A crisp scream resounded through the sky, and Long Hengxu stood up from the rostrum. A pair of huge cyan wings spread out behind him, driving his body towards the competition stage. Two yellows, three purples, and five soul rings were slowly beating around him.

Under the influence of his strong soul power, his scream directly drowned out the cheers of the students present.

As the teaching director of the intermediate department of Donghai College, Long Hengxu had been a senior soul king many years ago. Judging from his current performance, his soul power cultivation is probably not far away from the sixth-ring Soul Emperor realm.

And his martial spirit is also quite strong. His martial spirit is called Qingpeng, and he was known as the largest flying spirit beast in ancient times and ancient times.

Long Hengxu landed in the center of the competition stage. He did not use a loudspeaker soul guide, but purely used his soul power to spread his voice throughout the audience. This method is obviously more shocking.

"Today's two competitions will be hosted by me. The first competition will be a two-on-two team battle. Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi, who just graduated from the college's senior department this year, will compete against each other from the college's intermediate department. Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue are directly admitted to Shrek Academy. Now please prepare for both sides."

Long Hengxu’s introduction was very concise.

When Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi were in the intermediate department, they were known as the two campus beauties of Donghai College, and their popularity has always been high. The students of Donghai College have more or less heard about the two of them, and there is no need for him to introduce them too much.

As for Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue, just mentioning the words Shrek Academy can explain everything.

The most critical thing is the next showdown between Yu Nanyuan and Xu Xiaoyu.

The cheers of the students present fully reflected the popularity of Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi in Donghai College.

Relatively speaking, Ouyang Zixin, who treats others gently, has a higher voice.

There are relatively few students who are familiar with Xu Xiaoyan and Gu Yue. After all, except for the period when school first started that year, the teaching of Class Zero is conducted alone, and there is almost no interaction with students in other classes.

Xu Xiaoyan chuckled and took Gu Yue's hand.

"Sister Gu Yue, I won't paddle this time. I have to behave well and cooperate with you."


Only when Xu Xiaoyan interrupted her thoughts did Gu Yue come back to her senses. Then he and Xu Xiaoyan crossed Yu Nanyuan and boarded the competition stage.

The combination on the other side is naturally Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi.

Mu Xi looked at Gu Yue with a slight frown.

The game between Yu Nanyuan and Gu Yue in the freshman promotion competition left a very deep impression on her. Gu Yue, who was only at the second level of cultivation at that time, showed great strength far beyond that of a soul master of the same level. The control and combination of various elements are difficult to guard against.

After so many years, Gu Yue's strength must have improved by leaps and bounds.

The focus of this game must be on Gu Yue.

Although Xu Xiaoyan's starlight soul skills were powerful, they lacked attack power. Just suppress them at the same time and don't give them a chance to show off.

As for Ouyang Zixin, she is not as competitive as Mu Xi.

She doesn't like fighting by nature, and she doesn't want to prove or confirm anything. She participated in this sparring match solely to accompany Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyu.

"Both sides are ready, start!" Long Hengxu raised his right hand to signal, and then swung it down suddenly.

Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi were the first to start.

Purple light circulated, and a pair of transparent and bright butterfly wings condensed behind Ouyang Zixin. Gorgeous patterns were intertwined on the pair of butterfly wings, and as they waved, she rose into the sky gracefully.

Two yellow and two purple are the four best matched soul rings.

In the Tianhai Alliance, the standard for outstanding graduates from the Intermediate Soul Master Academy is to reach the fourth-ring Soul Sect cultivation level.

Mu Xi is also a four-ring soul sect with the best soul ring ratio, but with the help of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures that enhance her soul power, her soul power has now reached level 47.

She crossed her hands on her chest and lifted them up, and a dazzling golden-red light suddenly burst out from her body. Just above her white palms that held up the sky, there was a fireball like the sun suspended.

The first soul ring shone brightly, and golden light filled the sky suddenly shot out from it. The terrifying high temperature caused the surrounding air to distort, and the hot breath invaded the bodies of Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan pervasively.

It has to be said that Mu Xi's Yaoyang Martial Spirit is indeed powerful, almost like a long-range soul cannon. In terms of attack power alone, it is not comparable to any of Gu Yue's elements.

