Douluo: The Legend of the Dragon King: Throne of the Void

Chapter 189 Donghai Academy Competition

In the early morning, the five tall buildings in the center of Donghai City were the first to see the dawn. These five tall buildings have always been the landmark buildings of Donghai City. They form a five-pointed star pattern and are magnificent.

A streamlined soul car slowly drove out of the underground garage of the third building. The bright silver slender body is particularly eye-catching, shining in the morning light.

After Yu Nanyuan drove the soul car into the broad street, he started to speed up and headed straight for Donghai College.

Yu Zhen had already arranged everything and had just notified him and Gu Yue using the soul communicator. A total of two public soul fighting competitions will be held today, and the venue will be Donghai Academy.

The first match was a two-on-two spirit battle between Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, and everything went according to normal procedures. After all, this is the final assessment of Shrek Academy, and there must be no fraud.

The second game Yu Nanyuan played was of a performance nature, mainly to help Donghai College promote enrollment.

I don't know if it has something to do with Xu Xiaoyan, but Yu Zhen hasn't told Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue about the opponent they need to face today.

The warm morning sun came into view. While driving, Yu Nanyuan did not forget to use the rearview mirror in the car to observe Gu Yue's reaction.

Because something like that happened again, Gu Yue deliberately sat in the back row as if she was in a mood.

It's not that she was angry, Gu Yue was more out of shame and anger in her heart.

The previous time in Shrek City, it only fell between the waist and hips. But last night, she fell asleep facing Yu Nanyuan, and it slipped directly from her lower abdomen.

Of course, it was impossible for Gu Yue to tell Yu Nanyuan these intimate details, and Yu Nanyuan had no way of knowing.

Gu Yue sat in a dignified posture, staring out the window with an expressionless face.

It's just that her heart is not as calm as she appears now, and her thoughts are even falling into endless internal friction.

After sleeping for tens of thousands of years, although Gu Yue has a simple mind, it does not mean that she does not understand common sense. After this time, there is indeed such a possibility, although the probability is very slim.

Yu Nanyuan has become accustomed to Gu Yue's temperament. Based on past experience, he knows that it is best not to disturb Gu Yue at this time.

In the silence between the two, the soul guide car quickly arrived at Donghai College. Enter from the main entrance of Tunghai College, then branch along the main campus road to both sides and enter the underground parking lot.

As luck would have it, a black soul car had just parked in the opposite parking space. Compared with Yu Nanyuan's soul car, which highlights the sporty style, this black soul car has a more business-like atmosphere and has more space.

The first two people to get down from the driver's seat and the passenger's seat were the brother and sister Xu Xiaoyu and Xu Xiaoyan.

Xu Xiaoyu helped open the back door of the soul guide car in a gentlemanly manner, and two people familiar to Yu Nanyuan got out.

They were two girls with completely different temperaments, both eighteen or nineteen years old.

The girl who came down from the front had long purple hair spread over her shoulders, and her eyes were also bright purple. The charming smile on her pretty face is very contagious, and there is a different kind of tenderness in every gesture.

"Zixin." The coldness on Xu Xiaoyu's face dissipated instantly when he looked at the girl. There was a sharp contrast.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but curl his lips.

Along the way, she had long been tired of watching. But if Yu Nanyuan could treat her like this, then she might not feel anything.

So people have double standards.

The other girl who came down behind Ouyang Zixin was naturally Tang Wulin's senior sister Mu Xi.

Mu Xi's height is particularly tall among girls, half a head taller than Ouyang Zixin. Her long golden hair was tied into a neat high ponytail, and she had her hands in her trouser pockets, giving her a somewhat heroic air.

Xu Xiaoyan happened to be standing next to Mu Xi, and her shortcomings in height were immediately exposed.

After entering adolescence, Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue had changed a lot over the years, but Xu Xiaoyan's situation was completely opposite. Her appearance and figure seemed to be frozen in the past, and the changes were minimal.

Xu Xiaoyan looked like a child in front of women like Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin who had lost their virginity.

At this time, everyone also noticed Yu Nanyuan's soul car opposite, as well as Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue who got out of the car one after another.

Seeing Gu Yue get out of the back seat of the soul guide car, Xu Xiaoyan became more and more convinced that there was nothing between Gu Yue and Yu Nanyuan. With excitement on her face, she jumped forward and hugged Gu Yue.

"Sister Gu Yue! Long time no see!"

"Brother Xiaoyu, Sister Zixin, Sister Muxi."

Yu Nanyuan smiled and said hello to Xu Xiaoyu and the others.

"Now it seems that our opponent this time should be you."

"Nanyuan, your opponent this time is me. I have already reached the fifth ring, are you sure?" Xu Xiaoyu said with strange eyes.

Over the years, he has practiced step by step, and his strength has improved rapidly. Especially after fusing the third soul of ten thousand years level.

Yu Nanyuan had just broken through to the Soul Sect realm more than a year ago, so Xu Xiaoyu had never thought about the possibility of Yu Nanyuan becoming a five-ring Soul King. But yesterday, Yu Zhen told him that he would go all out.

