling he had in the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

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