Sun-type martial spirits have always been the top martial spirits, but they are also different from each other. Some prefer high temperatures, some prefer light, or both.

Mu Xi's Yaoyang Martial Spirit is prone to terrifying high temperatures, and its destructive power is astonishing. Even in Shrek Academy, where geniuses gather, her radiant martial soul is enough to be among the best.

Purple, purple, purple, purple.

Four circles of purple soul rings appeared one after another from Gu Yue's feet, and a ball of icy blue light rose into the sky from her hands, and then turned into ice cones and scattered in the air. Under the control of her spiritual abyss realm cultivation, each ice cone accurately intercepted a golden beam of light.

The ice pick and the beam touched, and both parties melted instantly. The water mist rose on the competition stage and made a rapid "chichi" sound.

Mu Xi's expression became solemn, and her blue eyes sparkled.

From this confrontation, the gap between them can already be seen. Gu Yue arrived first, and her control over soul skills and elements was obviously far superior to hers.

The advantage in soul power cultivation is no longer the decisive factor that can influence the outcome.

Suddenly, a magnificent light appeared silently at Mu Xi's feet, and starlight chains were wrapped around it. It was Xu Xiaoyan's first soul skill, the Star Wheel Chain.

Xu Xiaoyan was holding a golden star staff and smiling brightly.

Yu Zhen is here in person today, so of course she needs to perform well. She already has the natural advantage of being a childhood sweetheart, and if she can get Yu Zhen's approval, she really can't imagine how she will lose in the future.

However, before the star wheel chain was fully established, Mu Xi's figure became illusory, and her true body appeared ten meters away in an instant.

The second soul skill is Magic Sun Rainbow. This is a life-saving magical skill that is not inferior to teleportation. It can not only change directions, but also escape the lock of soul skills.

At the same time, Ouyang Zixin swooped down from the air towards Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan. The first and third soul rings around him lit up one after another, and a pair of dazzling purple butterfly wings overlapped together, slashing out a purple light blade that was more than fifteen meters long.

The first soul skill, Purple Butterfly Wings of Light. The third soul skill, Butterfly Wing Slash.

Ouyang Zixin and Mu Xi have known each other for many years and have a perfect understanding of each other. It happened to be that Xu Xiaoyan had just activated her soul skills, so she could not immediately use other soul skills to restrict her.

Ouyang Zixin combined her first and third soul skills to create a solid light blade with restrained energy and a sharp aura. In terms of martial spirit quality, Ouyang Zixin's Purple Light Shadow Butterfly Spirit is actually not much inferior to Mu Xi's Yaoyang Spirit.

Gu Yue waved her hands, and dense green wind blades shot out. Although these wind blades are small, they are more numerous.

After the wind element is compressed to a certain extent, it will have the property of decomposition.

The purple light blade released by Ouyang Zixin was wiped out by countless wind blades. Ouyang Zixin was also forced to retreat and climbed higher into the sky.

Taking advantage of this gap, the light in Mu Xi's eyes became extremely clear, and the bright sun suspended above his head suddenly shot out thousands of bright lights, illuminating the entire competition stage into a brilliant golden-red world.

The fourth ranked purple soul ring is radiating with a luxurious purple halo.

Yu Nanyuan's eyes were slightly focused at the edge of the field, while Xu Xiaoyu had a look of surprise on his face.

Mu Xi's fourth soul skill is clearly a domain soul skill.

Entering the age of souls, soul masters can more easily obtain domain-based soul skills by choosing to fuse specific souls, but this has extremely high requirements for the quality of the martial soul and soul, as well as the compatibility between the two.

Normally, only souls with ten thousand years of cultivation or above would have the possibility to bestow domain-like soul skills on a soul master.

Xu Xiaoyu fused the soul of a ten-thousand-year-old ice bear at level 50, but his fifth soul skill of large-scale control was not yet considered a true realm.

A true domain soul skill should be like Yu Nanyuan's fourth soul skill Dimensional Cage, in which all abilities of a soul master will be greatly improved.

From this we can see that Mu Xi has the rare advantage of being able to possess domain-like soul skills even though she is a member of the Fourth Ring Soul Sect.