Yu Nanyuan chuckled softly and said: "Brother Xiaoyu, just use your strength as much as you can. You don't have to hold back."

"Nanyuan is right, let's not hold back this time. Don't forget, they are students of Shrek Academy." Mu Xi reminded her at the right time, looking at Yu Nanyuan, Xu Xiaoyan, and Gu Yue with a somewhat confused look. complex.

A year ago, Mu Chen specifically mentioned one thing to Mu Xi, which was to transfer to Shrek Academy.

However, Mu Xi refused and eventually graduated from the Advanced Department of Donghai College and completed her studies.

She knew that her father wanted to go to Shrek City for Tang Wulin, but she really didn't want to interact with Tang Wulin anymore. They were not the same people.

She won't be anyone's foil. If she stays here in Donghai City, she still has the possibility to challenge the divine craftsman.

Mu Xi knew that her cultivation talent was limited. A year ago, she began to use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to speed up the improvement of her soul power.

As Mu Chen's identity as the Eight-Star Saint Craftsman, it is not difficult to obtain some heavenly materials and earthly treasures that enhance soul power. What's more, there is also the relationship between the master craftsman Zhenhua.

However, using this kind of counterproductive method can certainly help her break through to the realm of Titled Douluo, but that's all in the future.

Mu Xi agreed to participate in this public soul fighting competition because she wanted to confirm her inner feelings.

Will she regret not going to Shrek Academy and choosing another path?

Ouyang Zixin smiled sweetly and said: "Xiaoxi, if you don't tell me, I haven't realized this yet. Nanyuan and Xiaoyan, who played behind us when we were young, are now students of Shrek Academy."

Shrek Academy is the dream place of all soul masters. Ouyang Zixin knew that she did not have that ability, but seeing Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyan become members of Shrek Academy, she felt somewhat disappointed.

While Gu Yue was dealing with Xu Xiaoyan, she also paid attention to the situation on Yu Nanyuan's side.

And whenever Yu Nanyuan looked over, she would avoid Yu Nanyuan's eyes uncomfortably.

At this moment, both Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyu received text messages from Yu Zhen.

"It's about to start over there, let's go there first."

A group of six people walked together towards the stadium of Donghai College.

As the status of Donghai College within the Tianhai Alliance has been rising, Donghai College has undergone considerable changes in recent years. Not only has the interior of the college been carefully divided into multiple areas, but also some new buildings have been added.

This open-air stadium located in the center of Donghai College was only built in recent years. Its architectural style is similar to the Tianhai Stadium that Yu Nanyuan once visited, but it is much smaller in scale.

But even so, it is more than enough to accommodate all the teachers and students of Donghai College.

All the students from the intermediate and advanced departments arrived and were distributed in the surrounding stands in an orderly manner under the leadership of the class teachers. In recent years, the student base of Donghai College has greatly increased. There was a huge crowd in the stands, and all kinds of noisy sounds could be heard.

Yu Zhen and a group of senior officials from Donghai College sat on the rostrum in the north of the stadium.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet for a moment. Now, please ask Dean Yu to say a few words for us." Long Hengxu's voice spread throughout the audience through the soul guide loudspeaker.

The eyes of everyone present were focused on the rostrum.

Long Hengxu sat down next to Yu Zhen and carefully helped Yu Zhen debug the equipment. Such behavior immediately drew the eyes of the senior dean on the other side of Yu Zhen.

In Tunghai College, the Intermediate Department and the Senior Department are independent of each other. Except for further studies, there is basically no overlap in daily affairs. There has always been a competitive relationship between the two deans.

Originally, the teaching director of the senior department had more say, but the enrollment work of the intermediate department has become more and more prosperous in recent years, attracting many high-quality students. It is no longer what it used to be.

Yu Zhen has always been relatively friendly to others. He looked around and smiled slightly.

"Students, for today's competition, we have invited three outstanding graduates from the academy's advanced department and three outstanding students who have been admitted to Shrek Academy. They were even studying in the academy a few years ago, which is not what you imagined. is so far away. The purpose of organizing this competition is very simple, it is to let you understand how far truly outstanding peers can reach. If you want to reach the heights they are at, what kind of goals should you set. "

"Now, please welcome their arrival." After Yu Zhen finished saying this, the whole place was filled with excitement.

Especially in the scene where Yu Nanyuan and others walked into the stadium from both sides, the cheers reached another peak.

In the center of the stadium is a huge competition stage. There is a strict soul guidance shield arranged around it to prevent energy from leaking out and causing accidental injuries.

Yu Nanyuan, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan walked in from the north side of the stadium, while Xu Xiaoyu, Ouyang Zixin, and Mu Xi walked in from the opposite south side of the stadium. The two sides stand on both sides of the competition table.

Yu Zhen turned to look at Long Hengxu, nodded slightly.

"Hengxu, you will be the host next."

"Yes, Dean." Long Hengxu responded excitedly.

He believed that after this incident, Donghai College would be unparalleled in the limelight for a while, and he needed to firmly seize this opportunity.

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