As for the students in the stands, they were more attracted by the various wonderful soul skills on the competition stage.

When the entire competition stage was illuminated by the golden red light, Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan felt the most obvious. Not only was his vision affected, but he could no longer sense Mu Xi's aura at all.

This is one of the typical characteristics of domain-like soul skills.

The temperature on the competition stage also continued to rise due to the shroud of these golden-red lights, as if the earth was flooding with magma.

Mu Xi stared straight ahead. Ouyang Zixin's martial spirit had the ability to fly and could leave her domain without being affected. But Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan could only be suppressed by her radiant fourth domain soul skill.

She was not in a hurry. This domain-like soul skill can not only increase the temperature to burn and consume the opponent, but more importantly, it can condense the energy from the sun in the sky. The longer it lasts, the greater the energy drawn from the sun, and she can control this energy herself.

When the savings reach the limit that they can bear and then explode, the power can be imagined.

Mu Xi's eyes were filled with stubbornness. Although she had never thought of becoming a top soul master, if she could defeat Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan, who had already been admitted to Shrek Academy, she would be more confident when facing her father.

But in the next moment, a sudden change occurred.

Gu Yue held a slender silver staff in both hands. The light ball at the top of the staff was like a whale sucking water, absorbing the golden-red light on the competition stage. The color of the gem also turned into a pure golden red, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

"How can it be?!"

Mu Xi's expression changed drastically, and the scene in front of her was beyond her comprehension.

Without thinking more, Mu Xi raised her hands high, and the third soul ring around her shone brightly.

She also began to concentrate and absorb the solar energy accumulated on the competition stage, and competed with Gu Yue. The golden-red light in the air above the competition stage seemed to have formed two funnels, converging towards two points.

There is no doubt that one of the points is the gem on the top of the staff in Gu Yue's hand, and the other is the shining sun above Mu Xi's head.

The condensation and compression of the sun's energy turned Mu Xi's radiant sun and the gem on the top of Gu Yue's staff into a deep dark red. Moreover, the energy fluctuations contained in Gu Yue's staff gem were even more intense.

Although Mu Xi had a bad premonition in her heart, she was already ready to shoot.

A dark red beam of light with a diameter of more than one meter burst out from the bright sun. The third soul skill, the blazing sun light!

And something that made Mu Xi unbelievable still happened. A dark red beam of light also burst out from the top of Gu Yue's staff, swaying Mu Xi's blazing divine light in all directions.

After only a moment of stalemate, Mu Xi's blazing divine light was completely swallowed up.

Terrifying energy fluctuations and hot breath swept across, causing ripples to appear on the soul shield around the competition stage. A solid group of dark red light shone in the center of the competition stage, like a real sun falling into the world.

Long Hengxu didn't dare to neglect and took action in time to save Mu Xi.

On the other side, Xu Xiaoyan holding a golden star staff and Gu Yue holding a silver staff stood side by side, creating an inexplicable sense of symmetry. Affected by the energy aftermath, their long hair was flying behind their heads.

Xu Xiaoyan's pretty face was filled with a smile, but Gu Yue remained expressionless.

Ouyang Zixin, who was high in the sky, had a strange color in her beautiful eyes.

Mu Xi was eliminated, which meant that the suspense of this game had been lost. On her own, she was definitely no match for Gu Yue and Xu Xiaoyan.

However, Ouyang Zixin was more consistent and made the final resistance.

The pair of purple butterfly wings behind her were shining brightly, and purple light rain poured out from them. The fourth soul skill, Purple Butterfly Light Rain.

"Sister Gu Yue, leave it to me." Xu Xiaoyan smiled and raised the star staff in his hand.

The second soul ring and the third soul ring beside him alternately shine.

A circle of brilliant golden light enveloped her and Gu Yue's bodies, like a mirror, and all the purple light rain falling on it was instantly reflected.

Her second soul skill, Starlight Feedback, and her third soul skill, Starlight Brilliance, are both group control soul skills, but combining the two can achieve this special effect.

Starlight is used to enhance the effect of starlight feedback, which can perfectly reflect the energy of light attributes.

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